
199 lines
4.2 KiB

/* testStandard */
$fn1 = fn($x) => $x + $y;
/* testMixedCase */
$fn1 = Fn($x) => $x + $y;
/* testWhitespace */
$fn1 = fn ($x) => $x + $y;
/* testComment */
$fn1 = fn /* comment here */ ($x) => $x + $y;
/* testHeredoc */
$fn1 = fn() => <<<HTML
/* testFunctionName */
function fn() {}
/* testNestedOuter */
$fn = fn($x) => /* testNestedInner */ fn($y) => $x * $y + $z;
/* testNestedSharedCloserOuter */
$foo = foo(fn() => /* testNestedSharedCloserInner */ fn() => bar() === true);
/* testFunctionCall */
$extended = fn($c) => $callable($factory($c), $c);
/* testChainedFunctionCall */
$result = Collection::from([1, 2])
->map(fn($v) => $v * 2)
->reduce(/* testFunctionArgument */ fn($tmp, $v) => $tmp + $v, 0);
/* testClosure */
$extended = fn($c) => $callable(function() {
for ($x = 1; $x < 10; $x++) {
echo $x;
echo 'done';
}, $c);
/* testArrayIndex */
$found = in_array_cb($needle, $haystack, fn($array, $needle) => $array[2] === $needle);
$result = array_map(
/* testReturnType */
static fn(int $number) : int => $number + 1,
/* testReference */
fn&($x) => $x;
/* testGrouped */
(fn($x) => $x) + $y;
/* testArrayValue */
$a = [
'a' => fn() => return 1,
/* testArrayValueNoTrailingComma */
$a = [
'a' => fn() => foo()
/* testYield */
$a = fn($x) => yield 'k' => $x;
/* testNullableNamespace */
$a = fn(?\DateTime $x) : ?\DateTime => $x;
/* testNamespaceOperatorInTypes */
$fn = fn(namespace\Foo $a) : ?namespace\Foo => $a;
/* testSelfReturnType */
fn(self $a) : self => $a;
/* testParentReturnType */
fn(parent $a) : parent => $a;
/* testCallableReturnType */
fn(callable $a) : callable => $a;
/* testArrayReturnType */
fn(array $a) : array => $a;
/* testStaticReturnType */
fn(array $a) : static => $a;
/* testUnionParamType */
$arrowWithUnionParam = fn(int|float $param) : SomeClass => new SomeClass($param);
/* testUnionReturnType */
$arrowWithUnionReturn = fn($param) : int|float => $param | 10;
/* testTernary */
$fn = fn($a) => $a ? /* testTernaryThen */ fn() : string => 'a' : /* testTernaryElse */ fn() : string => 'b';
/* testTernaryWithTypes */
$fn = fn(int|null $a) : array|null => $a ? null : [];
function matchInArrow($x) {
/* testWithMatchValue */
$fn = fn($x) => match(true) {
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 => 'foo',
default => 'bar',
function matchInArrowAndMore($x) {
/* testWithMatchValueAndMore */
$fn = fn($x) => match(true) {
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 => 'foo',
default => 'bar',
} . 'suffix';
function arrowFunctionInMatchWithTrailingComma($x) {
return match ($x) {
/* testInMatchNotLastValue */
1 => fn($y) => callMe($y),
/* testInMatchLastValueWithTrailingComma */
default => fn($y) => callThem($y),
function arrowFunctionInMatchNoTrailingComma1($x) {
return match ($x) {
1 => fn($y) => callMe($y),
/* testInMatchLastValueNoTrailingComma1 */
default => fn($y) => callThem($y)
function arrowFunctionInMatchNoTrailingComma2($x) {
return match ($x) {
/* testInMatchLastValueNoTrailingComma2 */
default => fn($y) => 5 * $y
/* testConstantDeclaration */
const FN = 'a';
/* testConstantDeclarationLower */
const fn = 'a';
class Foo {
/* testStaticMethodName */
public static function fn($param) {
/* testNestedInMethod */
$fn = fn($c) => $callable($factory($c), $c);
public function foo() {
/* testPropertyAssignment */
$this->fn = 'a';
$anon = new class() {
/* testAnonClassMethodName */
protected function fN($param) {
/* testNonArrowStaticMethodCall */
$a = Foo::fn($param);
/* testNonArrowConstantAccess */
$a = MyClass::FN;
/* testNonArrowConstantAccessMixed */
$a = MyClass::Fn;
/* testNonArrowObjectMethodCall */
$a = $obj->fn($param);
/* testNonArrowObjectMethodCallUpper */
$a = $obj->FN($param);
/* testNonArrowNamespacedFunctionCall */
$a = MyNS\Sub\Fn($param);
/* testNonArrowNamespaceOperatorFunctionCall */
$a = namespace\fn($param);
/* testNonArrowFunctionNameWithUnionTypes */
function fn(int|float $param) : string|null {}
/* testLiveCoding */
// Intentional parse error. This has to be the last test in the file.
$fn = fn