2024-01-09 16:13:20 +01:00

914 lines
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* PHPCompatibility, an external standard for PHP_CodeSniffer.
* @package PHPCompatibility
* @copyright 2012-2019 PHPCompatibility Contributors
* @license https://opensource.org/licenses/LGPL-3.0 LGPL3
* @link https://github.com/PHPCompatibility/PHPCompatibility
namespace PHPCompatibility\Sniffs\Classes;
use PHPCompatibility\AbstractNewFeatureSniff;
use PHP_CodeSniffer_File as File;
* Detect use of new PHP native classes.
* The sniff analyses the following constructs to find usage of new classes:
* - Class instantiation using the `new` keyword.
* - (Anonymous) Class declarations to detect new classes being extended by userland classes.
* - Static use of class properties, constants or functions using the double colon.
* - Function/closure declarations to detect new classes used as parameter type declarations.
* - Function/closure declarations to detect new classes used as return type declarations.
* - Try/catch statements to detect new exception classes being caught.
* PHP version All
* @since 5.5
* @since 5.6 Now extends the base `Sniff` class.
* @since 7.1.0 Now extends the `AbstractNewFeatureSniff` class.
class NewClassesSniff extends AbstractNewFeatureSniff
* A list of new classes, not present in older versions.
* The array lists : version number with false (not present) or true (present).
* If's sufficient to list the first version where the class appears.
* @since 5.5
* @var array(string => array(string => bool))
protected $newClasses = array(
'ArrayObject' => array(
'4.4' => false,
'5.0' => true,
'ArrayIterator' => array(
'4.4' => false,
'5.0' => true,
'CachingIterator' => array(
'4.4' => false,
'5.0' => true,
'DirectoryIterator' => array(
'4.4' => false,
'5.0' => true,
'RecursiveDirectoryIterator' => array(
'4.4' => false,
'5.0' => true,
'RecursiveIteratorIterator' => array(
'4.4' => false,
'5.0' => true,
'php_user_filter' => array(
'4.4' => false,
'5.0' => true,
'tidy' => array(
'4.4' => false,
'5.0' => true,
'SimpleXMLElement' => array(
'5.0.0' => false,
'5.0.1' => true,
'tidyNode' => array(
'5.0.0' => false,
'5.0.1' => true,
'libXMLError' => array(
'5.0' => false,
'5.1' => true,
'PDO' => array(
'5.0' => false,
'5.1' => true,
'PDOStatement' => array(
'5.0' => false,
'5.1' => true,
'AppendIterator' => array(
'5.0' => false,
'5.1' => true,
'EmptyIterator' => array(
'5.0' => false,
'5.1' => true,
'FilterIterator' => array(
'5.0' => false,
'5.1' => true,
'InfiniteIterator' => array(
'5.0' => false,
'5.1' => true,
'IteratorIterator' => array(
'5.0' => false,
'5.1' => true,
'LimitIterator' => array(
'5.0' => false,
'5.1' => true,
'NoRewindIterator' => array(
'5.0' => false,
'5.1' => true,
'ParentIterator' => array(
'5.0' => false,
'5.1' => true,
'RecursiveArrayIterator' => array(
'5.0' => false,
'5.1' => true,
'RecursiveCachingIterator' => array(
'5.0' => false,
'5.1' => true,
'RecursiveFilterIterator' => array(
'5.0' => false,
'5.1' => true,
'SimpleXMLIterator' => array(
'5.0' => false,
'5.1' => true,
'SplFileObject' => array(
'5.0' => false,
'5.1' => true,
'XMLReader' => array(
'5.0' => false,
'5.1' => true,
'SplFileInfo' => array(
'5.1.1' => false,
'5.1.2' => true,
'SplTempFileObject' => array(
'5.1.1' => false,
'5.1.2' => true,
'XMLWriter' => array(
'5.1.1' => false,
'5.1.2' => true,
'DateTime' => array(
'5.1' => false,
'5.2' => true,
'DateTimeZone' => array(
'5.1' => false,
