<?php /** * WordPress Coding Standard. * * @package WPCS\WordPressCodingStandards * @link https://github.com/WordPress/WordPress-Coding-Standards * @license https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT MIT */ namespace WordPressCS\WordPress\Sniffs\Arrays; use WordPressCS\WordPress\Sniff; /** * Enforces alignment of the double arrow assignment operator for multi-item, multi-line arrays. * * - Align the double arrow operator to the same column for each item in a multi-item array. * - Allows for setting a maxColumn property to aid in managing line-length. * - Allows for new line(s) before a double arrow (configurable). * - Allows for handling multi-line array items differently if so desired (configurable). * * @link https://make.wordpress.org/core/handbook/best-practices/coding-standards/php/#indentation * * @package WPCS\WordPressCodingStandards * * @since 0.14.0 * * {@internal This sniff should eventually be pulled upstream as part of a solution * for https://github.com/squizlabs/PHP_CodeSniffer/issues/582 }} */ class MultipleStatementAlignmentSniff extends Sniff { /** * Whether or not to ignore an array item for the purpose of alignment * when a new line is found between the array key and the double arrow. * * @since 0.14.0 * * @var bool */ public $ignoreNewlines = true; /** * Whether the alignment should be exact. * * Exact in this context means "largest index key + 1 space". * When `false`, that is seen as the minimum alignment. * * @since 0.14.0 * * @var bool */ public $exact = true; /** * The maximum column on which the double arrow alignment should be set. * * This property allows for limiting the whitespace padding to prevent * overly long lines. * * If this value is set to, for instance, 60, it will: * - if the expected column < 60, align at the expected column. * - if the expected column >= 60, align at column 60. * - for the outliers, i.e. the array indexes where the end position * goes past column 60, it will not align the arrow, the sniff will * just make sure there is only one space between the end of the * array index and the double arrow. * * The column value is regarded as a hard value, i.e. includes indentation, * so setting it very low is not a good idea. * * @since 0.14.0 * * @var int */ public $maxColumn = 1000; /** * Whether or not to align the arrow operator for multi-line array items. * * Whether or not an item is regarded as multi-line is based on the **value** * of the item, not the key. * * Valid values are: * - 'always': Default. Align all arrays items regardless of single/multi-line. * - 'never': Never align array items which span multiple lines. * This will enforce one space between the array index and the * double arrow operator for multi-line array items, independently * of the alignment of the rest of the array items. * Multi-line items where the arrow is already aligned with the * "expected" alignment, however, will be left alone. * - operator : Only align the operator for multi-line arrays items if the * + number percentage of multi-line items passes the comparison. * - As it is a percentage, the number has to be between 0 and 100. * - Supported operators: <, <=, >, >=, ==, =, !=, <> * - The percentage is calculated against all array items * (with and without assignment operator). * - The (new) expected alignment will be calculated based only * on the items being aligned. * - Multi-line items where the arrow is already aligned with the * (new) "expected" alignment, however, will be left alone. * Examples: * * Setting this to `!=100` or `<100` means that alignment will * be enforced, unless *all* array items are multi-line. * This is probably the most commonly desired situation. * * Setting this to `=100` means that alignment will only * be enforced, if *all* array items are multi-line. * * Setting this to `<50` means that the majority of array items * need to be single line before alignment is enforced for * multi-line items in the array. * * Setting this to `=0` is useless as in that case there are * no multi-line items in the array anyway. * * This setting will respect the `ignoreNewlines` and `maxColumnn` settings. * * @since 0.14.0 * * @var string|int */ public $alignMultilineItems = 'always'; /** * Storage for parsed $alignMultilineItems operator part. * * @since 0.14.0 * * @var string */ private $operator; /** * Storage for parsed $alignMultilineItems numeric part. * * Stored as a string as the comparison will be done string based. * * @since 0.14.0 * * @var string */ private $number; /** * Returns an array of tokens this test wants to listen