<?php /** * WordPress Coding Standard. * * @package WPCS\WordPressCodingStandards * @link https://github.com/WordPress/WordPress-Coding-Standards * @license https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT MIT */ namespace WordPressCS\WordPress\Sniffs\Classes; use WordPressCS\WordPress\Sniff; use PHP_CodeSniffer\Util\Tokens; /** * Verifies object instantiation statements. * * - Demand the use of parenthesis. * - Demand no space between the class name and the parenthesis. * - Forbid assigning new by reference. * * {@internal Note: This sniff currently does not examine the parenthesis of new object * instantiations where the class name is held in a variable variable.}} * * @package WPCS\WordPressCodingStandards * * @since 0.12.0 * @since 0.13.0 Class name changed: this class is now namespaced. */ class ClassInstantiationSniff extends Sniff { /** * A list of tokenizers this sniff supports. * * @var array */ public $supportedTokenizers = array( 'PHP', 'JS', ); /** * Tokens which can be part of a "classname". * * Set from within the register() method. * * @var array */ protected $classname_tokens = array(); /** * Returns an array of tokens this test wants to listen for. * * @return array */ public function register() { /* * Set the $classname_tokens property. * * Currently does not account for classnames passed as a variable variable. */ $this->classname_tokens = Tokens::$emptyTokens; $this->classname_tokens[ \T_NS_SEPARATOR ] = \T_NS_SEPARATOR; $this->classname_tokens[ \T_STRING ] = \T_STRING; $this->classname_tokens[ \T_SELF ] = \T_SELF; $this->classname_tokens[ \T_STATIC ] = \T_STATIC; $this->classname_tokens[ \T_PARENT ] = \T_PARENT; $this->classname_tokens[ \T_ANON_CLASS ] = \T_ANON_CLASS; // Classname in a variable. $this->classname_tokens[ \T_VARIABLE ] = \T_VARIABLE; $this->classname_tokens[ \T_DOUBLE_COLON ] = \T_DOUBLE_COLON; $this->classname_tokens[ \T_OBJECT_OPERATOR ] = \T_OBJECT_OPERATOR; $this->classname_tokens[ \T_OPEN_SQUARE_BRACKET ] = \T_OPEN_SQUARE_BRACKET; $this->classname_tokens[ \T_CLOSE_SQUARE_BRACKET ] = \T_CLOSE_SQUARE_BRACKET; $this->classname_tokens[ \T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING ] = \T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING; $this->classname_tokens[ \T_LNUMBER ] = \T_LNUMBER; return array( \T_NEW, \T_STRING, // JS. ); } /** * Processes this test, when one of its tokens is encountered. * * @param int $stackPtr The position of the current token in the stack. * * @return void */ public function process_token( $stackPtr ) { // Make sure we have the right token, JS vs PHP. if ( ( 'PHP' === $this->phpcsFile->tokenizerType && \T_NEW !== $this->tokens[ $stackPtr ]['code'] ) || ( 'JS' === $this->phpcsFile->tokenizerType && ( \T_STRING !== $this->tokens[ $stackPtr ]['code'] || 'new' !== strtolower( $this->tokens[ $stackPtr ]['content'] ) ) ) ) { return; } /* * Check for new by reference used in PHP files. */ if ( 'PHP' === $this->phpcsFile->tokenizerType ) { $prev_non_empty = $this->phpcsFile->findPrevious( Tokens::$emptyTokens, ( $stackPtr - 1 ), null, true ); if ( false !== $prev_non_empty && 'T_BITWISE_AND' === $this->tokens[ $prev_non_empty ]['type'] ) { $this->phpcsFile->recordMetric( $stackPtr, 'Assigning new by reference', 'yes' ); $this->phpcsFile->addError( 'Assigning the return value of new by reference is no longer supported by PHP.', $stackPtr, 'NewByReferenceFound' ); } else { $this->phpcsFile->recordMetric( $stackPtr, 'Assigning new by reference', 'no' ); } } /* * Check for parenthesis & correct placement thereof. */ $next_non_empty_after_class_name = $this->phpcsFile->findNext( $this->classname_tokens, ( $stackPtr + 1 ), null, true, null, true ); if ( false === $next_non_empty_after_class_name ) { // Live coding. return; } // Walk back to the last part of the class name. $has_comment = false; for ( $classname_ptr = ( $next_non_empty_after_class_name - 1 ); $classname_ptr >= $stackPtr; $classname_ptr-- ) { if ( ! isset( Tokens::$emptyTokens[ $this->tokens[ $classname_ptr ]['code'] ] ) ) { // Prevent a false positive on variable variables, disregard them for now. if ( $stackPtr === $classname_ptr ) { return; } break; } if ( \T_WHITESPACE !== $this->tokens[ $classname_ptr ]['code'] ) { $has_comment = true; } } if ( \T_OPEN_PARENTHESIS !== $this->tokens[ $next_non_empty_after_class_name ]['code'] ) { $this->phpcsFile->recordMetric( $stackPtr, 'Object instantiation with parenthesis', 'no' ); $fix = $this->phpcsFile->addFixableError( 'Parenthesis should always be used when instantiating a new object.', $classname_ptr, 'MissingParenthesis' ); if ( true === $fix ) { $this->phpcsFile->fixer->addContent( $classname_ptr, '()' ); } } else { $this->phpcsFile->recordMetric( $stackPtr, 'Object instantiation with parenthesis', 'yes' ); if ( ( $next_non_empty_after_class_name - 1 ) !== $classname_ptr ) { $this->phpcsFile->recordMetric( $stackPtr, 'Space between classname and parenthesis', ( $next_non_empty_after_class_name - $classname_ptr ) ); $error = 'There must be no spaces between the class name and the open parenthesis when instantiating a new object.'; $error_code = 'SpaceBeforeParenthesis'; if ( false === $has_comment ) { $fix = $this->phpcsFile->addFixableError( $error, $next_non_empty_after_class_name, $error_code ); if ( true === $fix ) { $this->phpcsFile->fixer->beginChangeset(); for ( $i = ( $next_non_empty_after_class_name - 1 ); $i > $classname_ptr; $i-- ) { $this->phpcsFile->fixer->replaceToken( $i, '' ); } $this->phpcsFile->fixer->endChangeset(); } } else { $this->phpcsFile->addError( $error, $next_non_empty_after_class_name, $error_code ); } } else { $this->phpcsFile->recordMetric( $stackPtr, 'Space between classname and parenthesis', 0 ); } } } }