'5.2' => true,
'RegexIterator' => array(
'5.1' => false,
'5.2' => true,
'RecursiveRegexIterator' => array(
'5.1' => false,
'5.2' => true,
'ReflectionFunctionAbstract' => array(
'5.1' => false,
'5.2' => true,
'ZipArchive' => array(
'5.1' => false,
'5.2' => true,
'Closure' => array(
'5.2' => false,
'5.3' => true,
'DateInterval' => array(
'5.2' => false,
'5.3' => true,
'DatePeriod' => array(
'5.2' => false,
'5.3' => true,
'finfo' => array(
'5.2' => false,
'5.3' => true,
'Collator' => array(
'5.2' => false,
'5.3' => true,
'NumberFormatter' => array(
'5.2' => false,
'5.3' => true,
'Locale' => array(
'5.2' => false,
'5.3' => true,
'Normalizer' => array(
'5.2' => false,
'5.3' => true,
'MessageFormatter' => array(
'5.2' => false,
'5.3' => true,
'IntlDateFormatter' => array(
'5.2' => false,
'5.3' => true,
'Phar' => array(
'5.2' => false,
'5.3' => true,
'PharData' => array(
'5.2' => false,
'5.3' => true,
'PharFileInfo' => array(
'5.2' => false,
'5.3' => true,
'FilesystemIterator' => array(
'5.2' => false,
'5.3' => true,
'GlobIterator' => array(
'5.2' => false,
'5.3' => true,
'MultipleIterator' => array(
'5.2' => false,
'5.3' => true,
'RecursiveTreeIterator' => array(
'5.2' => false,
'5.3' => true,
'SplDoublyLinkedList' => array(
'5.2' => false,
'5.3' => true,
'SplFixedArray' => array(
'5.2' => false,
'5.3' => true,
'SplHeap' => array(
'5.2' => false,
'5.3' => true,
'SplMaxHeap' => array(
'5.2' => false,
'5.3' => true,
'SplMinHeap' => array(
'5.2' => false,
'5.3' => true,
'SplObjectStorage' => array(
'5.2' => false,
'5.3' => true,
'SplPriorityQueue' => array(
'5.2' => false,
'5.3' => true,
'SplQueue' => array(
'5.2' => false,
'5.3' => true,
'SplStack' => array(
'5.2' => false,
'5.3' => true,
'ResourceBundle' => array(
'5.3.1' => false,
'5.3.2' => true,
'CallbackFilterIterator' => array(
'5.3' => false,
'5.4' => true,
'RecursiveCallbackFilterIterator' => array(
'5.3' => false,
'5.4' => true,
'ReflectionZendExtension' => array(
'5.3' => false,
'5.4' => true,
'SessionHandler' => array(
'5.3' => false,
'5.4' => true,
'SNMP' => array(
'5.3' => false,
'5.4' => true,
'Transliterator' => array(
'5.3' => false,
'5.4' => true,
'Spoofchecker' => array(
'5.3' => false,
'5.4' => true,
'Generator' => array(
'5.4' => false,
'5.5' => true,
'CURLFile' => array(
'5.4' => false,
'5.5' => true,
'DateTimeImmutable' => array(
'5.4' => false,
'5.5' => true,
'IntlCalendar' => array(
'5.4' => false,
'5.5' => true,
'IntlGregorianCalendar' => array(
'5.4' => false,
'5.5' => true,
'IntlTimeZone' => array(
'5.4' => false,
'5.5' => true,
'IntlBreakIterator' => array(
'5.4' => false,
'5.5' => true,
'IntlRuleBasedBreakIterator' => array(
'5.4' => false,
'5.5' => true,
'IntlCodePointBreakIterator' => array(
'5.4' => false,
'5.5' => true,
'UConverter' => array(
'5.4' => false,
'5.5' => true,
'GMP' => array(
'5.5' => false,
'5.6' => true,
'IntlChar' => array(
'5.6' => false,
'7.0' => true,
'ReflectionType' => array(
'5.6' => false,
'7.0' => true,
'ReflectionGenerator' => array(
'5.6' => false,
'7.0' => true,
'ReflectionClassConstant' => array(
'7.0' => false,
'7.1' => true,
'FFI' => array(
'7.3' => false,
'7.4' => true,
'FFI\CData' => array(
'7.3' => false,
'7.4' => true,
'FFI\CType' => array(
'7.3' => false,
'7.4' => true,
'ReflectionReference' => array(
'7.3' => false,
'7.4' => true,
'WeakReference' => array(
'7.3' => false,
'7.4' => true,
* A list of new Exception classes, not present in older versions.
