*/ class Plugin implements PluginInterface, EventSubscriberInterface { const KEY_MAX_DEPTH = 'phpcodesniffer-search-depth'; const MESSAGE_ERROR_WRONG_MAX_DEPTH = 'The value of "%s" (in the composer.json "extra".section) must be an integer larger then %d, %s given.'; const MESSAGE_NOT_INSTALLED = 'PHPCodeSniffer is not installed'; const MESSAGE_NOTHING_TO_INSTALL = 'Nothing to install or update'; const MESSAGE_PLUGIN_UNINSTALLED = 'PHPCodeSniffer Composer Installer is uninstalled'; const MESSAGE_RUNNING_INSTALLER = 'Running PHPCodeSniffer Composer Installer'; const PACKAGE_NAME = 'squizlabs/php_codesniffer'; const PACKAGE_TYPE = 'phpcodesniffer-standard'; const PHPCS_CONFIG_REGEX = '`%s:[^\r\n]+`'; const PHPCS_CONFIG_KEY = 'installed_paths'; const PLUGIN_NAME = 'dealerdirect/phpcodesniffer-composer-installer'; /** * @var Composer */ private $composer; /** * @var string */ private $cwd; /** * @var Filesystem */ private $filesystem; /** * @var array */ private $installedPaths; /** * @var IOInterface */ private $io; /** * @var ProcessExecutor */ private $processExecutor; /** * Triggers the plugin's main functionality. * * Makes it possible to run the plugin as a custom command. * * @param Event $event * * @throws \InvalidArgumentException * @throws \RuntimeException * @throws LogicException * @throws ProcessFailedException * @throws RuntimeException */ public static function run(Event $event) { $io = $event->getIO(); $composer = $event->getComposer(); $instance = new static(); $instance->io = $io; $instance->composer = $composer; $instance->init(); $instance->onDependenciesChangedEvent(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @throws \RuntimeException * @throws LogicException * @throws ProcessFailedException * @throws RuntimeException */ public function activate(Composer $composer, IOInterface $io) { $this->composer = $composer; $this->io = $io; $this->init(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function deactivate(Composer $composer, IOInterface $io) { } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function uninstall(Composer $composer, IOInterface $io) { } /** * Prepares the plugin so it's main functionality can be run. * * @throws \RuntimeException * @throws LogicException * @throws ProcessFailedException * @throws RuntimeException */ private function init() { $this->cwd = getcwd(); $this->installedPaths = array(); $this->processExecutor = new ProcessExecutor($this->io); $this->filesystem = new Filesystem($this->processExecutor); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public static function getSubscribedEvents() { return array( ScriptEvents::POST_INSTALL_CMD => array( array('onDependenciesChangedEvent', 0), ), ScriptEvents::POST_UPDATE_CMD => array( array('onDependenciesChangedEvent', 0), ), ); } /** * Entry point for post install and post update events. * * @throws \InvalidArgumentException * @throws LogicException * @throws ProcessFailedException * @throws RuntimeException */ public function onDependenciesChangedEvent() { $io = $this->io; $isVerbose = $io->isVerbose(); $exitCode = 0; if ($isVerbose) { $io->write(sprintf('%s', self::MESSAGE_RUNNING_INSTALLER)); } if ($this->isPHPCodeSnifferInstalled() === true) { $this->loadInstalledPaths(); $installPathCleaned = $this->cleanInstalledPaths(); $installPathUpdated = $this->updateInstalledPaths(); if ($installPathCleaned === true || $installPathUpdated === true) { $exitCode = $this->saveInstalledPaths(); } elseif ($isVerbose) { $io->write(sprintf('%s', self::MESSAGE_NOTHING_TO_INSTALL)); } } else { $pluginPackage = $this ->composer ->getRepositoryManager() ->getLocalRepository() ->findPackages(self::PLUGIN_NAME) ; $isPluginUninstalled = count($pluginPackage) === 0; if ($isPluginUninstalled) { if ($isVerbose) { $io->write(sprintf('%s', self::MESSAGE_PLUGIN_UNINSTALLED)); } } else { $exitCode = 1; if ($isVerbose) { $io->write(sprintf('%s', self::MESSAGE_NOT_INSTALLED)); } } } return $exitCode; } /** * Load all paths from PHP_CodeSniffer into an array. * * @throws LogicException * @throws ProcessFailedException * @throws RuntimeException */ private function loadInstalledPaths() { if ($this->isPHPCodeSnifferInstalled() === true) { $this->processExecutor->execute( 'phpcs --config-show', $output, $this->composer->getConfig()->get('bin-dir') ); $regex = sprintf(self::PHPCS_CONFIG_REGEX, self::PHPCS_CONFIG_KEY); if (preg_match($regex, $output, $match) === 1) { $phpcsInstalledPaths = str_replace(self::PHPCS_CONFIG_KEY . ': ', '', $match[0]); $phpcsInstalledPaths = trim($phpcsInstalledPaths); if ($phpcsInstalledPaths !