for. * * @since 0.14.0 * * @return array */ public function register() { return array( \T_ARRAY, \T_OPEN_SHORT_ARRAY, ); } /** * Processes this test, when one of its tokens is encountered. * * @since 0.14.0 * * @param int $stackPtr The position of the current token in the stack. * * @return int|void Integer stack pointer to skip forward or void to continue * normal file processing. */ public function process_token( $stackPtr ) { if ( \T_OPEN_SHORT_ARRAY === $this->tokens[ $stackPtr ]['code'] && $this->is_short_list( $stackPtr ) ) { // Short list, not short array. return; } /* * Determine the array opener & closer. */ $array_open_close = $this->find_array_open_close( $stackPtr ); if ( false === $array_open_close ) { // Array open/close could not be determined. return; } $opener = $array_open_close['opener']; $closer = $array_open_close['closer']; $array_items = $this->get_function_call_parameters( $stackPtr ); if ( empty( $array_items ) ) { return; } // Pass off to either the single line or multi-line array analysis. if ( $this->tokens[ $opener ]['line'] === $this->tokens[ $closer ]['line'] ) { return $this->process_single_line_array( $stackPtr, $array_items, $opener, $closer ); } else { return $this->process_multi_line_array( $stackPtr, $array_items, $opener, $closer ); } } /** * Process a single-line array. * * While the WP standard does not allow single line multi-item associative arrays, * this sniff should function independently of that. * * The `WordPress.WhiteSpace.OperatorSpacing` sniff already covers checking that * there is a space between the array key and the double arrow, but doesn't * enforce it to be exactly one space for single line arrays. * That is what this method covers. * * @since 0.14.0 * * @param int $stackPtr The position of the current token in the stack. * @param array $items Info array containing information on each array item. * @param int $opener The position of the array opener. * @param int $closer The position of the array closer. * * @return int|void Integer stack pointer to skip forward or void to continue * normal file processing. */ protected function process_single_line_array( $stackPtr, $items, $opener, $closer ) { /* * For single line arrays, we don't care about what level the arrow is from. * Just find and fix them all. */ $next_arrow = $this->phpcsFile->findNext( \T_DOUBLE_ARROW, ( $opener + 1 ), $closer ); while ( false !== $next_arrow ) { if ( \T_WHITESPACE === $this->tokens[ ( $next_arrow - 1 ) ]['code'] ) { $space_length = $this->tokens[ ( $next_arrow - 1 ) ]['length']; if ( 1 !== $space_length ) { $error = 'Expected 1 space between "%s" and double arrow; %s found'; $data = array( $this->tokens[ ( $next_arrow - 2 ) ]['content'], $space_length, ); $fix = $this->phpcsFile->addFixableWarning( $error, $next_arrow, 'SpaceBeforeDoubleArrow', $data ); if ( true === $fix ) { $this->phpcsFile->fixer->replaceToken( ( $next_arrow - 1 ), ' ' ); } } } // Find the position of the next double arrow. $next_arrow = $this->phpcsFile->findNext( \T_DOUBLE_ARROW, ( $next_arrow + 1 ), $closer ); } // Ignore any child-arrays as the double arrows in these will already have been handled. return ( $closer + 1 ); } /** * Process a multi-line array. * * @since 0.14.0 * * @param int $stackPtr The position of the current token in the stack. * @param array $items Info array containing information on each array item. * @param int $opener The position of the array opener. * @param int $closer The position of the array closer. * * @return void */ protected function process_multi_line_array( $stackPtr, $items, $opener, $closer ) { $this->maxColumn = (int) $this->maxColumn; $this->validate_align_multiline_items(); /* * Determine what the spacing before the arrow should be. * * Will unset any array items without double arrow and with new line whitespace * if newlines are to be ignored, so the second foreach loop only has to deal * with items which need attention. * * This sniff does not take incorrect indentation of array keys into account. * That's for the `WordPress.Arrays.ArrayIndentation` sniff to fix. * If that would affect the alignment, a second (or third) loop of the fixer * will correct it (again) after the indentation has been fixed. */ $index_end_cols = array(); // Keep track of the end column position of index keys. $double_arrow_cols = array(); // Keep track of arrow column position and count. $multi_line_count = 0; $total_items = \count( $items ); foreach ( $items as $key => $item ) { if ( strpos( $item['raw'], '=>' ) === false ) { // Ignore items without assignment operators. unset( $items[ $key ] ); continue; } // Find the position of the first double arrow. $double_arrow = $this->phpcsFile->findNext( \T_DOUBLE_ARROW, $item['start'], ( $item['end'] + 1 ) ); if ( false === $double_arrow ) { // Shouldn't happen, just in case. unset( $items[ $key ] ); continue; } // Make sure the arrow is for this item and not for a nested array value assignment. $has_array_opener = $this->phpcsFile->findNext( $this->register(), $item['start'], $double_arrow ); if ( false !