
1057 lines
33 KiB

* Tests the comment tokenization.
* Comment have their own tokenization in PHPCS anyhow, including the PHPCS annotations.
* However, as of PHP 8, the PHP native comment tokenization has changed.
* Natively T_COMMENT tokens will no longer include a trailing newline.
* PHPCS "forward-fills" the original tokenization to PHP 8.
* This test file safeguards that.
* @author Juliette Reinders Folmer <phpcs_nospam@adviesenzo.nl>
* @copyright 2020 Squiz Pty Ltd (ABN 77 084 670 600)
* @license https://github.com/squizlabs/PHP_CodeSniffer/blob/master/licence.txt BSD Licence
namespace PHP_CodeSniffer\Tests\Core\Tokenizer;
use PHP_CodeSniffer\Tests\Core\AbstractMethodUnitTest;
use PHP_CodeSniffer\Util\Tokens;
class StableCommentWhitespaceTest extends AbstractMethodUnitTest
* Test that comment tokenization with new lines at the end of the comment is stable.
* @param string $testMarker The comment prefacing the test.
* @param array $expectedTokens The tokenization expected.
* @dataProvider dataCommentTokenization
* @covers PHP_CodeSniffer\Tokenizers\PHP::tokenize
* @return void
public function testCommentTokenization($testMarker, $expectedTokens)
$tokens = self::$phpcsFile->getTokens();
$comment = $this->getTargetToken($testMarker, Tokens::$commentTokens);
foreach ($expectedTokens as $key => $tokenInfo) {
$this->assertSame(constant($tokenInfo['type']), $tokens[$comment]['code']);
$this->assertSame($tokenInfo['type'], $tokens[$comment]['type']);
$this->assertSame($tokenInfo['content'], $tokens[$comment]['content']);
}//end testCommentTokenization()
* Data provider.
* @see testCommentTokenization()
* @return array
public function dataCommentTokenization()
return [
'/* testSingleLineSlashComment */',
'type' => 'T_COMMENT',
'content' => '// Comment
'type' => 'T_WHITESPACE',
'content' => '
'/* testSingleLineSlashCommentTrailing */',
'type' => 'T_COMMENT',
'content' => '// Comment
'type' => 'T_WHITESPACE',
'content' => '
'/* testSingleLineSlashAnnotation */',
'type' => 'T_PHPCS_DISABLE',
'content' => '// phpcs:disable Stnd.Cat
'type' => 'T_WHITESPACE',
'content' => '
'/* testMultiLineSlashComment */',
'type' => 'T_COMMENT',
'content' => '// Comment1
'type' => 'T_COMMENT',
'content' => '// Comment2
'type' => 'T_COMMENT',
'content' => '// Comment3
'type' => 'T_WHITESPACE',
'content' => '
'/* testMultiLineSlashCommentWithIndent */',
'type' => 'T_COMMENT',
'content' => '// Comment1
'type' => 'T_WHITESPACE',
'content' => ' ',
'type' => 'T_COMMENT',
'content' => '// Comment2
'type' => 'T_WHITESPACE',
'content' => ' ',
'type' => 'T_COMMENT',
'content' => '// Comment3
'type' => 'T_WHITESPACE',
'content' => '
'/* testMultiLineSlashCommentWithAnnotationStart */',
'type' => 'T_PHPCS_IGNORE',
'content' => '// phpcs:ignore Stnd.Cat
'type' => 'T_COMMENT',
'content' => '// Comment2
'type' => 'T_COMMENT',
'content' => '// Comment3
'type' => 'T_WHITESPACE',
'content' => '
'/* testMultiLineSlashCommentWithAnnotationMiddle */',
'type' => 'T_COMMENT',
'content' => '// Comment1
'type' => 'T_PHPCS_IGNORE',
'content' => '// @phpcs:ignore Stnd.Cat
'type' => 'T_COMMENT',
'content' => '// Comment3
'type' => 'T_WHITESPACE',
'content' => '
'/* testMultiLineSlashCommentWithAnnotationEnd */',
'type' => 'T_COMMENT',
