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2022-10-24 23:58:16 +02:00
* PHPCompatibility, an external standard for PHP_CodeSniffer.
* @package PHPCompatibility
* @copyright 2012-2019 PHPCompatibility Contributors
* @license https://opensource.org/licenses/LGPL-3.0 LGPL3
* @link https://github.com/PHPCompatibility/PHPCompatibility
namespace PHPCompatibility\Sniffs\FunctionDeclarations;
use PHPCompatibility\Sniff;
use PHP_CodeSniffer_File as File;
use PHP_CodeSniffer_Tokens as Tokens;
* As of PHP 7.4, throwing exceptions from a `__toString()` method is allowed.
* PHP version 7.4
* @link https://wiki.php.net/rfc/tostring_exceptions
* @link https://www.php.net/manual/en/language.oop5.magic.php#object.tostring
* @since 9.2.0
class NewExceptionsFromToStringSniff extends Sniff
* Valid scopes for the __toString() method to live in.
* @since 9.2.0
* @since 9.3.0 Visibility changed from `public` to `protected`.
* @var array
protected $ooScopeTokens = array(
'T_CLASS' => true,
'T_TRAIT' => true,
'T_ANON_CLASS' => true,
* Tokens which should be ignored when they preface a function declaration
* when trying to find the docblock (if any).
* Array will be added to in the register() method.
* @since 9.3.0
* @var array
private $docblockIgnoreTokens = array(
* Returns an array of tokens this test wants to listen for.
* @since 9.2.0
* @return array
public function register()
// Enhance the array of tokens to ignore for finding the docblock.
$this->docblockIgnoreTokens += Tokens::$methodPrefixes;
if (isset(Tokens::$phpcsCommentTokens)) {
$this->docblockIgnoreTokens += Tokens::$phpcsCommentTokens;
return array(\T_FUNCTION);
* Processes this test, when one of its tokens is encountered.
* @since 9.2.0
* @param \PHP_CodeSniffer_File $phpcsFile The file being scanned.
* @param int $stackPtr The position of the current token
* in the stack passed in $tokens.
* @return void
public function process(File $phpcsFile, $stackPtr)
if ($this->supportsBelow('7.3') === false) {
$tokens = $phpcsFile->getTokens();
if (isset($tokens[$stackPtr]['scope_opener'], $tokens[$stackPtr]['scope_closer']) === false) {
// Abstract function, interface function, live coding or parse error.
$functionName = $phpcsFile->getDeclarationName($stackPtr);
if (strtolower($functionName) !== '__tostring') {
// Not the right function.
if ($this->validDirectScope($phpcsFile, $stackPtr, $this->ooScopeTokens) === false) {
// Function, not method.
* Examine the content of the function.
$error = 'Throwing exceptions from __toString() was not allowed prior to PHP 7.4';
$throwPtr = $tokens[$stackPtr]['scope_opener'];
$errorThrown = false;
do {
$throwPtr = $phpcsFile->findNext(\T_THROW, ($throwPtr + 1), $tokens[$stackPtr]['scope_closer']);
if ($throwPtr === false) {
$conditions = $tokens[$throwPtr]['conditions'];
$conditions = array_reverse($conditions, true);
$inTryCatch = false;
foreach ($conditions as $ptr => $type) {
if ($type === \T_TRY) {
$inTryCatch = true;
if ($ptr === $stackPtr) {
// Don't check the conditions outside the function scope.
if ($inTryCatch === false) {
$phpcsFile->addError($error, $throwPtr, 'Found');
$errorThrown = true;
} while (true);
if ($errorThrown === true) {
// We've already thrown an error for this method, no need to examine the docblock.
* Check whether the function has a docblock and if so, whether it contains a @throws tag.
* {@internal This can be partially replaced by the findCommentAboveFunction()
* utility function in due time.}
$commentEnd = $phpcsFile->findPrevious($this->docblockIgnoreTokens, ($stackPtr - 1), null, true);
if ($commentEnd === false || $tokens[$commentEnd]['code'] !== \T_DOC_COMMENT_CLOSE_TAG) {
$commentStart = $tokens[$commentEnd]['comment_opener'];
foreach ($tokens[$commentStart]['comment_tags'] as $tag) {
if ($tokens[$tag]['content'] !== '@throws') {
// Found a throws tag.
$phpcsFile->addError($error, $stackPtr, 'ThrowsTagFoundInDocblock');