== $has_array_opener ) { // Double arrow is for a nested array. unset( $items[ $key ] ); continue; } // Find the end of the array key. $last_index_token = $this->phpcsFile->findPrevious( \T_WHITESPACE, ( $double_arrow - 1 ), $item['start'], true ); if ( false === $last_index_token ) { // Shouldn't happen, but just in case. unset( $items[ $key ] ); continue; } if ( true === $this->ignoreNewlines && $this->tokens[ $last_index_token ]['line'] !== $this->tokens[ $double_arrow ]['line'] ) { // Ignore this item as it has a new line between the item key and the double arrow. unset( $items[ $key ] ); continue; } $index_end_position = ( $this->tokens[ $last_index_token ]['column'] + ( $this->tokens[ $last_index_token ]['length'] - 1 ) ); $items[ $key ]['operatorPtr'] = $double_arrow; $items[ $key ]['last_index_token'] = $last_index_token; $items[ $key ]['last_index_col'] = $index_end_position; if ( $this->tokens[ $last_index_token ]['line'] === $this->tokens[ $item['end'] ]['line'] ) { $items[ $key ]['single_line'] = true; } else { $items[ $key ]['single_line'] = false; $multi_line_count++; } if ( ( $index_end_position + 2 ) <= $this->maxColumn ) { $index_end_cols[] = $index_end_position; } if ( ! isset( $double_arrow_cols[ $this->tokens[ $double_arrow ]['column'] ] ) ) { $double_arrow_cols[ $this->tokens[ $double_arrow ]['column'] ] = 1; } else { $double_arrow_cols[ $this->tokens[ $double_arrow ]['column'] ]++; } } unset( $key, $item, $double_arrow, $has_array_opener, $last_index_token ); if ( empty( $items ) || empty( $index_end_cols ) ) { // No actionable array items found. return; } /* * Determine whether the operators for multi-line items should be aligned. */ if ( 'always' === $this->alignMultilineItems ) { $alignMultilineItems = true; } elseif ( 'never' === $this->alignMultilineItems ) { $alignMultilineItems = false; } else { $percentage = (string) round( ( $multi_line_count / $total_items ) * 100, 0 ); // Bit hacky, but this is the only comparison function in PHP which allows to // pass the comparison operator. And hey, it works ;-). $alignMultilineItems = version_compare( $percentage, $this->number, $this->operator ); } /* * If necessary, rebuild the $index_end_cols and $double_arrow_cols arrays * excluding multi-line items. */ if ( false === $alignMultilineItems ) { $select_index_end_cols = array(); $double_arrow_cols = array(); foreach ( $items as $item ) { if ( false === $item['single_line'] ) { continue; } if ( ( $item['last_index_col'] + 2 ) <= $this->maxColumn ) { $select_index_end_cols[] = $item['last_index_col']; } if ( ! isset( $double_arrow_cols[ $this->tokens[ $item['operatorPtr'] ]['column'] ] ) ) { $double_arrow_cols[ $this->tokens[ $item['operatorPtr'] ]['column'] ] = 1; } else { $double_arrow_cols[ $this->tokens[ $item['operatorPtr'] ]['column'] ]++; } } } /* * Determine the expected position of the double arrows. */ if ( ! empty( $select_index_end_cols ) ) { $max_index_width = max( $select_index_end_cols ); } else { $max_index_width = max( $index_end_cols ); } $expected_col = ( $max_index_width + 2 ); if ( false === $this->exact && ! empty( $double_arrow_cols ) ) { /* * If the alignment does not have to be exact, see if a majority * group of the arrows is already at an acceptable position. */ arsort( $double_arrow_cols, \SORT_NUMERIC ); reset( $double_arrow_cols ); $count = current( $double_arrow_cols ); if ( $count > 1 || ( 1 === $count && \count( $items ) === 1 ) ) { // Allow for several groups of arrows having the same $count. $filtered_double_arrow_cols = array_keys( $double_arrow_cols, $count, true ); foreach ( $filtered_double_arrow_cols as $col ) { if ( $col > $expected_col && $col <= $this->maxColumn ) { $expected_col = $col; break; } } } } unset( $max_index_width, $count, $filtered_double_arrow_cols, $col ); /* * Verify and correct the spacing around the double arrows. */ foreach ( $items as $item ) { if ( $this->tokens[ $item['operatorPtr'] ]['column'] === $expected_col && $this->tokens[ $item['operatorPtr'] ]['line'] === $this->tokens[ $item['last_index_token'] ]['line'] ) { // Already correctly aligned. continue; } if ( \T_WHITESPACE !