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2022-10-24 23:58:16 +02:00
* PHPCompatibility, an external standard for PHP_CodeSniffer.
* @package PHPCompatibility
* @copyright 2012-2019 PHPCompatibility Contributors
* @license https://opensource.org/licenses/LGPL-3.0 LGPL3
* @link https://github.com/PHPCompatibility/PHPCompatibility
namespace PHPCompatibility\Sniffs\ParameterValues;
use PHPCompatibility\AbstractFunctionCallParameterSniff;
use PHP_CodeSniffer_File as File;
use PHP_CodeSniffer_Tokens as Tokens;
* Passing the `$glue` and `$pieces` parameters to `implode()` in reverse order has
* been deprecated in PHP 7.4.
* PHP version 7.4
* @link https://www.php.net/manual/en/migration74.deprecated.php#migration74.deprecated.core.implode-reverse-parameters
* @link https://wiki.php.net/rfc/deprecations_php_7_4#implode_parameter_order_mix
* @link https://php.net/manual/en/function.implode.php
* @since 9.3.0
class RemovedImplodeFlexibleParamOrderSniff extends AbstractFunctionCallParameterSniff
* Functions to check for.
* @since 9.3.0
* @var array
protected $targetFunctions = array(
'implode' => true,
'join' => true,
* List of PHP native constants which should be recognized as text strings.
* @since 9.3.0
* @var array
private $constantStrings = array(
'PHP_EOL' => true,
* List of PHP native functions which should be recognized as returning an array.
* Note: The array_*() functions will always be taken into account.
* @since 9.3.0
* @var array
private $arrayFunctions = array(
'compact' => true,
'explode' => true,
'range' => true,
* List of PHP native array functions which should *not* be recognized as returning an array.
* @since 9.3.0
* @var array
private $arrayFunctionExceptions = array(
'array_key_exists' => true,
'array_key_first' => true,
'array_key_last' => true,
'array_multisort' => true,
'array_pop' => true,
'array_product' => true,
'array_push' => true,
'array_search' => true,
'array_shift' => true,
'array_sum' => true,
'array_unshift' => true,
'array_walk_recursive' => true,
'array_walk' => true,
* Do a version check to determine if this sniff needs to run at all.
* @since 9.3.0
* @return bool
protected function bowOutEarly()
return ($this->supportsAbove('7.4') === false);
* Process the parameters of a matched function.
* @since 9.3.0
* @param \PHP_CodeSniffer_File $phpcsFile The file being scanned.
* @param int $stackPtr The position of the current token in the stack.
* @param string $functionName The token content (function name) which was matched.
* @param array $parameters Array with information about the parameters.
* @return int|void Integer stack pointer to skip forward or void to continue
* normal file processing.
public function processParameters(File $phpcsFile, $stackPtr, $functionName, $parameters)
if (isset($parameters[2]) === false) {
// Only one parameter, this must be $pieces. Bow out.
$tokens = $phpcsFile->getTokens();
* Examine the first parameter.
* If there is any indication that this is an array declaration, we have an error.
$targetParam = $parameters[1];
$start = $targetParam['start'];
$end = ($targetParam['end'] + 1);
$isOnlyText = true;
$firstNonEmpty = $phpcsFile->findNext(Tokens::$emptyTokens, $start, $end, true);
if ($firstNonEmpty === false) {
// Parse error. Shouldn't be possible.
if ($tokens[$firstNonEmpty]['code'] === \T_OPEN_PARENTHESIS) {
$start = ($firstNonEmpty + 1);
$end = $tokens[$firstNonEmpty]['parenthesis_closer'];
$hasTernary = $phpcsFile->findNext(\T_INLINE_THEN, $start, $end);
if ($hasTernary !== false
&& isset($tokens[$start]['nested_parenthesis'], $tokens[$hasTernary]['nested_parenthesis'])
&& count($tokens[$start]['nested_parenthesis']) === count($tokens[$hasTernary]['nested_parenthesis'])
) {
$start = ($hasTernary + 1);
for ($i = $start; $i < $end; $i++) {
$tokenCode = $tokens[$i]['code'];
if (isset(Tokens::$emptyTokens[$tokenCode])) {
if ($tokenCode === \T_STRING && isset($this->constantStrings[$tokens[$i]['content']])) {
if ($hasTernary !== false && $tokenCode === \T_INLINE_ELSE) {
if (isset(Tokens::$stringTokens[$tokenCode]) === false) {
$isOnlyText = false;
if ($tokenCode === \T_ARRAY || $tokenCode === \T_OPEN_SHORT_ARRAY || $tokenCode === \T_ARRAY_CAST) {
$this->throwNotice($phpcsFile, $stackPtr, $functionName);
if ($tokenCode === \T_STRING) {
* Check for specific functions which return an array (i.e. $pieces).
