2024-01-09 16:13:20 +01:00

1069 lines
33 KiB

Feature: Get help about WP-CLI commands
Scenario: Help for internal commands
Given an empty directory
When I run `wp help`
Then STDOUT should contain:
Run 'wp help <command>' to get more information on a specific command.
And STDERR should be empty
When I run `wp help core`
Then STDOUT should contain:
wp core
And STDERR should be empty
When I run `wp help core download`
Then STDOUT should contain:
wp core download
And STDERR should be empty
When I run `wp help help`
Then STDOUT should contain:
wp help
And STDERR should be empty
When I run `wp help help`
Then STDOUT should contain:
And STDERR should be empty
When I run `wp post list --post_type=post --posts_per_page=5 --help`
Then STDOUT should contain:
wp post list
And STDERR should be empty
When I run `wp post list --post_type=post --posts_per_page=5 --help --prompt`
Then STDOUT should contain:
wp post list
And STDERR should be empty
Scenario: Hide Global parameters when requested
Given an empty directory
When I run `wp help`
Then STDOUT should contain:
And STDOUT should contain:
And STDOUT should contain:
Path to the WordPress files.
When I run `WP_CLI_SUPPRESS_GLOBAL_PARAMS=true wp help`
Then STDOUT should not contain:
And STDOUT should not contain:
And STDOUT should not contain:
Path to the WordPress files.
When I run `WP_CLI_SUPPRESS_GLOBAL_PARAMS=false wp help`
Then STDOUT should contain:
And STDOUT should contain:
And STDOUT should contain:
Path to the WordPress files.
# Prior to WP 4.3 widgets & others used PHP 4 style constructors and prior to WP 3.9 wpdb used the mysql extension which can all lead (depending on PHP version) to PHP Deprecated notices.
Scenario: Help for internal commands with WP
Given a WP installation
# TODO: Throwing deprecations with PHP 8.1+ and WP < 5.9
When I try `wp help`
Then STDOUT should contain:
Run 'wp help <command>' to get more information on a specific command.
# TODO: Throwing deprecations with PHP 8.1+ and WP < 5.9
When I try `wp help core`
Then STDOUT should contain:
wp core
# TODO: Throwing deprecations with PHP 8.1+ and WP < 5.9
When I try `wp help core download`
Then STDOUT should contain:
wp core download
# TODO: Throwing deprecations with PHP 8.1+ and WP < 5.9
When I try `wp help help`
Then STDOUT should contain:
wp help
# TODO: Throwing deprecations with PHP 8.1+ and WP < 5.9
When I try `wp help help`
Then STDOUT should contain:
Scenario: Help when WordPress is downloaded but not installed
Given an empty directory
When I run `wp core download`
And I run `wp help config create`
Then STDOUT should contain:
wp config create
And STDERR should be empty
When I run `wp config create {CORE_CONFIG_SETTINGS}`
And I run `wp help core install`
Then STDOUT should contain:
wp core install
And STDERR should be empty
When I run `wp help core is-installed`
Then STDOUT should contain:
wp core is-installed
And STDERR should be empty
# TODO: Throwing deprecations with PHP 8.1+ and WP < 5.9
When I try `wp help core`
Then STDOUT should contain:
wp core
# TODO: Throwing deprecations with PHP 8.1+ and WP < 5.9
When I try `wp help config`
Then STDOUT should contain:
wp config
# TODO: Throwing deprecations with PHP 8.1+ and WP < 5.9
When I try `wp help db`
Then STDOUT should contain:
wp db
When I try `wp help non-existent-command`
Then the return code should be 1
And STDERR should contain:
Error establishing a database connection
And STDERR should contain:
Error: 'non-existent-command' is not a registered wp command. See 'wp help' for available commands.
And STDOUT should be empty
Scenario: Help for nonexistent commands
Given a WP installation
When I try `wp help non-existent-command`
Then the return code should be 1
And STDERR should contain:
Error: 'non-existent-command' is not a registered wp command. See 'wp help' for available commands.
And STDOUT should be empty
When I try `wp help non-existent-command --path=/nowhere`
Then the return code should be 1
And STDERR should contain:
Warning: No WordPress installation found. If the command 'non-existent-command' is in a plugin or theme, pass --path=`path/to/wordpress`.
Error: 'non-existent-command' is not a registered wp command. See 'wp help' for available commands.