== $this->tokens[ ( $item['operatorPtr'] - 1 ) ]['code'] ) { $before = 0; } else { if ( $this->tokens[ $item['last_index_token'] ]['line'] !== $this->tokens[ $item['operatorPtr'] ]['line'] ) { $before = 'newline'; } else { $before = $this->tokens[ ( $item['operatorPtr'] - 1 ) ]['length']; } } /* * Deal with index sizes larger than maxColumn and with multi-line * array items which should not be aligned. */ if ( ( $item['last_index_col'] + 2 ) > $this->maxColumn || ( false === $alignMultilineItems && false === $item['single_line'] ) ) { if ( ( $item['last_index_col'] + 2 ) === $this->tokens[ $item['operatorPtr'] ]['column'] && $this->tokens[ $item['operatorPtr'] ]['line'] === $this->tokens[ $item['last_index_token'] ]['line'] ) { // MaxColumn/Multi-line item exception, already correctly aligned. continue; } $prefix = 'LongIndex'; if ( false === $alignMultilineItems && false === $item['single_line'] ) { $prefix = 'MultilineItem'; } $error_code = $prefix . 'SpaceBeforeDoubleArrow'; if ( 0 === $before ) { $error_code = $prefix . 'NoSpaceBeforeDoubleArrow'; } $fix = $this->phpcsFile->addFixableWarning( 'Expected 1 space between "%s" and double arrow; %s found.', $item['operatorPtr'], $error_code, array( $this->tokens[ $item['last_index_token'] ]['content'], $before, ) ); if ( true === $fix ) { $this->phpcsFile->fixer->beginChangeset(); // Remove whitespace tokens between the end of the index and the arrow, if any. for ( $i = ( $item['last_index_token'] + 1 ); $i < $item['operatorPtr']; $i++ ) { $this->phpcsFile->fixer->replaceToken( $i, '' ); } // Add the correct whitespace. $this->phpcsFile->fixer->addContent( $item['last_index_token'], ' ' ); $this->phpcsFile->fixer->endChangeset(); } continue; } /* * Deal with the space before double arrows in all other cases. */ $expected_whitespace = $expected_col - ( $this->tokens[ $item['last_index_token'] ]['column'] + $this->tokens[ $item['last_index_token'] ]['length'] ); $fix = $this->phpcsFile->addFixableWarning( 'Array double arrow not aligned correctly; expected %s space(s) between "%s" and double arrow, but found %s.', $item['operatorPtr'], 'DoubleArrowNotAligned', array( $expected_whitespace, $this->tokens[ $item['last_index_token'] ]['content'], $before, ) ); if ( true === $fix ) { if ( 0 === $before || 'newline' === $before ) { $this->phpcsFile->fixer->beginChangeset(); // Remove whitespace tokens between the end of the index and the arrow, if any. for ( $i = ( $item['last_index_token'] + 1 ); $i < $item['operatorPtr']; $i++ ) { $this->phpcsFile->fixer->replaceToken( $i, '' ); } // Add the correct whitespace. $this->phpcsFile->fixer->addContent( $item['last_index_token'], str_repeat( ' ', $expected_whitespace ) ); $this->phpcsFile->fixer->endChangeset(); } elseif ( $expected_whitespace > $before ) { // Add to the existing whitespace to prevent replacing tabs with spaces. // That's the concern of another sniff. $this->phpcsFile->fixer->addContent( ( $item['operatorPtr'] - 1 ), str_repeat( ' ', ( $expected_whitespace - $before ) ) ); } else { // Too much whitespace found. $this->phpcsFile->fixer->replaceToken( ( $item['operatorPtr'] - 1 ), str_repeat( ' ', $expected_whitespace ) ); } } } } /** * Validate that a valid value has been received for the alignMultilineItems property. * * This message may be thrown more than once if the property is being changed inline in a file. * * @since 0.14.0 */ protected function validate_align_multiline_items() { $alignMultilineItems = $this->alignMultilineItems; if ( 'always' === $alignMultilineItems || 'never' === $alignMultilineItems ) { return; } else { // Correct for a potentially added % sign. $alignMultilineItems = rtrim( $alignMultilineItems, '%' ); if ( preg_match( '`^([=<>!]{1,2})(100|[0-9]{1,2})$`', $alignMultilineItems, $matches ) > 0 ) { $operator = $matches[1]; $number = (int) $matches[2]; if ( \in_array( $operator, array( '<', '<=', '>', '>=', '==', '=', '!=', '<>' ), true ) === true && ( $number >= 0 && $number <= 100 ) ) { $this->alignMultilineItems = $alignMultilineItems; $this->number = (string) $number; $this->operator = $operator; return; } } } $this->phpcsFile->addError( 'Invalid property value passed: "%s". The value for the "alignMultilineItems" property for the "WordPress.Arrays.MultipleStatementAlignment" sniff should be either "always", "never" or an comparison operator + a number between 0 and 100.', 0, 'InvalidPropertyPassed', array( $this->alignMultilineItems ) ); // Reset to the default if an invalid value was received. $this->alignMultilineItems = 'always'; } }