* The array lists : version number with false (not present) or true (present).
* If's sufficient to list the first version where the class appears.
* {@internal Classes listed here do not need to be added to the $newClasses
* property as well.
* This list is automatically added to the $newClasses property
* in the `register()` method.}
* {@internal Helper to update this list: https://3v4l.org/MhlUp}
* @since 7.1.4
* @var array(string => array(string => bool))
protected $newExceptions = array(
'com_exception' => array(
'4.4' => false,
'5.0' => true,
'DOMException' => array(
'4.4' => false,
'5.0' => true,
'Exception' => array(
// According to the docs introduced in PHP 5.1, but this appears to be.
// an error. Class was introduced with try/catch keywords in PHP 5.0.
'4.4' => false,
'5.0' => true,
'ReflectionException' => array(
'4.4' => false,
'5.0' => true,
'SoapFault' => array(
'4.4' => false,
'5.0' => true,
'SQLiteException' => array(
'4.4' => false,
'5.0' => true,
'ErrorException' => array(
'5.0' => false,
'5.1' => true,
'BadFunctionCallException' => array(
'5.0' => false,
'5.1' => true,
'BadMethodCallException' => array(
'5.0' => false,
'5.1' => true,
'DomainException' => array(
'5.0' => false,
'5.1' => true,
'InvalidArgumentException' => array(
'5.0' => false,
'5.1' => true,
'LengthException' => array(
'5.0' => false,
'5.1' => true,
'LogicException' => array(
'5.0' => false,
'5.1' => true,
'mysqli_sql_exception' => array(
'5.0' => false,
'5.1' => true,
'OutOfBoundsException' => array(
'5.0' => false,
'5.1' => true,
'OutOfRangeException' => array(
'5.0' => false,
'5.1' => true,
'OverflowException' => array(
'5.0' => false,
'5.1' => true,
'PDOException' => array(
'5.0' => false,
'5.1' => true,
'RangeException' => array(
'5.0' => false,
'5.1' => true,
'RuntimeException' => array(
'5.0' => false,
'5.1' => true,
'UnderflowException' => array(
'5.0' => false,
'5.1' => true,
'UnexpectedValueException' => array(
'5.0' => false,
'5.1' => true,
'PharException' => array(
'5.2' => false,
'5.3' => true,
'SNMPException' => array(
'5.3' => false,
'5.4' => true,
'IntlException' => array(
'5.4' => false,
'5.5' => true,
'Error' => array(
'5.6' => false,
'7.0' => true,
'ArithmeticError' => array(
'5.6' => false,
'7.0' => true,
'AssertionError' => array(
'5.6' => false,
'7.0' => true,
'DivisionByZeroError' => array(
'5.6' => false,
'7.0' => true,
'ParseError' => array(
'5.6' => false,
'7.0' => true,
'TypeError' => array(
'5.6' => false,
'7.0' => true,
'ClosedGeneratorException' => array(
'5.6' => false,
'7.0' => true,
'UI\Exception\InvalidArgumentException' => array(
'5.6' => false,
'7.0' => true,
'UI\Exception\RuntimeException' => array(
'5.6' => false,
'7.0' => true,
'ArgumentCountError' => array(
'7.0' => false,
'7.1' => true,
'SodiumException' => array(
'7.1' => false,
'7.2' => true,
'CompileError' => array(
'7.2' => false,
'7.3' => true,
'JsonException' => array(
'7.2' => false,
'7.3' => true,
'FFI\Exception' => array(
'7.3' => false,
'7.4' => true,
'FFI\ParserException' => array(
'7.3' => false,
'7.4' => true,
* Returns an array of tokens this test wants to listen for.
