<?php namespace eftec\bladeone; use Redis; /** * trait BladeOneCacheRedis * Copyright (c) 2016 Jorge Patricio Castro Castillo MIT License. Don't delete this comment, its part of the license. * Extends the tags of the class BladeOne. Its optional * It adds the next tags to the template * <code> * @ cache([cacheid],[duration=86400]). The id is optional. The duration of the cache is in seconds * // content here * @ endcache() * </code> * It also adds a new function (optional) to the business or logic layer * <code> * if ($blade->cacheExpired('hellocache',1,5)) { //'helloonecache' =template, =1 id cache, 5=duration (seconds) * // cache expired, so we should do some stuff (such as read from the database) * } * </code> * * @package BladeOneCacheRedis * @version 0.1 2017-12-15 NOT YET IMPLEMENTED, ITS A WIP!!!!!!!! * @link https://github.com/EFTEC/BladeOne * @author Jorge Patricio Castro Castillo <jcastro arroba eftec dot cl> */ const CACHEREDIS_SCOPEURL = 1; trait BladeOneCacheRedis { protected $curCacheId = 0; protected $curCacheDuration = ""; protected $curCachePosition = 0; protected $cacheRunning = false; /** @var \Redis $redis */ protected $redis; protected $redisIP = ''; protected $redisPort = 6379; protected $redisTimeOut = 2.5; protected $redisConnected = false; protected $redisNamespace = 'bladeonecache:'; protected $redisBase = 0; private $cacheExpired = []; // avoids to compare the file different times. //<editor-fold desc="compile"> public function compileCache($expression) { // get id of template // if the file exists then // compare date. // if the date is too old then re-save. // else // save for the first time. return $this->phpTag . "echo \$this->cacheStart{$expression}; if(!\$this->cacheRunning) { ?>"; } public function compileEndCache($expression) { return $this->phpTag . "} // if cacheRunning\necho \$this->cacheEnd{$expression}; ?>"; } //</editor-fold> public function connect($redisIP = null, $redisPort = null, $redisTimeOut = null) { if ($this->redisConnected) { return true; } if (!\class_exists('Redis')) { return false; // it requires redis. } if ($redisIP !== null) { $this->redisIP = $redisIP; $this->redisPort = $redisPort; $this->redisTimeOut = $redisTimeOut; } $this->redis = new Redis(); // 2.5 sec timeout. $this->redisConnected = $this->redis->connect($this->redisIP, $this->redisPort, $this->redisTimeOut); return $this->redisConnected; } /** * Returns true if the cache expired (or doesn't exist), otherwise false. * * @param string $templateName name of the template to use (such hello for template hello.blade.php) * @param string $id (id of cache, optional, if not id then it adds automatically a number) * @param int $scope scope of the cache. * @param int $cacheDuration (duration of the cache in seconds) * @return bool (return if the cache expired) */ public function cacheExpired($templateName, $id, $scope, $cacheDuration) { if ($this->getMode() & 1) { return true; // forced mode, hence it always expires. (fast mode is ignored). } $compiledFile = $this->getCompiledFile($templateName) . '_cache' . $id; if (isset($this->cacheExpired[$compiledFile])) { // if the information is already in the array then returns it. return $this->cacheExpired[$compiledFile]; } $date = @\filemtime($compiledFile); if ($date) { if ($date + $cacheDuration < \time()) { $this->cacheExpired[$compiledFile] = true; return true; // time-out. } } else { $this->cacheExpired[$compiledFile] = true; return true; // no file } $this->cacheExpired[$compiledFile] = false; return false; // cache active. } public function cacheStart($id = "", $cacheDuration = 86400) { $this->curCacheId = ($id == "") ? ($this->curCacheId + 1) : $id; $this->curCacheDuration = $cacheDuration; $this->curCachePosition = \strlen(\ob_get_contents()); $compiledFile = $this->getCompiledFile() . '_cache' . $this->curCacheId; if ($this->cacheExpired('', $id, $cacheDuration)) { $this->cacheRunning = false; } else { $this->cacheRunning = true; $content = $this->getFile($compiledFile); echo $content; } // getFile($fileName) } public function cacheEnd() { if (!$this->cacheRunning) { $txt = \substr(\ob_get_contents(), $this->curCachePosition); $compiledFile = $this->getCompiledFile() . '_cache' . $this->curCacheId; \file_put_contents($compiledFile, $txt); } $this->cacheRunning = false; } private function keyByScope($scope) { $key = ''; if ($scope && CACHEREDIS_SCOPEURL) { $key .= $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; } } }