And STDOUT should be empty
When I try `wp help non-existent-command non-existent-subcommand`
Then the return code should be 1
And STDERR should contain:
Error: 'non-existent-command' is not a registered wp command. See 'wp help' for available commands.
And STDOUT should be empty
When I try `wp help non-existent-command non-existent-subcommand --path=/nowhere`
Then the return code should be 1
And STDERR should contain:
Warning: No WordPress installation found. If the command 'non-existent-command non-existent-subcommand' is in a plugin or theme, pass --path=`path/to/wordpress`.
Error: 'non-existent-command' is not a registered wp command. See 'wp help' for available commands.
And STDOUT should be empty
Scenario: Help for nonexistent commands without a WP installation
Given an empty directory
When I try `wp help non-existent-command`
Then the return code should be 1
And STDERR should contain:
Warning: No WordPress installation found. If the command 'non-existent-command' is in a plugin or theme, pass --path=`path/to/wordpress`.
Error: 'non-existent-command' is not a registered wp command. See 'wp help' for available commands.
And STDOUT should be empty
Scenario: Help for specially treated commands with nonexistent subcommands
Given a WP installation
When I try `wp help config non-existent-subcommand`
Then the return code should be 1
And STDERR should contain:
Error: 'non-existent-subcommand' is not a registered subcommand of 'config'. See 'wp help config' for available subcommands.
And STDOUT should be empty
When I try `wp help config non-existent-subcommand --path=/nowhere`
Then the return code should be 1
And STDERR should contain:
Warning: No WordPress installation found. If the command 'config non-existent-subcommand' is in a plugin or theme, pass --path=`path/to/wordpress`.
Error: 'non-existent-subcommand' is not a registered subcommand of 'config'. See 'wp help config' for available subcommands.
And STDOUT should be empty
When I try `wp help core non-existent-subcommand`
Then the return code should be 1
And STDERR should contain:
Error: 'non-existent-subcommand' is not a registered subcommand of 'core'. See 'wp help core' for available subcommands.
And STDOUT should be empty
When I try `wp help core non-existent-subcommand --path=/nowhere`
Then the return code should be 1
And STDERR should contain:
Warning: No WordPress installation found. If the command 'core non-existent-subcommand' is in a plugin or theme, pass --path=`path/to/wordpress`.
Error: 'non-existent-subcommand' is not a registered subcommand of 'core'. See 'wp help core' for available subcommands.
And STDOUT should be empty
When I try `wp help db non-existent-subcommand`
Then the return code should be 1
And STDERR should contain:
Error: 'non-existent-subcommand' is not a registered subcommand of 'db'. See 'wp help db' for available subcommands.
And STDOUT should be empty
When I try `wp help db non-existent-subcommand --path=/nowhere`
Then the return code should be 1
And STDERR should contain:
Warning: No WordPress installation found. If the command 'db non-existent-subcommand' is in a plugin or theme, pass --path=`path/to/wordpress`.
Error: 'non-existent-subcommand' is not a registered subcommand of 'db'. See 'wp help db' for available subcommands.
And STDOUT should be empty
Scenario: Suggestions for command typos in help
Given an empty directory
When I try `wp help confi`
Then the return code should be 1
And STDERR should be:
Warning: No WordPress installation found. If the command 'confi' is in a plugin or theme, pass --path=`path/to/wordpress`.
Error: 'confi' is not a registered wp command. See 'wp help' for available commands.
Did you mean 'config'?
And STDOUT should be empty
When I try `wp help cor`
Then the return code should be 1
And STDERR should be:
Warning: No WordPress installation found. If the command 'cor' is in a plugin or theme, pass --path=`path/to/wordpress`.
Error: 'cor' is not a registered wp command. See 'wp help' for available commands.
Did you mean 'core'?
And STDOUT should be empty
When I try `wp help d`
Then the return code should be 1
And STDERR should be:
Warning: No WordPress installation found. If the command 'd' is in a plugin or theme, pass --path=`path/to/wordpress`.
Error: 'd' is not a registered wp command. See 'wp help' for available commands.
Did you mean 'db'?
And STDOUT should be empty
When I try `wp help packag`
Then the return code should be 1
And STDERR should be:
Warning: No WordPress installation found. If the command 'packag' is in a plugin or theme, pass --path=`path/to/wordpress`.
Error: 'packag' is not a registered wp command. See 'wp help' for available commands.