* @since 5.5
* @since 7.0.3 - Now also targets the `class` keyword to detect extended classes.
* - Now also targets double colons to detect static class use.
* @since 7.1.4 - Now also targets anonymous classes to detect extended classes.
* - Now also targets functions/closures to detect new classes used
* as parameter type declarations.
* - Now also targets the `catch` control structure to detect new
* exception classes being caught.
* @since 8.2.0 Now also targets the `T_RETURN_TYPE` token to detect new classes used
* as return type declarations.
* @return array
public function register()
// Handle case-insensitivity of class names.
$this->newClasses = $this->arrayKeysToLowercase($this->newClasses);
$this->newExceptions = $this->arrayKeysToLowercase($this->newExceptions);
// Add the Exception classes to the Classes list.
$this->newClasses = array_merge($this->newClasses, $this->newExceptions);
$targets = array(
if (\defined('T_ANON_CLASS')) {
$targets[] = \T_ANON_CLASS;
if (\defined('T_RETURN_TYPE')) {
$targets[] = \T_RETURN_TYPE;
return $targets;
* Processes this test, when one of its tokens is encountered.
* @since 5.5
* @param \PHP_CodeSniffer_File $phpcsFile The file being scanned.
* @param int $stackPtr The position of the current token in
* the stack passed in $tokens.
* @return void
public function process(File $phpcsFile, $stackPtr)
$tokens = $phpcsFile->getTokens();
switch ($tokens[$stackPtr]['type']) {
case 'T_FUNCTION':
case 'T_CLOSURE':
$this->processFunctionToken($phpcsFile, $stackPtr);
// Deal with older PHPCS version which don't recognize return type hints
// as well as newer PHPCS versions (3.3.0+) where the tokenization has changed.
$returnTypeHint = $this->getReturnTypeHintToken($phpcsFile, $stackPtr);
if ($returnTypeHint !== false) {
$this->processReturnTypeToken($phpcsFile, $returnTypeHint);
case 'T_CATCH':
$this->processCatchToken($phpcsFile, $stackPtr);
$this->processReturnTypeToken($phpcsFile, $stackPtr);
$this->processSingularToken($phpcsFile, $stackPtr);
* Processes this test for when a token resulting in a singular class name is encountered.
* @since 7.1.4
* @param \PHP_CodeSniffer_File $phpcsFile The file being scanned.
* @param int $stackPtr The position of the current token in
* the stack passed in $tokens.
* @return void
private function processSingularToken(File $phpcsFile, $stackPtr)
$tokens = $phpcsFile->getTokens();
$FQClassName = '';
if ($tokens[$stackPtr]['type'] === 'T_NEW') {
$FQClassName = $this->getFQClassNameFromNewToken($phpcsFile, $stackPtr);
} elseif ($tokens[$stackPtr]['type'] === 'T_CLASS' || $tokens[$stackPtr]['type'] === 'T_ANON_CLASS') {
$FQClassName = $this->getFQExtendedClassName($phpcsFile, $stackPtr);
} elseif ($tokens[$stackPtr]['type'] === 'T_DOUBLE_COLON') {
$FQClassName = $this->getFQClassNameFromDoubleColonToken($phpcsFile, $stackPtr);
if ($FQClassName === '') {
$className = substr($FQClassName, 1); // Remove global namespace indicator.
$classNameLc = strtolower($className);
if (isset($this->newClasses[$classNameLc]) === false) {
$itemInfo = array(
'name' => $className,
'nameLc' => $classNameLc,
$this->handleFeature($phpcsFile, $stackPtr, $itemInfo);
* Processes this test for when a function token is encountered.
* - Detect new classes when used as a parameter type declaration.