== '') { $this->installedPaths = explode(',', $phpcsInstalledPaths); } } } } /** * Save all coding standard paths back into PHP_CodeSniffer * * @throws LogicException * @throws ProcessFailedException * @throws RuntimeException * * @return int Exit code. 0 for success, 1 or higher for failure. */ private function saveInstalledPaths() { // Check if we found installed paths to set. if (count($this->installedPaths) !== 0) { sort($this->installedPaths); $paths = implode(',', $this->installedPaths); $arguments = array('--config-set', self::PHPCS_CONFIG_KEY, $paths); $configMessage = sprintf( 'PHP CodeSniffer Config %s set to %s', self::PHPCS_CONFIG_KEY, $paths ); } else { // Delete the installed paths if none were found. $arguments = array('--config-delete', self::PHPCS_CONFIG_KEY); $configMessage = sprintf( 'PHP CodeSniffer Config %s delete', self::PHPCS_CONFIG_KEY ); } // Prepare message in case of failure $failMessage = sprintf( 'Failed to set PHP CodeSniffer %s Config', self::PHPCS_CONFIG_KEY ); // Determine the path to the main PHPCS file. $phpcsPath = $this->getPHPCodeSnifferInstallPath(); if (file_exists($phpcsPath . '/bin/phpcs') === true) { // PHPCS 3.x. $phpcsExecutable = './bin/phpcs'; } else { // PHPCS 2.x. $phpcsExecutable = './scripts/phpcs'; } // Okay, lets rock! $command = vsprintf( '%s %s %s', array( 'php executable' => $this->getPhpExecCommand(), 'phpcs executable' => $phpcsExecutable, 'arguments' => implode(' ', $arguments), ) ); $exitCode = $this->processExecutor->execute($command, $configResult, $phpcsPath); if ($exitCode === 0) { $exitCode = $this->verifySaveSuccess(); } if ($exitCode === 0) { $this->io->write($configMessage); } else { $this->io->write($failMessage); } if ($this->io->isVerbose() && !empty($configResult)) { $this->io->write(sprintf('%s', $configResult)); } return $exitCode; } /** * Verify that the paths which were expected to be saved, have been. * * @return int Exit code. 0 for success, 1 for failure. */ private function verifySaveSuccess() { $exitCode = 1; $expectedPaths = $this->installedPaths; // Request the currently set installed paths after the save. $this->loadInstalledPaths(); $registeredPaths = array_intersect($this->installedPaths, $expectedPaths); $registeredCount = count($registeredPaths); $expectedCount = count($expectedPaths); if ($expectedCount === $registeredCount) { $exitCode = 0; } if ($exitCode === 1 && $this->io->isVerbose()) { $verificationMessage = sprintf( "Paths to external standards found by the plugin: %s\n" . 'Actual paths registered with PHPCS: %s', implode(', ', $expectedPaths), implode(', ', $this->installedPaths) ); $this->io->write($verificationMessage); } return $exitCode; } /** * Get the path to the current PHP version being used. * * Duplicate of the same in the EventDispatcher class in Composer itself. */ protected function getPhpExecCommand() { $finder = new PhpExecutableFinder(); $phpPath = $finder->find(false); if ($phpPath === false) { throw new \RuntimeException('Failed to locate PHP binary to execute ' . $phpPath); } $phpArgs = $finder->findArguments(); $phpArgs = $phpArgs ? ' ' . implode(' ', $phpArgs) : '' ; $command = ProcessExecutor::escape($phpPath) . $phpArgs . ' -d allow_url_fopen=' . ProcessExecutor::escape(ini_get('allow_url_fopen')) . ' -d disable_functions=' . ProcessExecutor::escape(ini_get('disable_functions')) . ' -d memory_limit=' . ProcessExecutor::escape(ini_get('memory_limit')) ; return $command; } /** * Iterate trough all known paths and check if they are still valid. * * If path does not exists, is not an directory or isn't readable, the path * is removed from the list. * * @return bool True if changes where made, false otherwise */ private function cleanInstalledPaths() { $changes = false; foreach ($this->installedPaths as $key => $path) { // This might be a relative path as well $alternativePath = realpath($this->getPHPCodeSnifferInstallPath() . \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $path); if ( (is_dir($path) === false || is_readable($path) === false) && ( $alternativePath === false || is_dir($alternativePath) === false || is_readable($alternativePath) === false ) ) { unset($this->installedPaths[$key]); $changes = true; } } return $changes; } /** * Check all installed packages (including the root package) against * the installed paths from PHP_CodeSniffer and add the missing ones. * * @return bool True if changes where made, false otherwise * * @throws \InvalidArgumentException * @throws \RuntimeException */ private function updateInstalledPaths() { $changes = false; $searchPaths = array($this->cwd); $codingStandardPackages = $this->getPHPCodingStandardPackages(); foreach ($codingStandardPackages as $package) { $installPath = $this->composer->getInstallationManager()->getInstallPath($package); if ($this->filesystem->isAbsolutePath($installPath) === false) { $installPath = $this->filesystem->normalizePath( $this->cwd . \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $installPath ); } $searchPaths[] = $installPath; } $finder = new Finder(); $finder->files() ->depth('<= ' . $this->getMaxDepth()) ->depth('>= ' . $this->getMinDepth()) ->ignoreUnreadableDirs() ->ignoreVCS(true) ->in($searchPaths) ->name('ruleset.xml'); // Process each found possible ruleset. foreach ($finder as $ruleset) { $standardsPath = $ruleset->getPath(); // Pick the directory above the directory containing the standard, unless this is the project root. if ($standardsPath !== $this->cwd) { $standardsPath = dirname($standardsPath); } // Use relative paths for local project repositories. if ($this->isRunningGlobally() === false) { $standardsPath = $this->filesystem->findShortestPath( $this->getPHPCodeSnifferInstallPath(), $standardsPath, true ); } // De-duplicate and add when directory is not configured. if (in_array($standardsPath, $this->installedPaths, true) === false) { $this->installedPaths[] = $standardsPath; $changes = true; } } return $changes; } /** * Iterates through Composers' local repository looking for valid Coding * Standard packages. * * If the package is the RootPackage (the one the plugin is installed into), * the package is ignored for now since it needs a different install path logic. * * @return array Composer packages containing coding standard(s) */ private function getPHPCodingStandardPackages() { $codingStandardPackages = array_filter( $this->composer->getRepositoryManager()->getLocalRepository()->getPackages(), function (PackageInterface $package) { if ($package instanceof AliasPackage) { return false; } return $package->getType() === Plugin::PACKAGE_TYPE; } ); if ( ! $this->composer->getPackage() instanceof RootPackageInterface && $this->composer->getPackage()->getType() === self::PACKAGE_TYPE ) { $codingStandardPackages[] = $this->composer->getPackage(); } return $codingStandardPackages; } /** * Searches for the installed PHP_CodeSniffer Composer package * * @param null|string|\Composer\Semver\Constraint\ConstraintInterface $versionConstraint to match against * * @return PackageInterface|null */ private function getPHPCodeSnifferPackage($versionConstraint = null) { $packages = $this ->composer ->getRepositoryManager() ->getLocalRepository() ->findPackages(self::PACKAGE_NAME, $versionConstraint); return array_shift($packages); } /** * Returns the path to the PHP_CodeSniffer package installation location * * @return string */ private function getPHPCodeSnifferInstallPath() { return $this->composer->getInstallationManager()->getInstallPath($this->getPHPCodeSnifferPackage()); } /** * Simple check if PHP_CodeSniffer is installed. * * @param null|string|\Composer\Semver\Constraint\ConstraintInterface $versionConstraint to match against * * @return bool Whether PHP_CodeSniffer is installed */ private function isPHPCodeSnifferInstalled($versionConstraint = null) { return ($this->getPHPCodeSnifferPackage($versionConstraint) !== null); } /** * Test if composer is running "global" * This check kinda dirty, but it is the "Composer Way" * * @return bool Whether Composer is running "globally" * * @throws \RuntimeException */ private function isRunningGlobally() { return ($this->composer->getConfig()->get('home') === $this->cwd); } /** * Determines the maximum search depth when searching for Coding Standards. * * @return int * * @throws \InvalidArgumentException */ private function getMaxDepth() { $maxDepth = 3; $extra = $this->composer->getPackage()->getExtra(); if (array_key_exists(self::KEY_MAX_DEPTH, $extra)) { $maxDepth = $extra[self::KEY_MAX_DEPTH]; $minDepth = $this->getMinDepth(); if ( (string) (int) $maxDepth !== (string) $maxDepth /* Must be an integer or cleanly castable to one */ || $maxDepth <= $minDepth /* Larger than the minimum */ || is_float($maxDepth) === true /* Within the boundaries of integer */ ) { $message = vsprintf( self::MESSAGE_ERROR_WRONG_MAX_DEPTH, array( 'key' => self::KEY_MAX_DEPTH, 'min' => $minDepth, 'given' => var_export($maxDepth, true), ) ); throw new \InvalidArgumentException($message); } } return (int) $maxDepth; } /** * Returns the minimal search depth for Coding Standard packages. * * Usually this is 0, unless PHP_CodeSniffer >= 3 is used. * * @return int */ private function getMinDepth() { if ($this->isPHPCodeSnifferInstalled('>= 3.0.0') !== true) { return 1; } return 0; } }