
235 lines
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* WPThemeReview Coding Standard.
* @package WPTRT\WPThemeReview
* @link https://github.com/WPTRT/WPThemeReview
* @license https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT MIT
namespace WPThemeReview\Sniffs\CoreFunctionality;
use WordPressCS\WordPress\AbstractFunctionParameterSniff;
use PHP_CodeSniffer\Util\Tokens;
* Forbids deregistering of core scripts (javascript).
* @link https://make.wordpress.org/themes/handbook/review/required/#stylesheets-and-scripts
* @since 0.1.0
class NoDeregisterCoreScriptSniff extends AbstractFunctionParameterSniff {
* The group name for this group of functions.
* @since 0.1.0
* @var string
protected $group_name = 'wp_deregister_script';
* Array of function and script handles used in core.
* {@internal List was probably based on the documentation of the wp_enqueue_script function.
* List needs further verification and update.
* @link https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/functions/wp_enqueue_script/}}
* @since 0.1.0
* @var array
protected $target_functions = [
'wp_deregister_script' => [
'jcrop' => true,
'swfobject' => true,
'swfupload' => true,
'swfupload-degrade' => true,
'swfupload-queue' => true,
'swfupload-handlers' => true,
'jquery' => true,
'jquery-form' => true,
'jquery-color' => true,
'jquery-masonry' => true,
'masonry' => true,
'jquery-ui-core' => true,
'jquery-ui-widget' => true,
'jquery-ui-accordion' => true,
'jquery-ui-autocomplete' => true,
'jquery-ui-button' => true,
'jquery-ui-datepicker' => true,
'jquery-ui-dialog' => true,
'jquery-ui-draggable' => true,
'jquery-ui-droppable' => true,
'jquery-ui-menu' => true,
'jquery-ui-mouse' => true,
'jquery-ui-position' => true,
'jquery-ui-progressbar' => true,
'jquery-ui-selectable' => true,
'jquery-ui-resizable' => true,
'jquery-ui-selectmenu' => true,
'jquery-ui-sortable' => true,
'jquery-ui-slider' => true,
'jquery-ui-spinner' => true,
'jquery-ui-tooltip' => true,
'jquery-ui-tabs' => true,
'jquery-effects-core' => true,
'jquery-effects-blind' => true,
'jquery-effects-bounce' => true,
'jquery-effects-clip' => true,
'jquery-effects-drop' => true,
'jquery-effects-explode' => true,
'jquery-effects-fade' => true,
'jquery-effects-fold' => true,
'jquery-effects-highlight' => true,
'jquery-effects-pulsate' => true,
'jquery-effects-scale' => true,
'jquery-effects-shake' => true,
'jquery-effects-slide' => true,
'jquery-effects-transfer' => true,
'wp-mediaelement' => true,
'schedule' => true,
'suggest' => true,
'thickbox' => true,
'hoverIntent' => true,
'jquery-hotkeys' => true,
'sack' => true,
'quicktags' => true,
'iris' => true,
'farbtastic' => true,
'colorpicker' => true,
'tiny_mce' => true,
'autosave' => true,
'wp-ajax-response' => true,
'wp-lists' => true,
'common' => true,
'editorremov' => true,
'editor-functions' => true,
'ajaxcat' => true,
'admin-categories' => true,
'admin-tags' => true,
'admin-custom-fields' => true,
'password-strength-meter' => true,
'admin-comments' => true,
'admin-users' => true,
'admin-forms' => true,
'xfn' => true,
'upload' => true,
'postbox' => true,
'slug' => true,
'post' => true,
'page' => true,
'link' => true,
'comment' => true,
'comment-reply' => true,
'admin-gallery' => true,
'media-upload' => true,
'admin-widgets' => true,
'word-count' => true,
'theme-preview' => true,
'json2' => true,
'plupload' => true,
'plupload-all' => true,
'plupload-html4' => true,
'plupload-html5' => true,
'plupload-flash' => true,
'plupload-silverlight' => true,
'underscore' => true,
'backbone' => true,
'imagesloaded' => true,
* Process the parameters of a matched function.
* @since 0.1.0
* @param int $stackPtr The position of the current token in the stack.
* @param array $group_name The name of the group which was matched.
* @param string $matched_content The token content (function name) which was matched.
* @param array $parameters Array with information about the parameters.
* @return void
public function process_parameters( $stackPtr, $group_name, $matched_content, $parameters ) {
if ( ! isset( $parameters[1] ) ) {
$matched_parameter = $this->strip_quotes( $parameters[1]['raw'] );
$first_param_token = $this->phpcsFile->findNext(
( $parameters[1]['end'] + 1 ),
if ( isset( $this->target_functions[ $matched_content ][ $matched_parameter ] ) ) {
$this->throw_prohibited_error( $first_param_token, [ $matched_parameter ] );
// More extensive check to prevent people circumventing the sniff.
$text = '';
$found_variable_token = false;
for ( $i = $parameters[1]['start']; $i <= $parameters[1]['end']; $i++ ) {
if ( isset( Tokens::$stringTokens[ $this->tokens[ $i ]['code'] ] ) === false ) {
if ( T_VARIABLE === $this->tokens[ $i ]['code']
|| T_STRING === $this->tokens[ $i ]['code']
) {
$found_variable_token = true;
$text .= $this->strip_quotes( $this->tokens[ $i ]['content'] );
if ( isset( $this->target_functions[ $matched_content ][ $text ] ) ) {
$this->throw_prohibited_error( $first_param_token, [ $text ] );
if ( true === $found_variable_token ) {
$this->throw_variable_handle_warning( $first_param_token, [ $matched_content, $matched_parameter ] );
* Throw the error for deregistering a core script.
* @param int $stackPtr The position of the first non-empty parameter token in the stack.
* @param array $data Optional input for the data replacements.
public function throw_prohibited_error( $stackPtr, $data = [] ) {
'Deregistering core script "%s" is prohibited.',
* Throw a warning when a variable handle for deregistering a script is detected.
* @param int $stackPtr The position of the first non-empty parameter token in the stack.
* @param array $data Optional input for the data replacements.
public function throw_variable_handle_warning( $stackPtr, $data = [] ) {
'Deregistering core scripts is prohibited. A variable script handle was found. Inspection of the %s() call needed. Found: %s',