* @since 7.1.4
* @param \PHP_CodeSniffer_File $phpcsFile The file being scanned.
* @param int $stackPtr The position of the current token in
* the stack passed in $tokens.
* @return void
private function processFunctionToken(File $phpcsFile, $stackPtr)
// Retrieve typehints stripped of global NS indicator and/or nullable indicator.
$typeHints = $this->getTypeHintsFromFunctionDeclaration($phpcsFile, $stackPtr);
if (empty($typeHints) || \is_array($typeHints) === false) {
foreach ($typeHints as $hint) {
$typeHintLc = strtolower($hint);
if (isset($this->newClasses[$typeHintLc]) === true) {
$itemInfo = array(
'name' => $hint,
'nameLc' => $typeHintLc,
$this->handleFeature($phpcsFile, $stackPtr, $itemInfo);
* Processes this test for when a catch token is encountered.
* - Detect exceptions when used in a catch statement.
* @since 7.1.4
* @param \PHP_CodeSniffer_File $phpcsFile The file being scanned.
* @param int $stackPtr The position of the current token in
* the stack passed in $tokens.
* @return void
private function processCatchToken(File $phpcsFile, $stackPtr)
$tokens = $phpcsFile->getTokens();
// Bow out during live coding.
if (isset($tokens[$stackPtr]['parenthesis_opener'], $tokens[$stackPtr]['parenthesis_closer']) === false) {
$opener = $tokens[$stackPtr]['parenthesis_opener'];
$closer = ($tokens[$stackPtr]['parenthesis_closer'] + 1);
$name = '';
$listen = array(
// Parts of a (namespaced) class name.
\T_STRING => true,
\T_NS_SEPARATOR => true,
// End/split tokens.
\T_VARIABLE => false,
\T_BITWISE_OR => false,
\T_CLOSE_CURLY_BRACKET => false, // Shouldn't be needed as we expect a var before this.
for ($i = ($opener + 1); $i < $closer; $i++) {
if (isset($listen[$tokens[$i]['code']]) === false) {
if ($listen[$tokens[$i]['code']] === true) {
$name .= $tokens[$i]['content'];
} else {
if (empty($name) === true) {
// Weird, we should have a name by the time we encounter a variable or |.
// So this may be the closer.
$name = ltrim($name, '\\');
$nameLC = strtolower($name);
if (isset($this->newExceptions[$nameLC]) === true) {
$itemInfo = array(
'name' => $name,
'nameLc' => $nameLC,
$this->handleFeature($phpcsFile, $i, $itemInfo);
// Reset for a potential multi-catch.
$name = '';
* Processes this test for when a return type token is encountered.
* - Detect new classes when used as a return type declaration.
* @since 8.2.0
* @param \PHP_CodeSniffer_File $phpcsFile The file being scanned.
* @param int $stackPtr The position of the current token in
* the stack passed in $tokens.
* @return void
private function processReturnTypeToken(File $phpcsFile, $stackPtr)
$returnTypeHint = $this->getReturnTypeHintName($phpcsFile, $stackPtr);
if (empty($returnTypeHint)) {
$returnTypeHint = ltrim($returnTypeHint, '\\');
$returnTypeHintLc = strtolower($returnTypeHint);
if (isset($this->newClasses[$returnTypeHintLc]) === false) {
// Still here ? Then this is a return type declaration using a new class.
$itemInfo = array(
'name' => $returnTypeHint,
'nameLc' => $returnTypeHintLc,
$this->handleFeature($phpcsFile, $stackPtr, $itemInfo);
* Get the relevant sub-array for a specific item from a multi-dimensional array.
* @since 7.1.0
* @param array $itemInfo Base information about the item.
* @return array Version and other information about the item.
public function getItemArray(array $itemInfo)
return $this->newClasses[$itemInfo['nameLc']];
* Get the error message template for this sniff.
* @since 7.1.0
* @return string
protected function getErrorMsgTemplate()
return 'The built-in class ' . parent::getErrorMsgTemplate();