#!/usr/bin/env php <?php use Gettext\Languages\Exporter\Exporter; use Gettext\Languages\Language; // Let's start by imposing that we don't accept any error or warning. // This is a really life-saving approach. error_reporting(E_ALL); set_error_handler(function ($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) { fwrite(STDERR, "{$errstr}\nFile: {$errfile}\nLine: {$errline}\nCode: {$errno}\n"); exit(5); }); require_once dirname(__DIR__) . '/src/autoloader.php'; /** * Helper class to handle command line options. */ class Enviro { /** * Shall the output contain only US-ASCII characters? * * @var bool */ public static $outputUSAscii; /** * The output format. * * @var string */ public static $outputFormat; /** * Output file name. * * @var string */ public static $outputFilename; /** * List of wanted language IDs; it not set: all languages will be returned. * * @var array|null */ public static $languages; /** * Reduce the language list to the minimum common denominator. * * @var bool */ public static $reduce; /** * Omit extra parenthesis in plural rule formulas. * * @var bool */ public static $noExtraParenthesis; /** * Parse the command line options. */ public static function initialize() { global $argv; self::$outputUSAscii = false; self::$outputFormat = null; self::$outputFilename = null; self::$languages = null; self::$reduce = null; self::$noExtraParenthesis = false; $exporters = Exporter::getExporters(); if (isset($argv) && is_array($argv)) { foreach ($argv as $argi => $arg) { if ($argi === 0) { continue; } if (is_string($arg)) { $argLC = trim(strtolower($arg)); switch ($argLC) { case '-h': case '--help': self::showSyntax(); exit(0); case '--us-ascii': self::$outputUSAscii = true; break; case '--reduce=yes': self::$reduce = true; break; case '--reduce=no': self::$reduce = false; break; case '--parenthesis=yes': self::$noExtraParenthesis = false; break; case '--parenthesis=no': self::$noExtraParenthesis = true; break; default: if (preg_match('/^--output=.+$/', $argLC)) { if (isset(self::$outputFilename)) { fwrite(STDERR, "The output file name has been specified more than once!\n"); self::showSyntax(); exit(3); } list(, self::$outputFilename) = explode('=', $arg, 2); self::$outputFilename = trim(self::$outputFilename); } elseif (preg_match('/^--languages?=.+$/', $argLC)) { list(, $s) = explode('=', $arg, 2); $list = explode(',', $s); if (is_array(self::$languages)) { self::$languages = array_merge(self::$languages, $list); } else { self::$languages = $list; } } elseif (isset($exporters[$argLC])) { if (isset(self::$outputFormat)) { fwrite(STDERR, "The output format has been specified more than once!\n"); self::showSyntax(); exit(3); } self::$outputFormat = $argLC; } else { fwrite(STDERR, "Unknown option: {$arg}\n"); self::showSyntax(); exit(2); } break; } } } } if (!isset(self::$outputFormat)) { self::showSyntax(); exit(1); } if (isset(self::$languages)) { self::$languages = array_values(array_unique(self::$languages)); } if (!isset(self::$reduce)) { self::$reduce = isset(self::$languages) ? false : true; } } /** * Write out the syntax. */ public static function showSyntax() { $basename = basename(__FILE__); $exporters = array_keys(Exporter::getExporters(true)); $exporterList = implode('|', $exporters); fwrite( STDERR, <<<EOT Syntax: {$basename} [-h|--help] [--us-ascii] [--languages=<LanguageId>[,<LanguageId>,...]] [--reduce=yes|no] [--parenthesis=yes|no] [--output=<file name>] <{$exporterList}> Where: --help show this help message. --us-ascii if specified, the output will contain only US-ASCII characters. --languages(or --language) export only the specified language codes. Separate languages with commas; you can also use this argument more than once; it's case insensitive and accepts both '_' and '-' as locale chunks separator (eg we accept 'it_IT' as well as 'it-it'). --reduce if set to yes the output won't contain languages with the same base language and rules. For instance nl_BE ('Flemish') will be omitted because it's the same as nl ('Dutch'). Defaults to 'no' if --languages is specified, to 'yes' otherwise. --parenthesis if set to no, extra parenthesis will be omitted in generated plural rules formulas. Those extra parenthesis are needed to create a PHP-compatible formula. Defaults to 'yes' --output if specified, the output will be saved to <file name>. If not specified we'll output to standard output. Output formats EOT ); $len = max(array_map('strlen', $exporters)); foreach ($exporters as $exporter) { fwrite(STDERR, ' ' . str_pad($exporter, $len) . ': ' . Exporter::getExporterDescription($exporter) . "\n"); } fwrite(STDERR, "\n"); } /** * Reduce a language list to the minimum common denominator. * * @param Language[] $languages * * @return Language[] */ public static function reduce($languages) { for ($numChunks = 3; $numChunks >= 2; $numChunks--) { $filtered = array(); foreach ($languages as $language) { $chunks = explode('_', $language->id); $compatibleFound = false; if ($numChunks === count($chunks)) { $categoriesHash = serialize($language->categories); $otherIds = array(); $otherIds[] = $chunks[0]; for ($k = 2; $k < $numChunks; $k++) { $otherIds[] = $chunks[0] . '_' . $chunks[$numChunks - 1]; } foreach ($languages as $check) { foreach ($otherIds as $otherId) { if ($check->id === $otherId && $check->formula === $language->formula && $categoriesHash === serialize($check->categories)) { $compatibleFound = true; break; } } if ($compatibleFound === true) { break; } } } if (!$compatibleFound) { $filtered[] = $language; } } $languages = $filtered; } return $languages; } } // Parse the command line options Enviro::initialize(); try { if (isset(Enviro::$languages)) { $languages = array(); foreach (Enviro::$languages as $languageId) { $language = Language::getById($languageId); if (!isset($language)) { throw new Exception("Unable to find the language with id '{$languageId}'"); } $languages[] = $language; } } else { $languages = Language::getAll(); } if (Enviro::$reduce) { $languages = Enviro::reduce($languages); } if (Enviro::$noExtraParenthesis) { $languages = array_map( function (Language $language) { $language->formula = $language->buildFormula(true); return $language; }, $languages ); } if (isset(Enviro::$outputFilename)) { echo call_user_func(array(Exporter::getExporterClassName(Enviro::$outputFormat), 'toFile'), $languages, Enviro::$outputFilename, array('us-ascii' => Enviro::$outputUSAscii)); } else { echo call_user_func(array(Exporter::getExporterClassName(Enviro::$outputFormat), 'toString'), $languages, array('us-ascii' => Enviro::$outputUSAscii)); } } catch (Exception $x) { fwrite(STDERR, $x->getMessage() . "\n"); fwrite(STDERR, "Trace:\n"); fwrite(STDERR, $x->getTraceAsString() . "\n"); exit(4); } exit(0);