# BladeOneHtml extension library (optional) Requires: BladeOne For using this tag, the code requires to use the class BladeOneHtml ## New Tags ### Select/endselect ```html @select('id1') @item('0','--Select a country--',$countrySelected,'') @items($countries,'id','name',$countrySelected,'') @endselect() ``` - `@select`/`@endselect` creates the **select** tag. The first value is the id and name of the tag. - `@item` allows to add one element **option** tag. - The first value is the id and the second is the visible text. - The third tag indicates the selected element. It could be a single value or an array of elements. - `@items` allows to add one list of elements **option** tag. - The first value is the list of values, - the second and third is the id and name. - And the fourth one is the selected value (optional) ![select](http://i.imgur.com/yaMavQB.jpg?1) ### Input ```html @input('iduser',$currentUser,'text'[,$extra]) ``` `@input` creates a **input** tag. The first value is the id/name, the second is the default value, the third is the type (by default is text for textbox)*[]: ### Form/endform ```form @form(['action'],['post'][,$extra]) ... form goes here @endform ``` `@form` creates **form** html tag. The first value (optional) is the action, the second value (optional) is the method ('post','get') ### listboxes ```html @listboxes('idlistbox',$countries,'id','name',$multipleSelect) ``` - `@listboxes(id,$listvalues,$fieldid,$fieldvalue,·selected,[$extra])` Creates a list box - The `id` indicates the id of the object. It shoulds be unique. - `$listvalues` indicates the vlaues to show in the object. - `$fieldid` indicates the field used as key. - `$fieldvalue` indicates the field used to show. - `$selected` indicates the selected values. - `$extra` (optional) indicates the extra value (see note below). ### selectgroup ### radio/endradio ### checkbox/endcheckbox Single checkbox: ```html @checkbox('idsimple','777','SelectMe','777') ``` Multiple checkboxes: ```html @checkbox('id3') @item('0','--Select a country--')
') @endcheckbox() ``` - `@checkbox(id,$value,$label,$valueSelected,[$extra])` - `id` indicates the id of the object. It shoulds be unique - `$value` indicates the value of the checkbox when its selected. - `$label` shows the label of the object. - `$valueselected` indicates the selected value. If $value is equals to $valueselected then the checkbox is checked - `$extra` (optional) indicates the extra value (see section note below). > Note: It could be generates as a single value or as a list of checkboxes (see examples) ### item/trio ### items/trios ### textarea ### hidden ### label ```html @label('id','Select the value:') ``` - `@label(id,$label,[$extra])` - `id` indicates the id of the input object related with the label. - `$label` shows the label of the object. - `$extra` (optional) indicates the extra value (see section note below). ### commandbutton ### link (new in 1.6) ```html @link('http://www.google.com','Go to google') ``` ### NOTE: Extra Parameter Additionally, you can add an (optional) last parameter with additional value (see the example of @select) ```html
@select('id1') @item('0','--Select a country--',"",class='form-control'") @items($countries,'id','name',"",$countrySelected) @endselect()