106 lines
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106 lines
3.3 KiB
use WP_CLI\FileCache;
use WP_CLI\Loggers;
use WP_CLI\Tests\TestCase;
use WP_CLI\Utils;
require_once dirname( __DIR__ ) . '/php/class-wp-cli.php';
class FileCacheTest extends TestCase {
* Test get_root() deals with backslashed directory.
public function testGetRoot() {
$max_size = 32;
$ttl = 60;
$cache_dir = Utils\get_temp_dir() . uniqid( 'wp-cli-test-file-cache', true );
$cache = new FileCache( $cache_dir, $ttl, $max_size );
$this->assertSame( $cache_dir . '/', $cache->get_root() );
unset( $cache );
$cache = new FileCache( $cache_dir . '/', $ttl, $max_size );
$this->assertSame( $cache_dir . '/', $cache->get_root() );
unset( $cache );
$cache = new FileCache( $cache_dir . '\\', $ttl, $max_size );
$this->assertSame( $cache_dir . '/', $cache->get_root() );
unset( $cache );
rmdir( $cache_dir );
public function test_ensure_dir_exists() {
$prev_logger = WP_CLI::get_logger();
$logger = new Loggers\Execution();
WP_CLI::set_logger( $logger );
$max_size = 32;
$ttl = 60;
$cache_dir = Utils\get_temp_dir() . uniqid( 'wp-cli-test-file-cache', true );
$cache = new FileCache( $cache_dir, $ttl, $max_size );
$test_class = new ReflectionClass( $cache );
$method = $test_class->getMethod( 'ensure_dir_exists' );
$method->setAccessible( true );
// Cache directory should be created.
$result = $method->invokeArgs( $cache, [ $cache_dir . '/test1' ] );
$this->assertTrue( $result );
$this->assertTrue( is_dir( $cache_dir . '/test1' ) );
// Try to create the same directory again. it should return true.
$result = $method->invokeArgs( $cache, [ $cache_dir . '/test1' ] );
$this->assertTrue( $result );
// `chmod()` doesn't work on Windows.
if ( ! Utils\is_windows() ) {
// It should be failed because permission denied.
$logger->stderr = '';
chmod( $cache_dir . '/test1', 0000 );
$result = $method->invokeArgs( $cache, [ $cache_dir . '/test1/error' ] );
$expected = "/^Warning: Failed to create directory '.+': mkdir\(\): Permission denied\.$/";
$this->assertMatchesRegularExpression( $expected, $logger->stderr );
// It should be failed because file exists.
$logger->stderr = '';
file_put_contents( $cache_dir . '/test2', '' );
$result = $method->invokeArgs( $cache, [ $cache_dir . '/test2' ] );
$expected = "/^Warning: Failed to create directory '.+': mkdir\(\): File exists\.$/";
$this->assertMatchesRegularExpression( $expected, $logger->stderr );
// Restore
chmod( $cache_dir . '/test1', 0755 );
rmdir( $cache_dir . '/test1' );
unlink( $cache_dir . '/test2' );
rmdir( $cache_dir );
WP_CLI::set_logger( $prev_logger );
public function test_export() {
$max_size = 32;
$ttl = 60;
$cache_dir = Utils\get_temp_dir() . uniqid( 'wp-cli-test-file-cache', true );
$target_dir = Utils\get_temp_dir() . uniqid( 'wp-cli-test-file-cache-export/nonexistant-subdirectory', true );
$target = $target_dir . '/foo';
$key = 'foo';
$contents = 'bar';
$cache = new FileCache( $cache_dir, $ttl, $max_size );
// Assert subdirectory is created.
$cache->write( $key, $contents );
$cache->export( $key, $target );
$this->assertEquals( $contents, file_get_contents( $target ) );
// Clean up.
unlink( $target );
rmdir( $target_dir );