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Resouce templates

Resources describe content. json files can be used to import these resources.

ArcHIVE_Base template

A list of properties that are commons to all arcHIVE resources

  • Title: dcterms:title ✓
  • Author: (artist, collective, scientist...) dcterms:creator ✓
  • Date: dcterms:date Numeric:Timestamp ✓
  • Summary: bibo:shortDescription ✓
  • Rights: TODO
  • License: dcterms:license Hangar:License-Types ✓
  • Extended description: dcterms:description ✓
  • Keywords: TODO

Physical object

Omeka Class: Physical Object

  • Size
  • Dimension Height (cm)
  • Dimension Width (cm)
  • Dimension Length (cm)
  • Weight (kg)
  • Volume structure: (flat or 3D)
  • Volume state: (flexible or rigid)
  • Raw Material(s): Materials or substances used in the primary production or manufacturing of the item
  • Glossiness: The property of being smooth and shiny. burnish, polish, gloss
  • Color: the property possessed by an object of producing different sensations on the eye as a result of the way it reflects or emits light.
  • Transport: movable or fixed
  • Status: dcterms:type: Custom vocab [stable, unstable, living, dead(fixed or decaying), inert] ✓
  • Lifespan: dcterms:date Numeric:Duration ✓
  • Life cycle

Digital content

All digital content share these same properties

  • Creators of digitization files:
  • Contributors for the digitization:
  • Uploader. Who uploaded it.



