body { background: $color__background-body; // Fallback for when there is no custom background color defined. //background-image: url(./assets/img/background-colors-02.jpg); //background-size: cover; //background-position: center center; //background-repeat: no-repeat; position: relative; &.admin-bar { //if else breaks the WordPress inline styles when front end editing position: inherit; } } :root{ // check colors at sass/abstracts/variables/_colors.scss --bubble-color-01: #ff5a69; //$color__xxp-red; --bubble-color-02: #ffcb1f; //$color__xxp-yellow; --bubble-color-03: #00d1ec; //$color__xxp-cyan; --bubble-color-04: #00f274; //$color__xxp-green; } //bubble color definition .home { --bubble-color-01: #ffffff; --bubble-color-02: #ff79a8; //$color__xxp-lila; --bubble-color-03: #ff9221; //$color__xxp-orange; --bubble-color-04: #ffffff; } .page-id-617 //que es xarxaprod { --bubble-color-01: #4a30f4; //$color__xxp-blue; --bubble-color-02: #ffffff; --bubble-color-03: #ffffff; --bubble-color-04: #f6ca43; //$color__xxp-yellow-2; } .page-id-626, //qui som junta .page-id-2936, //comisions .page-id-2937 //ofi tecnica { --bubble-color-01: #ffcb1f; --bubble-color-02: #ffffff; --bubble-color-03: #ffffff; --bubble-color-04: #ff79a8; } .page-id-634 //que oferim { --bubble-color-01: #ffffff; --bubble-color-02: #f6ca43; --bubble-color-03: #4a30f4; --bubble-color-04: #ffffff; } .page-id-659 //premsa { --bubble-color-01: #ffffff; --bubble-color-02: #6cd3eb; --bubble-color-03: #f6ca43; --bubble-color-04: #ffffff; } .page-template-associats-search { --bubble-color-01: #ffffff; --bubble-color-02: #68ed81; --bubble-color-03: #ff79a8; --bubble-color-04: #ffffff; } .single-xarxaprod-associat { --bubble-color-01: #ff9221; --bubble-color-02: #f6ca43; --bubble-color-03: #ff866f; --bubble-color-04: #ffffff; } .page-template-arxiu-genera { --bubble-color-01: #ffffff; --bubble-color-02: #f61818; --bubble-color-03: #f61818; --bubble-color-04: #ffffff; } .liquid-bubbles { overflow: hidden; float: left; position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; z-index: -1000; width: 100vw; height: 100vh; } @keyframes bubble-move { from { width: 40vw; height: 40vw; filter: blur(10rem); /* transform: rotate(0);*/ } to { width: 90vw; height: 20vw; filter: blur(20rem); /* transform: rotate(5deg);*/ } } .bubbles { --size: 40vw; --position: -5vw; filter: blur(20rem); position:absolute; width: var(--size); height: var(--size); border-radius: 20%; background: linear-gradient(var(--bgangle),var(--bgcolor), transparent); //animation: 4s ease-in-out 4s infinite alternate bubble-move; &.bubble-01{ top: var(--position); left: var(--position); --bgcolor: var(--bubble-color-01); //--bgangle: to bottom right; --bgangle: 135deg; animation: 5s ease-in-out 2s infinite alternate bubble-move; } &.bubble-02{ top: var(--position); right: var(--position); --bgcolor: var(--bubble-color-02); //--bgangle: to bottom left; --bgangle: 225deg; animation: 3s ease-in-out 0s infinite alternate bubble-move; } &.bubble-03{ bottom: var(--position); left: var(--position); --bgcolor: var(--bubble-color-03); //--bgangle: to top right; --bgangle: 45deg; animation: 2s ease-in-out 3s infinite alternate bubble-move; } &.bubble-04{ bottom: var(--position); right: var(--position); --bgcolor: var(--bubble-color-04); //--bgangle: to top left; --bgangle: 325deg; animation: 4s ease-in-out 1s infinite alternate bubble-move; } }