'content' => '// Comment1
'type' => 'T_COMMENT',
'content' => '// Comment2
'type' => 'T_PHPCS_IGNORE',
'content' => '// phpcs:ignore Stnd.Cat
'type' => 'T_WHITESPACE',
'content' => '
'/* testSingleLineStarComment */',
'type' => 'T_COMMENT',
'content' => '/* Single line star comment */',
'type' => 'T_WHITESPACE',
'content' => '
'/* testSingleLineStarCommentTrailing */',
'type' => 'T_COMMENT',
'content' => '/* Comment */',
'type' => 'T_WHITESPACE',
'content' => '
'/* testSingleLineStarAnnotation */',
'type' => 'T_PHPCS_IGNORE',
'content' => '/* phpcs:ignore Stnd.Cat */',
'type' => 'T_WHITESPACE',
'content' => '
'/* testMultiLineStarComment */',
'type' => 'T_COMMENT',
'content' => '/* Comment1
'type' => 'T_COMMENT',
'content' => ' * Comment2
'type' => 'T_COMMENT',
'content' => ' * Comment3 */',
'type' => 'T_WHITESPACE',
'content' => '
'/* testMultiLineStarCommentWithIndent */',
'type' => 'T_COMMENT',
'content' => '/* Comment1
'type' => 'T_COMMENT',
'content' => ' * Comment2
'type' => 'T_COMMENT',
'content' => ' * Comment3 */',
'type' => 'T_WHITESPACE',
'content' => '
'/* testMultiLineStarCommentWithAnnotationStart */',
'type' => 'T_PHPCS_IGNORE',
'content' => '/* @phpcs:ignore Stnd.Cat
'type' => 'T_COMMENT',
'content' => ' * Comment2
'type' => 'T_COMMENT',
'content' => ' * Comment3 */',
'type' => 'T_WHITESPACE',
'content' => '
'/* testMultiLineStarCommentWithAnnotationMiddle */',
'type' => 'T_COMMENT',
'content' => '/* Comment1
'type' => 'T_PHPCS_IGNORE',
'content' => ' * phpcs:ignore Stnd.Cat
'type' => 'T_COMMENT',
'content' => ' * Comment3 */',
'type' => 'T_WHITESPACE',
'content' => '
'/* testMultiLineStarCommentWithAnnotationEnd */',
'type' => 'T_COMMENT',
'content' => '/* Comment1
'type' => 'T_COMMENT',
'content' => ' * Comment2
'type' => 'T_PHPCS_IGNORE',
'content' => ' * phpcs:ignore Stnd.Cat */',
'type' => 'T_WHITESPACE',
'content' => '
'/* testSingleLineDocblockComment */',
'content' => '/**',
'content' => ' ',
'content' => 'Comment ',
'content' => '*/',
'type' => 'T_WHITESPACE',
'content' => '
'/* testSingleLineDocblockCommentTrailing */',
'content' => '/**',
'content' => ' ',
'content' => 'Comment ',
'content' => '*/',
'type' => 'T_WHITESPACE',
'content' => '
'/* testSingleLineDocblockAnnotation */',
'content' => '/**',
'content' => ' ',
'type' => 'T_PHPCS_IGNORE',
'content' => 'phpcs:ignore Stnd.Cat.Sniff ',
'content' => '*/',
'type' => 'T_WHITESPACE',
'content' => '
'/* testMultiLineDocblockComment */',
'content' => '/**',
'content' => '
'content' => ' ',
'type' => 'T_DOC_COMMENT_STAR',
'content' => '*',
'content' => ' ',
'content' => 'Comment1',
'content' => '
'content' => ' ',
'type' => 'T_DOC_COMMENT_STAR',
'content' => '*',
'content' => ' ',
'content' => 'Comment2',
'content' => '
'content' => ' ',
'type' => 'T_DOC_COMMENT_STAR',
'content' => '*',
'content' => '
'content' => ' ',
'type' => 'T_DOC_COMMENT_STAR',
'content' => '*',
'content' => ' ',
'type' => 'T_DOC_COMMENT_TAG',
'content' => '@tag',
'content' => ' ',
'content' => 'Comment',
'content' => '
'content' => ' ',
'content' => '*/',
'type' => 'T_WHITESPACE',
'content' => '
'/* testMultiLineDocblockCommentWithIndent */',
'content' => '/**',
'content' => '
'content' => ' ',
'type' => 'T_DOC_COMMENT_STAR',