Did you mean 'package'?
And STDOUT should be empty
Scenario: Suggestions for subcommand typos in help of specially treated commands
Given an empty directory
When I try `wp help config creat`
Then the return code should be 1
And STDERR should be:
Warning: No WordPress installation found. If the command 'config creat' is in a plugin or theme, pass --path=`path/to/wordpress`.
Error: 'creat' is not a registered subcommand of 'config'. See 'wp help config' for available subcommands.
Did you mean 'create'?
And STDOUT should be empty
When I try `wp help core versio`
Then the return code should be 1
And STDERR should be:
Warning: No WordPress installation found. If the command 'core versio' is in a plugin or theme, pass --path=`path/to/wordpress`.
Error: 'versio' is not a registered subcommand of 'core'. See 'wp help core' for available subcommands.
Did you mean 'version'?
And STDOUT should be empty
When I try `wp help db chec`
Then the return code should be 1
And STDERR should be:
Warning: No WordPress installation found. If the command 'db chec' is in a plugin or theme, pass --path=`path/to/wordpress`.
Error: 'chec' is not a registered subcommand of 'db'. See 'wp help db' for available subcommands.
Did you mean 'check'?
And STDOUT should be empty
Scenario: No WordPress installation warning or suggestions for disabled commands
Given an empty directory
And a wp-cli.yml file:
When I try `wp help db`
Then the return code should be 1
And STDERR should be:
Error: The 'db' command has been disabled from the config file.
And STDOUT should be empty
When I try `wp help db chec`
Then the return code should be 1
And STDERR should be:
Error: The 'db' command has been disabled from the config file.
And STDOUT should be empty
Scenario: Help for third-party commands
Given a WP installation
And a wp-content/plugins/test-cli/command.php file:
// Plugin Name: Test CLI Help
class Test_Help extends WP_CLI_Command {
* A dummy command.
function __invoke() {}
WP_CLI::add_command( 'test-help', 'Test_Help' );
And I run `wp plugin activate test-cli`
# TODO: Throwing deprecations with PHP 8.1+ and WP < 5.9
When I try `wp help`
Then STDOUT should contain:
A dummy command.
# TODO: Throwing deprecations with PHP 8.1+ and WP < 5.9
When I try `wp help test-help`
Then STDOUT should contain:
wp test-help
Scenario: Help for incomplete commands
Given an empty directory
When I run `wp core`
Then STDOUT should contain:
usage: wp core
Scenario: Help for commands with magic methods
Given a WP installation
And a wp-content/plugins/test-cli/command.php file:
// Plugin Name: Test CLI Help
class Test_Magic_Methods extends WP_CLI_Command {
* A dummy command.
* @subcommand my-command
function my_command() {}
* Magic methods should not appear as commands
function __construct() {}
function __destruct() {}
function __call( $name, $arguments ) {}
function __get( $key ) {}
function __set( $key, $value ) {}
function __isset( $key ) {}
function __unset( $key ) {}
function __sleep() {}
function __wakeup() {}
function __toString() {}
static function __set_state( $properties ) {}
function __clone() {}
function __debugInfo() {}
WP_CLI::add_command( 'test-magic-methods', 'Test_Magic_Methods' );
And I run `wp plugin activate test-cli`
When I run `wp test-magic-methods`
Then STDOUT should contain:
usage: wp test-magic-methods my-command
And STDOUT should not contain:
Scenario: Help for commands loaded into existing namespaces
Given a WP installation
And a wp-content/plugins/test-cli/command.php file:
// Plugin Name: Test CLI Extra Site Command
class Test_CLI_Extra_Site_Command extends WP_CLI_Command {
* A dummy command.
* @subcommand my-command
function my_command() {}
WP_CLI::add_command( 'site test-extra', 'Test_CLI_Extra_Site_Command' );
And I run `wp plugin activate test-cli`
# TODO: Throwing deprecations with PHP 8.1+ and WP < 5.9
When I try `wp help site`
Then STDOUT should contain:
Given a wp-content/plugins/test-cli/command.php file:
// Plugin Name: Test CLI Extra Command
class Test_CLI_Extra_Command extends WP_CLI_Command {
* A dummy command.
