Peast ========== [![Latest Stable Version](]( [![Total Downloads](]( [![License](]( [![Build Status](]( **Peast** _(PHP ECMAScript Abstract Syntax Tree)_ is a PHP 5.4+ library that parses JavaScript code, according to [ECMAScript specification](, and generates an abstract syntax tree following the [ESTree standard]( Installation ------------- Include the following requirement to your composer.json: ``` { "require": { "mck89/peast": "dev-master" } } ``` Run `composer install` to install the package. Then in your script include the autoloader and you can start using Peast: ```php require_once "vendor/autoload.php"; $source = "var a = 1"; //Your JavaScript code $ast = Peast\Peast::latest($source, $options)->parse(); //Parse it! ``` Documentation ------------- Read the documentation for more examples and explanations: 1. [AST generation and tokenization](doc/ 2. [Tree Traversing](doc/ 3. [Querying By Selector](doc/ 4. [Rendering](doc/ [Changelog](doc/