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hangar wordpress theme

side menu and logos howto

The side panel is controlled throght menus and widgets.


The menu shows the content of "Zona de ginys primaria" or "Primary widgets area", inside we have different widgets to control the menus

Each menu widget calls a submenu.


The menus content is changed in the menus control pannel

names now are defined by "order" but names can be changed as well content

logo howto

To change logo change content of images/logo.gif to desired logo to be displayed wich is called in file header.php line #94

opciones de las páginas de artistas

editar el docuemnto seccions.php para controlar la visualización de las páginas

if ($pare == 2) : //artistes residents
  $tipus = 'art';
elseif ($pare == 46565) : //artistes residents estada curta
    $tipus = 'art';
elseif ($pare == 136) :  //desc+arregues
  $tipus = 'desc';
elseif ($pare == 74) :  //equip
  $tipus = 'equip';
elseif ($pare == 40378) :  //patronat
  $tipus = 'equip';
  $tipus = 'pag';