* @subcommand my-command
function my_command() {}
WP_CLI::add_command( 'config test-extra-config', 'Test_CLI_Extra_Command' );
WP_CLI::add_command( 'core test-extra-core', 'Test_CLI_Extra_Command' );
WP_CLI::add_command( 'db test-extra-db', 'Test_CLI_Extra_Command' );
# TODO: Throwing deprecations with PHP 8.1+ and WP < 5.9
When I try `wp help config`
Then STDOUT should contain:
# TODO: Throwing deprecations with PHP 8.1+ and WP < 5.9
When I try `wp help core`
Then STDOUT should contain:
# TODO: Throwing deprecations with PHP 8.1+ and WP < 5.9
When I try `wp help db`
Then STDOUT should contain:
Scenario: Help renders global parameters correctly
Given a WP installation
# TODO: Throwing deprecations with PHP 8.1+ and WP < 5.9
When I try `wp help core`
Then STDOUT should contain:
And STDOUT should not contain:
# TODO: Throwing deprecations with PHP 8.1+ and WP < 5.9
When I try `wp help option get`
Then STDOUT should contain:
And STDOUT should not contain:
# TODO: Throwing deprecations with PHP 8.1+ and WP < 5.9
When I try `wp help option`
Then STDOUT should contain:
And STDOUT should not contain:
Scenario: Display alias in man page
Given a WP installation
When I run `wp help plugin update`
Then STDOUT should contain:
When I run `wp help plugin install`
Then STDOUT should not contain:
Scenario: Help for commands should wordwrap well
Given a WP installation
And a wp-content/plugins/test-cli/command.php file:
// Plugin Name: Test CLI Help
class Test_Wordwrap extends WP_CLI_Command {
* 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 12345678
* [--skip-delete]
* : Skip deletion of the original thumbnails. If your thumbnails are linked from sources outside your control, it's likely best to leave them around. Defaults to false.
* [--eighty=<four initial spaces>]
* : 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456
* [--eighty-one=<four initial spaces>]
* : 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 1234567
* [--forty=<four initial spaces>]
* : 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456
* [--forty-one=<four initial spaces>]
* : 123456789 123456789 123456789 1234567
* # Re-generate only the thumbnails of "large" image size for all images.
* $ wp media regenerate --image_size=large
* Do you really want to regenerate the "large" image size for all images? [y/n] y
* Found 3 images to regenerate.
* 1/3 Regenerated "large" thumbnail for "Yoogest Image Ever, Really" (ID 9999).
* 2/3 No "large" thumbnail regeneration needed for "Snowflake" (ID 9998).
* 3/3 Regenerated "large" thumbnail for "Even Yooger than the Yoogest Image Ever, Really" (ID 9997).
* Success: Regenerated 3 of 3 images.
* # 6 initial spaces + 74 = 80; 6 + 75 = 81
* # 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 1234
* # 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 12345
* # 6 initial spaces + 34 = 40; 6 + 35 = 41
* # 123456789 123456789 123456789 1234
* # 123456789 123456789 123456789 12345
function my_command() {}
WP_CLI::add_command( 'test-wordwrap', 'Test_Wordwrap' );
And I run `wp plugin activate test-cli`
# TODO: Throwing deprecations with PHP 8.1+ and WP < 5.9
When I try `COLUMNS=80 wp help test-wordwrap my_command`
Then STDOUT should contain:
123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 12345678
And STDOUT should contain:
Skip deletion of the original thumbnails. If your thumbnails are linked from
sources outside your control, it's likely best to leave them around.
Defaults to false.
And STDOUT should contain:
[--eighty=<four initial spaces>]
123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456
And STDOUT should contain:
[--eighty-one=<four initial spaces>]
123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789
And STDOUT should contain:
# Re-generate only the thumbnails of "large" image size for all images.
$ wp media regenerate --image_size=large
Do you really want to regenerate the "large" image size for all images?
[y/n] y
Found 3 images to regenerate.
1/3 Regenerated "large" thumbnail for "Yoogest Image Ever, Really" (ID
2/3 No "large" thumbnail regeneration needed for "Snowflake" (ID 9998).
3/3 Regenerated "large" thumbnail for "Even Yooger than the Yoogest Image
Ever, Really" (ID 9997).
Success: Regenerated 3 of 3 images.
And STDOUT should contain:
# 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 1234
# 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789
And STDOUT should contain:
Pretend request came from given URL. In multisite, this argument is how
the target site is specified.