'content' => '*',
'content' => ' ',
'content' => 'Comment1',
'content' => '
'content' => ' ',
'type' => 'T_DOC_COMMENT_STAR',
'content' => '*',
'content' => ' ',
'content' => 'Comment2',
'content' => '
'content' => ' ',
'type' => 'T_DOC_COMMENT_STAR',
'content' => '*',
'content' => '
'content' => ' ',
'type' => 'T_DOC_COMMENT_STAR',
'content' => '*',
'content' => ' ',
'type' => 'T_DOC_COMMENT_TAG',
'content' => '@tag',
'content' => ' ',
'content' => 'Comment',
'content' => '
'content' => ' ',
'content' => '*/',
'type' => 'T_WHITESPACE',
'content' => '
'/* testMultiLineDocblockCommentWithAnnotation */',
'content' => '/**',
'content' => '
'content' => ' ',
'type' => 'T_DOC_COMMENT_STAR',
'content' => '*',
'content' => ' ',
'content' => 'Comment',
'content' => '
'content' => ' ',
'type' => 'T_DOC_COMMENT_STAR',
'content' => '*',
'content' => '
'content' => ' ',
'type' => 'T_DOC_COMMENT_STAR',
'content' => '*',
'content' => ' ',
'type' => 'T_PHPCS_IGNORE',
'content' => 'phpcs:ignore Stnd.Cat',
'content' => '
'content' => ' ',
'type' => 'T_DOC_COMMENT_STAR',
'content' => '*',
'content' => ' ',
'type' => 'T_DOC_COMMENT_TAG',
'content' => '@tag',
'content' => ' ',
'content' => 'Comment',
'content' => '
'content' => ' ',
'content' => '*/',
'type' => 'T_WHITESPACE',
'content' => '
'/* testMultiLineDocblockCommentWithTagAnnotation */',
'content' => '/**',
'content' => '
'content' => ' ',
'type' => 'T_DOC_COMMENT_STAR',
'content' => '*',
'content' => ' ',
'content' => 'Comment',
'content' => '
'content' => ' ',
'type' => 'T_DOC_COMMENT_STAR',
'content' => '*',
'content' => '
'content' => ' ',
'type' => 'T_DOC_COMMENT_STAR',
'content' => '*',
'content' => ' ',
'type' => 'T_PHPCS_IGNORE',
'content' => '@phpcs:ignore Stnd.Cat',
'content' => '
'content' => ' ',
'type' => 'T_DOC_COMMENT_STAR',
'content' => '*',
'content' => ' ',
'type' => 'T_DOC_COMMENT_TAG',
'content' => '@tag',
'content' => ' ',
'content' => 'Comment',
'content' => '
'content' => ' ',
'content' => '*/',
'type' => 'T_WHITESPACE',
'content' => '
'/* testSingleLineHashComment */',
'type' => 'T_COMMENT',
'content' => '# Comment
'type' => 'T_WHITESPACE',
'content' => '
'/* testSingleLineHashCommentTrailing */',
'type' => 'T_COMMENT',
'content' => '# Comment
'type' => 'T_WHITESPACE',
'content' => '
'/* testMultiLineHashComment */',
'type' => 'T_COMMENT',
'content' => '# Comment1
'type' => 'T_COMMENT',
'content' => '# Comment2
'type' => 'T_COMMENT',
'content' => '# Comment3
'type' => 'T_WHITESPACE',
'content' => '
'/* testMultiLineHashCommentWithIndent */',
'type' => 'T_COMMENT',
'content' => '# Comment1
'type' => 'T_WHITESPACE',
'content' => ' ',
'type' => 'T_COMMENT',
'content' => '# Comment2
'type' => 'T_WHITESPACE',
'content' => ' ',
'type' => 'T_COMMENT',
'content' => '# Comment3
'type' => 'T_WHITESPACE',
'content' => '
'/* testSingleLineSlashCommentNoNewLineAtEnd */',
'type' => 'T_COMMENT',
'content' => '// Slash ',
'type' => 'T_CLOSE_TAG',
'content' => '?>
'/* testSingleLineHashCommentNoNewLineAtEnd */',
'type' => 'T_COMMENT',
'content' => '# Hash ',
'type' => 'T_CLOSE_TAG',
'content' => '?>
'/* testCommentAtEndOfFile */',
'type' => 'T_COMMENT',
'content' => '/* Comment',
}//end dataCommentTokenization()
}//end class