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2022-10-24 23:58:16 +02:00
namespace WP_CLI\I18n;
use Gettext\Translation;
use Gettext\Translations;
use RecursiveCallbackFilterIterator;
use RecursiveDirectoryIterator;
use RecursiveIteratorIterator;
use SplFileInfo;
use WP_CLI;
use WP_CLI\Utils;
trait IterableCodeExtractor {
protected static $dir = '';
* Extract the translations from a file.
* @param array|string $file_or_files A path of a file or files
* @param Translations $translations The translations instance to append the new translations.
* @param array $options {
* Optional. An array of options passed down to static::fromString()
* @type bool $wpExtractTemplates Extract 'Template Name' headers in theme files. Default 'false'.
* @type bool $wpExtractPatterns Extract 'Title' and 'Description' headers in pattern files. Default 'false'.
* @type array $restrictFileNames Skip all files which are not included in this array.
* }
* @return null
public static function fromFile( $file_or_files, Translations $translations, array $options = [] ) {
foreach ( static::getFiles( $file_or_files ) as $file ) {
if ( ! empty( $options['restrictFileNames'] ) ) {
$basename = Utils\basename( $file );
if ( ! in_array( $basename, $options['restrictFileNames'], true ) ) {
// Make sure a relative file path is added as a comment.
$options['file'] = ltrim( str_replace( static::$dir, '', Utils\normalize_path( $file ) ), '/' );
$string = file_get_contents( $file );
if ( ! $string ) {
'Could not load file %1s',
if ( ! empty( $options['wpExtractTemplates'] ) ) {
$headers = FileDataExtractor::get_file_data_from_string( $string, [ 'Template Name' => 'Template Name' ] );
if ( ! empty( $headers['Template Name'] ) ) {
$translation = new Translation( '', $headers['Template Name'] );
$translation->addExtractedComment( 'Template Name of the theme' );
$translations[] = $translation;
// Patterns are only supported when in a top-level patterns/ folder.
if ( ! empty( $options['wpExtractPatterns'] ) && 0 === strpos( $options['file'], 'patterns/' ) ) {
$headers = FileDataExtractor::get_file_data_from_string(
'Title' => 'Title',
'Description' => 'Description',
if ( ! empty( $headers['Title'] ) ) {
$translation = new Translation( 'Pattern title', $headers['Title'] );
$translation->addReference( $options['file'] );
$translations[] = $translation;
if ( ! empty( $headers['Description'] ) ) {
$translation = new Translation( 'Pattern description', $headers['Description'] );
$translation->addReference( $options['file'] );
$translations[] = $translation;
static::fromString( $string, $translations, $options );
* Extract the translations from a file.
* @param string $dir Root path to start the recursive traversal in.
* @param Translations $translations The translations instance to append the new translations.
* @param array $options {
* Optional. An array of options passed down to static::fromString()
* @type bool $wpExtractTemplates Extract 'Template Name' headers in theme files. Default 'false'.
* @type array $exclude A list of path to exclude. Default [].
* @type array $extensions A list of extensions to process. Default [].
* }
* @return void
public static function fromDirectory( $dir, Translations $translations, array $options = [] ) {
$dir = Utils\normalize_path( $dir );
static::$dir = $dir;
$include = isset( $options['include'] ) ? $options['include'] : [];
$exclude = isset( $options['exclude'] ) ? $options['exclude'] : [];
$files = static::getFilesFromDirectory( $dir, $include, $exclude, $options['extensions'] );
if ( ! empty( $files ) ) {
static::fromFile( $files, $translations, $options );
static::$dir = '';
* Determines whether a file is valid based on given matchers.
* @param SplFileInfo $file File or directory.
* @param array $matchers List of files and directories to match.
* @return int How strongly the file is matched.
protected static function calculateMatchScore( SplFileInfo $file, array $matchers = [] ) {
if ( empty( $matchers ) ) {
return 0;
if ( in_array( $file->getBasename(), $matchers, true ) ) {
return 10;
// Check for more complex paths, e.g. /some/sub/folder.
$root_relative_path = str_replace( static::$dir, '', $file->getPathname() );
foreach ( $matchers as $path_or_file ) {
$pattern = preg_quote( str_replace( '*', '__wildcard__', $path_or_file ), '#' );
$pattern = '(^|/)' . str_replace( '__wildcard__', '(.+)', $pattern );
// Base score is the amount of nested directories, discounting wildcards.
$base_score = count(
explode( '/', $path_or_file ),
static function ( $component ) {
return '*' !== $component;
if ( 0 === $base_score ) {
// If the matcher is simply * it gets a score above the implicit score but below 1.
$base_score = 0.2;
// If the matcher contains no wildcards and matches the end of the path.
if (
false === strpos( $path_or_file, '*' ) &&
preg_match( '#' . $pattern . '$#', $root_relative_path )
) {
return $base_score * 10;
// If the matcher matches the end of the path or a full directory contained.
if ( preg_match( '#' . $pattern . '(/|$)#', $root_relative_path ) ) {
return $base_score;
return 0;
* Determines whether or not a directory has children that may be matched.