# TODO: Throwing deprecations with PHP 8.1+ and WP < 5.9
When I try `COLUMNS=80 wp help test-wordwrap my_command | awk '{print length, $0}' | sort -nr | head -1 | cut -f1 -d" "`
Then STDOUT should be:
# TODO: Throwing deprecations with PHP 8.1+ and WP < 5.9
When I try `TERM=vt100 COLUMNS=40 wp help test-wordwrap my_command`
Then STDOUT should contain:
123456789 123456789 123456789
123456789 123456789 123456789
123456789 12345678
And STDOUT should contain:
Skip deletion of the original
thumbnails. If your thumbnails are
linked from sources outside your
control, it's likely best to leave
them around. Defaults to false.
And STDOUT should contain:
[--forty=<four initial spaces>]
123456789 123456789 123456789 123456
And STDOUT should contain:
[--forty-one=<four initial spaces>]
123456789 123456789 123456789
And STDOUT should contain:
# Re-generate only the thumbnails of
"large" image size for all images.
$ wp media regenerate
Do you really want to regenerate the
"large" image size for all images?
[y/n] y
Found 3 images to regenerate.
1/3 Regenerated "large" thumbnail
for "Yoogest Image Ever, Really" (ID
2/3 No "large" thumbnail
regeneration needed for "Snowflake"
(ID 9998).
3/3 Regenerated "large" thumbnail
for "Even Yooger than the Yoogest
Image Ever, Really" (ID 9997).
Success: Regenerated 3 of 3 images.
And STDOUT should contain:
# 123456789 123456789 123456789 1234
# 123456789 123456789 123456789
And STDOUT should contain:
Pretend request came from given
URL. In multisite, this argument
is how the target site is
# TODO: Throwing deprecations with PHP 8.1+ and WP < 5.9
When I try `TERM=vt100 COLUMNS=40 wp help test-wordwrap my_command | sed '/\-\-ssh/d' | awk '{print length, $0}' | sort -nr | head -1 | cut -f1 -d" "`
Then STDOUT should be:
# TODO: Throwing deprecations with PHP 8.1+ and WP < 5.9
When I try `TERM=vt100 COLUMNS=1000 wp help test-wordwrap my_command`
Then STDOUT should contain:
Skip deletion of the original thumbnails. If your thumbnails are linked from sources outside your control, it's likely best to leave them around. Defaults to false.
And STDOUT should contain:
# Re-generate only the thumbnails of "large" image size for all images.
$ wp media regenerate --image_size=large
Do you really want to regenerate the "large" image size for all images? [y/n] y
Found 3 images to regenerate.
1/3 Regenerated "large" thumbnail for "Yoogest Image Ever, Really" (ID 9999).
2/3 No "large" thumbnail regeneration needed for "Snowflake" (ID 9998).
3/3 Regenerated "large" thumbnail for "Even Yooger than the Yoogest Image Ever, Really" (ID 9997).
Success: Regenerated 3 of 3 images.
And STDOUT should contain:
Pretend request came from given URL. In multisite, this argument is how the target site is specified.
Scenario: Help for commands with subcommands should wordwrap well
Given a WP installation
And a wp-content/plugins/test-cli/command.php file:
// Plugin Name: Test CLI Help
class Test_Wordwrap extends WP_CLI_Command {
* Generate PHP code for registering a custom post type.
* @subcommand post-type
* @alias cpt
public function post_type( $args, $assoc_args ) {}
* Generate starter code for a theme based on _s.
* See the [Underscores website](http://underscores.me/) for more details.
public function _s( $args, $assoc_args ) {}
* Generate GitHub configuration files for your command.
* @when before_wp_load
* @subcommand package-github
public function package_github( $args, $assoc_args ) {}
* Generate files needed for writing Behat tests for your command.
* @when before_wp_load
* @subcommand package-tests
public function package_tests( $args, $assoc_args ) {}
* Generate files needed for running PHPUnit tests in a plugin.
* @subcommand plugin-tests
public function plugin_tests( $args, $assoc_args ) {}
* Generate files needed for running PHPUnit tests in a theme.
* @subcommand theme-tests
public function theme_tests( $args, $assoc_args ) {}
* 2 chars initial + 20 padded command + 58 these = 80 chars.
* @subcommand eighty
public function eighty( $args, $assoc_args ) {}
* 2 chars initial + 20 padded command + 59 these = 81 chars..