$nextNonEmpty = $phpcsFile->findNext(Tokens::$emptyTokens, ($i + 1), $end, true);
if ($nextNonEmpty === false || $tokens[$nextNonEmpty]['code'] !== \T_OPEN_PARENTHESIS) {
$nameLc = strtolower($tokens[$i]['content']);
if (isset($this->arrayFunctions[$nameLc]) === false
&& (strpos($nameLc, 'array_') !== 0
|| isset($this->arrayFunctionExceptions[$nameLc]) === true)
) {
// Now make sure it's the PHP native function being called.
$prevNonEmpty = $phpcsFile->findPrevious(Tokens::$emptyTokens, ($i - 1), $start, true);
if ($tokens[$prevNonEmpty]['code'] === \T_DOUBLE_COLON
|| $tokens[$prevNonEmpty]['code'] === \T_OBJECT_OPERATOR
) {
// Method call, not a call to the PHP native function.
if ($tokens[$prevNonEmpty]['code'] === \T_NS_SEPARATOR
&& $tokens[$prevNonEmpty - 1]['code'] === \T_STRING
) {
// Namespaced function.
// Ok, so we know that there is an array function in the first param.
// 99.9% chance that this is $pieces, not $glue.
$this->throwNotice($phpcsFile, $stackPtr, $functionName);
if ($isOnlyText === true) {
// First parameter only contained text string tokens, i.e. glue.
* Examine the second parameter.
$targetParam = $parameters[2];
$start = $targetParam['start'];
$end = ($targetParam['end'] + 1);
$firstNonEmpty = $phpcsFile->findNext(Tokens::$emptyTokens, $start, $end, true);
if ($firstNonEmpty === false) {
// Parse error. Shouldn't be possible.
if ($tokens[$firstNonEmpty]['code'] === \T_OPEN_PARENTHESIS) {
$start = ($firstNonEmpty + 1);
$end = $tokens[$firstNonEmpty]['parenthesis_closer'];
$hasTernary = $phpcsFile->findNext(\T_INLINE_THEN, $start, $end);
if ($hasTernary !== false
&& isset($tokens[$start]['nested_parenthesis'], $tokens[$hasTernary]['nested_parenthesis'])
&& count($tokens[$start]['nested_parenthesis']) === count($tokens[$hasTernary]['nested_parenthesis'])
) {
$start = ($hasTernary + 1);
for ($i = $start; $i < $end; $i++) {
$tokenCode = $tokens[$i]['code'];
if (isset(Tokens::$emptyTokens[$tokenCode])) {
if ($tokenCode === \T_ARRAY || $tokenCode === \T_OPEN_SHORT_ARRAY || $tokenCode === \T_ARRAY_CAST) {
// Found an array, $pieces is second.
if ($tokenCode === \T_STRING && isset($this->constantStrings[$tokens[$i]['content']])) {
// One of the special cased, PHP native string constants found.
$this->throwNotice($phpcsFile, $stackPtr, $functionName);
if ($tokenCode === \T_STRING || $tokenCode === \T_VARIABLE) {
// Function call, constant or variable encountered.
// No matter what this is combined with, we won't be able to reliably determine the value.
|| $tokenCode === \T_DOUBLE_QUOTED_STRING
|| $tokenCode === \T_HEREDOC
|| $tokenCode === \T_NOWDOC
) {
$this->throwNotice($phpcsFile, $stackPtr, $functionName);
* Throw the error/warning.
* @since 9.3.0
* @param \PHP_CodeSniffer_File $phpcsFile The file being scanned.
* @param int $stackPtr The position of the current token in the stack.
* @param string $functionName The token content (function name) which was matched.
* @return void
protected function throwNotice(File $phpcsFile, $stackPtr, $functionName)
$message = 'Passing the $glue and $pieces parameters in reverse order to %s has been deprecated since PHP 7.4';
$isError = false;
$errorCode = 'Deprecated';
$data = array($functionName);
Support for the deprecated behaviour is expected to be removed in PHP 8.0.
Once this has been implemented, this section should be uncommented.
if ($this->supportsAbove('8.0') === true) {
$message .= ' and is removed since PHP 8.0';
$isError = true;
$errorCode = 'Removed';
$message .= '; $glue should be the first parameter and $pieces the second';
$this->addMessage($phpcsFile, $message, $stackPtr, $isError, $errorCode, $data);