2021-10-26 14:18:09 +02:00

270 lines
7.7 KiB

# gulp changelog
## 4.0.0
### Task system changes
- replaced 3.x task system (orchestrator) with new task system (bach)
- removed gulp.reset
- removed 3 argument syntax for `gulp.task`
- `gulp.task` should only be used when you will call the task with the CLI
- added `gulp.series` and `gulp.parallel` methods for composing tasks. Everything must use these now.
- added single argument syntax for `gulp.task` which allows a named function to be used as the name of the task and task function.
- added `gulp.tree` method for retrieving the task tree. Pass `{ deep: true }` for an `archy` compatible node list.
- added `gulp.registry` for setting custom registries.
### CLI changes
- split CLI out into a module if you want to save bandwidth/disk space. you can install the gulp CLI using either `npm install gulp -g` or `npm install gulp-cli -g`, where gulp-cli is the smaller one (no module code included)
- add `--tasks-json` flag to CLI to dump the whole tree out for other tools to consume
- added `--verify` flag to check the dependencies in package.json against the plugin blacklist.
### vinyl/vinyl-fs changes
- added `gulp.symlink` which functions exactly like `gulp.dest`, but symlinks instead.
- added `dirMode` param to `gulp.dest` and `gulp.symlink` which allows better control over the mode of the destination folder that is created.
- globs passed to `gulp.src` will be evaluated in order, which means this is possible `gulp.src(['*.js', '!b*.js', 'bad.js'])` (exclude every JS file that starts with a b except bad.js)
- performance for gulp.src has improved massively
- `gulp.src(['**/*', '!b.js'])` will no longer eat CPU since negations happen during walking now
- added `since` option to `gulp.src` which lets you only match files that have been modified since a certain date (for incremental builds)
- fixed `gulp.src` not following symlinks
- added `overwrite` option to `gulp.dest` which allows you to enable or disable overwriting of existing files
## 3.9.1
- update interpret to 1.0.0 (support for babel-register)
- fix to include manpages in published tarball
- documentation/recipe updates
## 3.9.0
- add babel support
- add transpiler fallback support
- add support for some renamed transpilers: livescript, etc
- add JSCS
- update dependencies (liftoff, interpret)
- documentation tweaks
## 3.8.11
- fix node 0.12/iojs problems
- add node 0.12 and iojs to travis
- update dependencies (liftoff, v8flags)
- documentation tweaks
## 3.8.10
- add link to spanish docs
- update dependencies (archy, semver, mocha, etc)
- documentation tweaks
## 3.8.9
- fix local version undefined output
- add completion for fish shell
- fix powershell completion line splitting
- add support for arbitrary node flags (oops, should have been a minor bump)
- add v8flags dependency
- update dependencies (liftoff)
- documentation tweaks
## 3.8.8
- update dependencies (minimist, tildify)
- documentation tweaks
## 3.8.7
- handle errors a bit better
- update dependencies (gulp-util, semver, etc)
- documentation tweaks
## 3.8.6
- remove executable flag from LICENSE
- update dependencies (chalk, minimist, liftoff, etc)
- documentation tweaks
## 3.8.5
- simplify --silent and --tasks-simple
- fix bug in autocomplete where errors would come out
## 3.8.4
- CLI will use exit code 1 on exit when any task fails during the lifetime of the process
## 3.8.3
- Tweak error formatting to work better with PluginErrors and strings
## 3.8.2
- add manpage generation
## 3.8.1
- the CLI now adds process.env.INIT_CWD which is the original cwd it was launched from
## 3.8.0
- update vinyl-fs
- gulp.src is now a writable passthrough, this means you can use it to add files to your pipeline at any point
- gulp.dest can now take a function to determine the folder
This is now possible!
// I don't know, you can do something cool here
return 'build/whatever';
## 3.7.0
- update vinyl-fs to remove BOM from UTF8 files
- add --tasks-simple flag for plaintext task listings
- updated autocomplete scripts to be simpler and use new --tasks-simple flag
- added support for transpilers via liftoff 0.11 and interpret
- just npm install your compiler (coffee-script for example) and it will work out of the box
## 3.5.5
- update deps
- gulp.dest now support mode option, uses source file mode by default (file.stat.mode)
- use chalk for colors in bin
- update gulp.env deprecation msg to be more helpful
## 3.5.2
- add -V for version on CLI (unix standard)
- -v is deprecated, use -V
- add -T as an alias for --tasks
- documentation
## 3.5
- added `, tasksArray)` sugar
- remove gulp.taskQueue
- deprecate
- deprecate gulp.env
- add engineStrict to prevent people with node < 0.9 from installing
## 3.4
- added `--tasks` that prints out the tree of tasks + deps
- global cli + local install mismatch is no longer fatal
- remove tests for fs stuff
- switch core src, dest, and watch to vinyl-fs
- internal cleaning
## 3.3.4
- `--base` is now `--cwd`
## 3.3.3
- support for `--base` CLI arg to change where the search for gulpfile/`--require`s starts
- support for `--gulpfile` CLI arg to point to a gulpfile specifically
## 3.3.0
- file.contents streams are no longer paused coming out of src
- dest now passes files through before they are empty to fix passing to multiple dests
## 3.2.4
- Bug fix - we didn't have any CLI tests
## 3.2.3
- Update dependencies for bug fixes
- autocomplete stuff in the completion folder
## 3.2
- File object is now [vinyl](
- .watch() is now [glob-watcher](
- Fix CLI -v when no gulpfile found
- gulp-util updated
- Logging moved to CLI bin file
- Will cause double logging if you update global CLI to 3.2 but not local
- Will cause no logging if you update local to 3.1 but not global CLI
- Drop support for < 0.9
## 3.1.3
- Move isStream and isBuffer to gulp-util
## 3.1
- Move file class to gulp-util
## 3.0
- Ability to pass multiple globs and glob negations to glob-stream
- Breaking change to the way glob-stream works
- File object is now a class
- file.shortened changed to file.relative
- file.cwd added
- Break out getStats to avoid nesting
- Major code reorganization
## 2.7
- Breaking change to the way options are passed to glob-stream
- Introduce new File object to ease pain of computing shortened names (now a getter)
## 2.4 - 2.6
- Moved stuff to gulp-util
- Quit exposing createGlobStream (just use the glob-stream module)
- More logging
- Prettier time durations
- Tons of documentation changes
- gulp.trigger(tasks...) as a through stream
## 1.2-2.4 (11/12/13)
- src buffer=false fixed for 0.8 and 0.9 (remember to .resume() on these versions before consuming)
- CLI completely rewritten
- Colorful logging
- Uses local version of gulp to run tasks
- Uses findup to locate gulpfile (so you can run it anywhere in your project)
- chdir to gulpfile directory before loading it
- Correct exit codes on errors
- silent flag added to gulp to disable logging
- Fixes to task orchestration (3rd party)
- Better support for globbed directories (thanks @robrich)
## 1.2 (10/28/13)
- Can specify buffer=false on src streams to make file.content a stream
- Can specify read=false on src streams to disable file.content
## 1.1 (10/21/13)
- Can specify run callback
- Can specify task dependencies
- Tasks can accept callback or return promise
- `gulp.verbose` exposes run-time internals
## 1.0 (9/26/13)
- Specify dependency versions
- Updated docs
## 0.2 (8/6/13)
- Rename .files() to .src() and .folder() to .dest()
## 0.1 (7/18/13)
- Initial Release