* @subcommand eighty-one
public function eighty_one( $args, $assoc_args ) {}
* A very long description a very longgggggggggg description a very longgggg description a very long description a very longgggggggggggggggg description a very long description a very long description a very long description a very longgg description.
* @subcommand very-long
public function very_long( $args, $assoc_args ) {}
WP_CLI::add_command( 'test-wordwrap', 'Test_Wordwrap' );
And I run `wp plugin activate test-cli`
# TODO: Throwing deprecations with PHP 8.1+ and WP < 5.9
When I try `TERM=vt100 COLUMNS=80 wp help test-wordwrap`
Then STDOUT should contain:
_s Generate starter code for a theme based on _s.
eighty 2 chars initial + 20 padded command + 58 these = 80 chars.
eighty-one 2 chars initial + 20 padded command + 59 these = 81
package-github Generate GitHub configuration files for your command.
package-tests Generate files needed for writing Behat tests for your
plugin-tests Generate files needed for running PHPUnit tests in a
post-type Generate PHP code for registering a custom post type.
theme-tests Generate files needed for running PHPUnit tests in a
very-long A very long description a very longgggggggggg description
a very longgggg description a very long description a very
longgggggggggggggggg description a very long description a
very long description a very long description a very
longgg description.
# TODO: Throwing deprecations with PHP 8.1+ and WP < 5.9
When I try `TERM=vt100 COLUMNS=80 wp help test-wordwrap | awk '{print length, $0}' | sort -nr | head -1 | cut -f1 -d" "`
Then STDOUT should be:
Scenario: Long description for top-level command which has reference link display well
Given a WP installation
And a command.php file:
if ( ! defined( 'WP_CLI' ) || ! WP_CLI ) {
class WP_CLI_Foo_Bar_Command extends WP_CLI_Command {
* A command that has a link in its long description.
* This is a [reference link](https://wordpress.org/).
* Also, there is a [second link](http://wp-cli.org/).
* They should be displayed nicely!
* @synopsis <constant-name>
public function __invoke( $args, $assoc_args ) {}
WP_CLI::add_command( 'reference-link', 'WP_CLI_Foo_Bar_Command' );
And a wp-cli.yml file:
- command.php
# TODO: Throwing deprecations with PHP 8.1+ and WP < 5.9
When I try `TERM=vt100 COLUMNS=80 wp help reference-link`
Then STDOUT should contain:
This is a [reference link][1].
Also, there is a [second link][2].
They should be displayed nicely!
[1] https://wordpress.org/
[2] http://wp-cli.org/
Scenario: Very long description for top-level command which has reference link display well
Given a WP installation
And a command.php file:
if ( ! defined( 'WP_CLI' ) || ! WP_CLI ) {
class WP_CLI_Foo_Bar_Command extends WP_CLI_Command {
* A command that has a link in its long description.
* This is a [reference link](https://wordpress.org/). Also, there is a [second link](http://wp-cli.org/). They should be displayed nicely! Wow! This is a very, very long description.
* @synopsis <constant-name>
public function __invoke( $args, $assoc_args ) {}
WP_CLI::add_command( 'reference-link', 'WP_CLI_Foo_Bar_Command' );
And a wp-cli.yml file:
- command.php
# TODO: Throwing deprecations with PHP 8.1+ and WP < 5.9
When I try `TERM=vt100 COLUMNS=80 wp help reference-link`
Then STDOUT should contain:
This is a [reference link][1]. Also, there is a [second link][2]. They should
be displayed nicely! Wow! This is a very, very long description.
[1] https://wordpress.org/
[2] http://wp-cli.org/
# TODO: Throwing deprecations with PHP 8.1+ and WP < 5.9
When I try `TERM=vt100 COLUMNS=60 wp help reference-link`
Then STDOUT should contain:
This is a [reference link][1]. Also, there is a [second
link][2]. They should be displayed nicely! Wow! This is a
very, very long description.
[1] https://wordpress.org/
[2] http://wp-cli.org/
Scenario Outline: Check that proc_open() and proc_close() aren't disabled for help pager
Given an empty directory
When I try `{INVOKE_WP_CLI_WITH_PHP_ARGS--ddisable_functions=<func>} help --debug`
Then STDERR should contain:
Warning: check_proc_available() failed in pass_through_pager().
And STDOUT should not be empty
And the return code should be 0
| func |
| proc_open |
| proc_close |