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2024-01-09 16:13:20 +01:00
* Type intersection or bitwise and.
/* testBitwiseAnd1 */
$result = $value & $test /* testBitwiseAnd2 */ & $another;
class TypeIntersection
/* testTypeIntersectionPropertySimple */
public static Foo&Bar $obj;
/* testTypeIntersectionPropertyReverseModifierOrder */
static protected Something&Nothing $somethingNothing /* testBitwiseAndPropertyDefaultValue */ = E_WARNING & E_NOTICE;
/* testTypeIntersectionPropertyMulti1 */
Foo &
/* testTypeIntersectionPropertyMulti2 */
Traversable & // phpcs:ignore Stnd.Cat.Sniff
/* testTypeIntersectionPropertyMulti3 */
& Bar $multi;
/* testTypeIntersectionPropertyNamespaceRelative */
public namespace\Sub\NameA&namespace\Sub\NameB $namespaceRelative;
/* testTypeIntersectionPropertyPartiallyQualified */
public Partially\Qualified\NameA&Partially\Qualified\NameB $partiallyQual;
/* testTypeIntersectionPropertyFullyQualified */
public \Fully\Qualified\NameA&\Fully\Qualified\NameB $fullyQual;
/* testTypeIntersectionPropertyWithReadOnlyKeyword */
protected readonly Foo&Bar $fooBar;
public function paramTypes(
/* testTypeIntersectionParam1 */
Foo&Bar $paramA /* testBitwiseAndParamDefaultValue */ = CONSTANT_A & CONSTANT_B,
/* testTypeIntersectionParam2 */
Foo&\Bar /* testTypeIntersectionParam3 */ &Baz /* testBitwiseAnd3 */ &...$paramB = null,
) {
/* testBitwiseAnd4 */
return (($a1 ^ $b1) &($a2 ^ $b2)) + $c;
public function identifierNames(
/* testTypeIntersectionParamNamespaceRelative */
namespace\Sub\NameA&namespace\Sub\NameB $paramA,
/* testTypeIntersectionParamPartiallyQualified */
Partially\Qualified\NameA&Partially\Qualified\NameB $paramB,
/* testTypeIntersectionParamFullyQualified */
\Fully\Qualified\NameA&\Fully\Qualified\NameB $paramC,
) {}
/* testTypeIntersectionReturnType */
public function returnType() : Foo&Bar {}
/* testTypeIntersectionConstructorPropertyPromotion */
public function __construct( public Foo&Bar $property) {}
/* testTypeIntersectionAbstractMethodReturnType1 */
abstract public function abstractMethod(): Foo&Bar /* testTypeIntersectionAbstractMethodReturnType2 */ &Baz;
/* testTypeIntersectionReturnTypeNamespaceRelative */
public function identifierNamesReturnRelative() : namespace\Sub\NameA&namespace\Sub\NameB {}
/* testTypeIntersectionReturnPartiallyQualified */
public function identifierNamesReturnPQ() : Partially\Qualified\NameA&Partially\Qualified\NameB {}
/* testTypeIntersectionReturnFullyQualified */
public function identifierNamesReturnFQ() : \Fully\Qualified\NameA&\Fully\Qualified\NameB {}
/* testTypeIntersectionClosureParamIllegalNullable */
$closureWithParamType = function (?Foo&Bar $string) {};
function globalFunctionWithSpreadAndReference(
/* testTypeIntersectionWithReference */
Foo&Bar /* testBitwiseAnd5 */ &$paramA,
/* testTypeIntersectionWithSpreadOperator */
Foo&Bar ...$paramB
) {}
/* testBitwiseAndClosureParamDefault */
$closureWithReturnType = function ($string = NONSENSE & FAKE)/* testTypeIntersectionClosureReturn */ : \Package\MyA&PackageB {};
/* testTypeIntersectionArrowParam */
$arrowWithParamType = fn (Foo&Bar $param, /* testBitwiseAndArrowParamDefault */ ?int $int = CONSTA & CONSTB )
/* testBitwiseAndArrowExpression */
=> $param & $int;
/* testTypeIntersectionArrowReturnType */
$arrowWithReturnType = fn ($param) : Foo&Bar => $param * 10;
/* testBitwiseAndInArrayKey */
$array = array(
A & B => /* testBitwiseAndInArrayValue */ B & C
/* testBitwiseAndInShortArrayKey */
$array = [
A & B => /* testBitwiseAndInShortArrayValue */ B & C
/* testBitwiseAndNonArrowFnFunctionCall */
$obj->fn($something & $else);
/* testBitwiseAnd6 */
function &fn(/* testTypeIntersectionNonArrowFunctionDeclaration */ Foo&Bar $something) {}
/* testTypeIntersectionWithInvalidTypes */
function (int&string $var) {};
/* testLiveCoding */
// Intentional parse error. This has to be the last test in the file.
return function( Foo&