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2022-10-24 23:58:16 +02:00
* Tests the backfilling of numeric separators to PHP < 7.4.
* @author Greg Sherwood <gsherwood@squiz.net>
* @copyright 2019 Squiz Pty Ltd (ABN 77 084 670 600)
* @license https://github.com/squizlabs/PHP_CodeSniffer/blob/master/licence.txt BSD Licence
namespace PHP_CodeSniffer\Tests\Core\Tokenizer;
use PHP_CodeSniffer\Tests\Core\AbstractMethodUnitTest;
class BackfillNumericSeparatorTest extends AbstractMethodUnitTest
* Test that numbers using numeric separators are tokenized correctly.
* @param array $testData The data required for the specific test case.
* @dataProvider dataTestBackfill
* @covers PHP_CodeSniffer\Tokenizers\PHP::tokenize
* @return void
public function testBackfill($testData)
$tokens = self::$phpcsFile->getTokens();
$number = $this->getTargetToken($testData['marker'], [T_LNUMBER, T_DNUMBER]);
$this->assertSame(constant($testData['type']), $tokens[$number]['code']);
$this->assertSame($testData['type'], $tokens[$number]['type']);
$this->assertSame($testData['value'], $tokens[$number]['content']);
}//end testBackfill()
* Data provider.
* @see testBackfill()
* @return array
public function dataTestBackfill()
$testHexType = 'T_LNUMBER';
if (PHP_INT_MAX < 0xCAFEF00D) {
$testHexType = 'T_DNUMBER';
$testHexMultipleType = 'T_LNUMBER';
if (PHP_INT_MAX < 0x42726F776E) {
$testHexMultipleType = 'T_DNUMBER';
$testIntMoreThanMaxType = 'T_LNUMBER';
if (PHP_INT_MAX < 10223372036854775807) {
$testIntMoreThanMaxType = 'T_DNUMBER';
return [
'marker' => '/* testSimpleLNumber */',
'type' => 'T_LNUMBER',
'value' => '1_000_000_000',
'marker' => '/* testSimpleDNumber */',
'type' => 'T_DNUMBER',
'value' => '107_925_284.88',
'marker' => '/* testFloat */',
'type' => 'T_DNUMBER',
'value' => '6.674_083e-11',
'marker' => '/* testFloat2 */',
'type' => 'T_DNUMBER',
'value' => '6.674_083e+11',
'marker' => '/* testFloat3 */',
'type' => 'T_DNUMBER',
'value' => '1_2.3_4e1_23',
'marker' => '/* testHex */',
'type' => $testHexType,
'value' => '0xCAFE_F00D',
'marker' => '/* testHexMultiple */',
'type' => $testHexMultipleType,
'value' => '0x42_72_6F_77_6E',
'marker' => '/* testHexInt */',
'type' => 'T_LNUMBER',
'value' => '0x42_72_6F',
'marker' => '/* testBinary */',
'type' => 'T_LNUMBER',
'value' => '0b0101_1111',
'marker' => '/* testOctal */',
'type' => 'T_LNUMBER',
'value' => '0137_041',
'marker' => '/* testExplicitOctal */',
'type' => 'T_LNUMBER',
'value' => '0o137_041',
'marker' => '/* testExplicitOctalCapitalised */',
'type' => 'T_LNUMBER',
'value' => '0O137_041',
'marker' => '/* testIntMoreThanMax */',
'type' => $testIntMoreThanMaxType,
'value' => '10_223_372_036_854_775_807',
}//end dataTestBackfill()
* Test that numbers using numeric separators which are considered parse errors and/or
* which aren't relevant to the backfill, do not incorrectly trigger the backfill anyway.
* @param string $testMarker The comment which prefaces the target token in the test file.
* @param array $expectedTokens The token type and content of the expected token sequence.
* @dataProvider dataNoBackfill
* @covers PHP_CodeSniffer\Tokenizers\PHP::tokenize
* @return void
public function testNoBackfill($testMarker, $expectedTokens)
$tokens = self::$phpcsFile->getTokens();
$number = $this->getTargetToken($testMarker, [T_LNUMBER, T_DNUMBER]);
foreach ($expectedTokens as $key => $expectedToken) {
$i = ($number + $key);
$this->assertSame($expectedToken['code'], $tokens[$i]['code']);
$this->assertSame($expectedToken['content'], $tokens[$i]['content']);
}//end testNoBackfill()
* Data provider.
* @see testBackfill()
* @return array
public function dataNoBackfill()
return [
'/* testInvalid1 */',
'code' => T_LNUMBER,
'content' => '100',
'code' => T_STRING,
'content' => '_',
'/* testInvalid2 */',
'code' => T_LNUMBER,
'content' => '1',
'code' => T_STRING,
'content' => '__1',
'/* testInvalid3 */',
'code' => T_LNUMBER,
'content' => '1',
'code' => T_STRING,
'content' => '_',
'code' => T_DNUMBER,
'content' => '.0',
'/* testInvalid4 */',
'code' => T_DNUMBER,
'content' => '1.',
'code' => T_STRING,
'content' => '_0',
'/* testInvalid5 */',
'code' => T_LNUMBER,
'content' => '0',
'code' => T_STRING,
'content' => 'x_123',
'/* testInvalid6 */',
'code' => T_LNUMBER,
'content' => '0',
'code' => T_STRING,
'content' => 'b_101',
'/* testInvalid7 */',
'code' => T_LNUMBER,
'content' => '1',
'code' => T_STRING,
'content' => '_e2',
'/* testInvalid8 */',
'code' => T_LNUMBER,
'content' => '1',
'code' => T_STRING,
'content' => 'e_2',
'/* testInvalid9 */',
'code' => T_LNUMBER,
'content' => '107_925_284',
'code' => T_WHITESPACE,
'content' => ' ',
'code' => T_DNUMBER,
'content' => '.88',
'/* testInvalid10 */',
'code' => T_LNUMBER,
'content' => '107_925_284',
'code' => T_COMMENT,
'content' => '/*comment*/',
'code' => T_DNUMBER,
'content' => '.88',
'/* testInvalid11 */',
'code' => T_LNUMBER,
'content' => '0',
'code' => T_STRING,
'content' => 'o_137',
'/* testInvalid12 */',
'code' => T_LNUMBER,
'content' => '0',
'code' => T_STRING,
'content' => 'O_41',
'/* testCalc1 */',
'code' => T_LNUMBER,
'content' => '667_083',
'code' => T_WHITESPACE,
'content' => ' ',
'code' => T_MINUS,
'content' => '-',
'code' => T_WHITESPACE,
'content' => ' ',
'code' => T_LNUMBER,
'content' => '11',
'/* test Calc2 */',
'code' => T_DNUMBER,
'content' => '6.674_08e3',
'code' => T_WHITESPACE,
'content' => ' ',
'code' => T_PLUS,
'content' => '+',
'code' => T_WHITESPACE,
'content' => ' ',
'code' => T_LNUMBER,
'content' => '11',
}//end dataNoBackfill()
}//end class