2021-10-26 14:18:09 +02:00

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Tooltip Tooltips? More like <em>Cooltips</em>. But really though, tooltips are nifty for displaying extended information for a term or action on a page. PJMYScItyP4 scss/components/_tooltip.scss js/foundation.tooltip.js

Basic Tooltip

By default, a tooltip appears below the defined term on hover.

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The <span data-tooltip tabindex="1" title="Fancy word for a beetle.">scarabaeus</span> hung quite
clear of any branches, and, if allowed to fall, would have fallen at our feet.

Tooltip Top

To get a tip-top top tooltip (lol), just add the class .top to the <span> element.

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edit on codepen button
The <span data-tooltip class="top" tabindex="2" title="Fancy word for a beetle.">scarabaeus</span>
hung quite clear of any branches, and, if allowed to fall, would have fallen at our feet.

Tooltip clicking

By default, clicking on a tooltip will leave it open until you click somewhere else. However, you can disable that by adding data-click-open="false"

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<span data-tooltip class="top" tabindex="2" title="You see?  I'm open!">
  tooltip will stay open
<span data-tooltip class="top" data-click-open="false" tabindex="2" title="I don't stay open">
  this one will only be open when hovered

Tooltip Right and Left

You can also position the tooltips to the right and left of the word by adding the classes .right or .left to the <span> element.

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When using Foundation in right-to-left mode, "right" still means right, and "left" still means left.

edit on codepen button
When he was dressed he went down the hall into the
<span data-tooltip class="right" tabindex="3" title="Aligned on the right">kitchen</span>.
The table was almost hidden beneath all Dudley's birthday presents. It looked as though
<span data-tooltip class="left" tabindex="4" title="Aligned on the left">Dudley</span>
had gotten the new computer he wanted, not to mention the second television and the racing bike.

Explicit Positioning

New in v6.4: Heads up! This explicit positioning model is a new feature in v6.4.

Now with tooltips you can define both positions for the tip. These tooltips have a fully explicit positioning model through which you can use both data-position and data-alignment to define both positions of the box.

These dropdowns sets various positioning and alignments. Valid positions are left/right/top/bottom. Valid alignments are left/right/top/bottom/center. Left align means left sides should line up. Right align means right sides should line up. Center align means centers should line up.

Top and Bottom positioned

<button class="button" type="button" data-tooltip tabindex="1" title="Fancy word for a beetle." data-position="bottom" data-alignment="left">
  Bottom Left

<button class="button" type="button"  data-tooltip tabindex="1" title="Fancy word for a beetle." data-position="bottom" data-alignment="center">
  Bottom Center

<button class="button" type="button" data-tooltip tabindex="1" title="Fancy word for a beetle." data-position="bottom" data-alignment="right">
  Bottom Right

<button class="button" type="button" data-tooltip tabindex="1" title="Fancy word for a beetle." data-position="top" data-alignment="left">
  Top Left

<button class="button" type="button" data-tooltip tabindex="1" title="Fancy word for a beetle." data-position="top" data-alignment="center">
  Top Center

<button class="button" type="button" data-tooltip tabindex="1" title="Fancy word for a beetle." data-position="top" data-alignment="right">
  Top Right

Left and Right Positioned

<button class="button" type="button" data-tooltip tabindex="1" title="Fancy word for a beetle." data-position="right" data-alignment="top">
  Right Top

<button class="button" type="button" data-tooltip tabindex="1" title="Fancy word for a beetle." data-position="left" data-alignment="top">
  Left Top

<button class="button" type="button" data-tooltip tabindex="1" title="Fancy word for a beetle." data-position="right" data-alignment="center">
  Right Center

<button class="button" type="button" data-tooltip tabindex="1" title="Fancy word for a beetle." data-position="left" data-alignment="center">
  Left Center

<button class="button" type="button" data-tooltip tabindex="1" title="Fancy word for a beetle." data-position="right" data-alignment="bottom">
  Right Bottom

<button class="button" type="button" data-tooltip tabindex="1" title="Fancy word for a beetle." data-position="left" data-alignment="bottom">
  Left Bottom