* @param SplFileInfo $dir Directory.
* @param array $matchers List of files and directories to match.
* @return bool Whether or not there are any matchers for children of this directory.
protected static function containsMatchingChildren( SplFileInfo $dir, array $matchers = [] ) {
if ( empty( $matchers ) ) {
return false;
/** @var string $root_relative_path */
$root_relative_path = str_replace( static::$dir, '', $dir->getPathname() );
$root_relative_path = static::trim_leading_slash( $root_relative_path );
foreach ( $matchers as $path_or_file ) {
// If the matcher contains no wildcards and the path matches the start of the matcher.
if (
'' !== $root_relative_path &&
false === strpos( $path_or_file, '*' ) &&
0 === strpos( $path_or_file . '/', $root_relative_path )
) {
return true;
$base = current( explode( '*', $path_or_file ) );
// If start of the path matches the start of the matcher until the first wildcard.
// Or the start of the matcher until the first wildcard matches the start of the path.
if (
( '' !== $root_relative_path && 0 === strpos( $base, $root_relative_path ) ) ||
( '' !== $base && 0 === strpos( $root_relative_path, $base ) )
) {
return true;
return false;
* Recursively gets all PHP files within a directory.
* @param string $dir A path of a directory.
* @param array $include List of files and directories to include.
* @param array $exclude List of files and directories to skip.
* @param array $extensions List of filename extensions to process.
* @return array File list.
public static function getFilesFromDirectory( $dir, array $include = [], array $exclude = [], $extensions = [] ) {
$filtered_files = [];
$files = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(
new RecursiveCallbackFilterIterator(
new RecursiveDirectoryIterator( $dir, RecursiveDirectoryIterator::SKIP_DOTS | RecursiveDirectoryIterator::UNIX_PATHS | RecursiveDirectoryIterator::FOLLOW_SYMLINKS ),
static function ( $file, $key, $iterator ) use ( $include, $exclude, $extensions ) {
/** @var RecursiveCallbackFilterIterator $iterator */
/** @var SplFileInfo $file */
// Normalize include and exclude paths.
$include = array_map( 'static::trim_leading_slash', $include );
$exclude = array_map( 'static::trim_leading_slash', $exclude );
// If no $include is passed everything gets the weakest possible matching score.
$inclusion_score = empty( $include ) ? 0.1 : static::calculateMatchScore( $file, $include );
$exclusion_score = static::calculateMatchScore( $file, $exclude );
// Always include directories that aren't excluded.
if ( 0 === $exclusion_score && $iterator->hasChildren() ) {
return true;
if ( ( 0 === $inclusion_score || $exclusion_score > $inclusion_score ) && $iterator->hasChildren() ) {
// Always include directories that may have matching children even if they are excluded.
return static::containsMatchingChildren( $file, $include );
// Include directories that are excluded but include score is higher.
if ( $exclusion_score > 0 && $inclusion_score >= $exclusion_score && $iterator->hasChildren() ) {
return true;
if ( ! $file->isFile() || ! static::file_has_file_extension( $file, $extensions ) ) {
return false;
return $inclusion_score > $exclusion_score;
foreach ( $files as $file ) {
/** @var SplFileInfo $file */
if ( ! $file->isFile() || ! static::file_has_file_extension( $file, $extensions ) ) {
$filtered_files[] = Utils\normalize_path( $file->getPathname() );
sort( $filtered_files, SORT_NATURAL | SORT_FLAG_CASE );
return $filtered_files;
* Determines whether the file extension of a file matches any of the given file extensions.
* The end/last part of a multi file extension must also match (`js` of `min.js`).
* @param SplFileInfo $file File or directory.
* @param array $extensions List of file extensions to match.
* @return bool Whether the file has a file extension that matches any of the ones in the list.
protected static function file_has_file_extension( $file, $extensions ) {
return in_array( $file->getExtension(), $extensions, true ) ||
in_array( static::file_get_extension_multi( $file ), $extensions, true );
* Gets the single- (e.g. `php`) or multi-file extension (e.g. `blade.php`) of a file.
* @param SplFileInfo $file File or directory.
* @return string The single- or multi-file extension of the file.
protected static function file_get_extension_multi( $file ) {
$file_extension_separator = '.';
$filename = $file->getFilename();
$parts = explode( $file_extension_separator, $filename, 2 );
if ( count( $parts ) <= 1 ) {
// if ever something goes wrong, fall back to SPL
return $file->getExtension();
return $parts[1];
* Trim leading slash from a path.
* @param string $path Path to trim.
* @return string Trimmed path.
protected static function trim_leading_slash( $path ) {
return ltrim( $path, '/' );