2025-02-25 21:29:42 +01:00

430 lines
11 KiB

This is a library for the Adafruit TTL JPEG Camera (VC0706 chipset)
Pick one up today in the adafruit shop!
These displays use Serial to communicate, 2 pins are required to interface
Adafruit invests time and resources providing this open source code,
please support Adafruit and open-source hardware by purchasing
products from Adafruit!
Written by Limor Fried/Ladyada for Adafruit Industries.
BSD license, all text above must be included in any redistribution
#define DEBUG false
#include "Adafruit_VC0706.h"
// Initialization code used by all constructor types
void Adafruit_VC0706::common_init(void) {
hwSerial = NULL;
frameptr = 0;
bufferLen = 0;
serialNum = 0;
// Constructor when using HardwareSerial
Adafruit_VC0706::Adafruit_VC0706(HardwareSerial *ser) {
common_init(); // Set everything to common state, then...
hwSerial = ser; // ...override hwSerial with value passed.
boolean Adafruit_VC0706::begin(uint16_t baud) {
return reset();
boolean Adafruit_VC0706::reset() {
uint8_t args[] = {0x0};
return runCommand(VC0706_RESET, args, 1, 5);
boolean Adafruit_VC0706::motionDetected() {
if (readResponse(4, 200) != 4) {
return false;
if (! verifyResponse(VC0706_COMM_MOTION_DETECTED))
return false;
return true;
boolean Adafruit_VC0706::setMotionStatus(uint8_t x, uint8_t d1, uint8_t d2) {
uint8_t args[] = {0x03, x, d1, d2};
return runCommand(VC0706_MOTION_CTRL, args, sizeof(args), 5);
uint8_t Adafruit_VC0706::getMotionStatus(uint8_t x) {
uint8_t args[] = {0x01, x};
return runCommand(VC0706_MOTION_STATUS, args, sizeof(args), 5);
boolean Adafruit_VC0706::setMotionDetect(boolean flag) {
if (! setMotionStatus(VC0706_MOTIONCONTROL,
return false;
uint8_t args[] = {0x01, flag};
return runCommand(VC0706_COMM_MOTION_CTRL, args, sizeof(args), 5);
boolean Adafruit_VC0706::getMotionDetect(void) {
uint8_t args[] = {0x0};
if (! runCommand(VC0706_COMM_MOTION_STATUS, args, 1, 6))
return false;
return camerabuff[5];
uint8_t Adafruit_VC0706::getImageSize() {
uint8_t args[] = {0x4, 0x4, 0x1, 0x00, 0x19};
if (! runCommand(VC0706_READ_DATA, args, sizeof(args), 6))
return -1;
return camerabuff[5];
boolean Adafruit_VC0706::setImageSize(uint8_t x) {
uint8_t args[] = {0x05, 0x04, 0x01, 0x00, 0x19, x};
return runCommand(VC0706_WRITE_DATA, args, sizeof(args), 5);
/****************** downsize image control */
uint8_t Adafruit_VC0706::getDownsize(void) {
uint8_t args[] = {0x0};
if (! runCommand(VC0706_DOWNSIZE_STATUS, args, 1, 6))
return -1;
return camerabuff[5];
boolean Adafruit_VC0706::setDownsize(uint8_t newsize) {
uint8_t args[] = {0x01, newsize};
return runCommand(VC0706_DOWNSIZE_CTRL, args, 2, 5);
/***************** other high level commands */
char * Adafruit_VC0706::getVersion(void) {
uint8_t args[] = {0x01};
sendCommand(VC0706_GEN_VERSION, args, 1);
// get reply
if (!readResponse(CAMERABUFFSIZ, 200))
return 0;
camerabuff[bufferLen] = 0; // end it!
return (char *)camerabuff; // return it!
/***************** baud rate commands */
char* Adafruit_VC0706::setBaud9600() {
uint8_t args[] = {0x03, 0x01, 0xAE, 0xC8};
sendCommand(VC0706_SET_PORT, args, sizeof(args));
// get reply
if (!readResponse(CAMERABUFFSIZ, 200))
return 0;
camerabuff[bufferLen] = 0; // end it!
return (char *)camerabuff; // return it!
char* Adafruit_VC0706::setBaud19200() {
uint8_t args[] = {0x03, 0x01, 0x56, 0xE4};
sendCommand(VC0706_SET_PORT, args, sizeof(args));
// get reply
if (!readResponse(CAMERABUFFSIZ, 200))
return 0;
camerabuff[bufferLen] = 0; // end it!
return (char *)camerabuff; // return it!
char* Adafruit_VC0706::setBaud38400() {
uint8_t args[] = {0x03, 0x01, 0x2A, 0xF2};
sendCommand(VC0706_SET_PORT, args, sizeof(args));
// get reply
if (!readResponse(CAMERABUFFSIZ, 200))
return 0;
camerabuff[bufferLen] = 0; // end it!
return (char *)camerabuff; // return it!
char* Adafruit_VC0706::setBaud57600() {
uint8_t args[] = {0x03, 0x01, 0x1C, 0x1C};
sendCommand(VC0706_SET_PORT, args, sizeof(args));
// get reply
if (!readResponse(CAMERABUFFSIZ, 200))
return 0;
camerabuff[bufferLen] = 0; // end it!
return (char *)camerabuff; // return it!
char* Adafruit_VC0706::setBaud115200() {
uint8_t args[] = {0x03, 0x01, 0x0D, 0xA6};
sendCommand(VC0706_SET_PORT, args, sizeof(args));
// get reply
if (!readResponse(CAMERABUFFSIZ, 200))
return 0;
camerabuff[bufferLen] = 0; // end it!
return (char *)camerabuff; // return it!
/****************** high level photo comamnds */
void Adafruit_VC0706::OSD(uint8_t x, uint8_t y, char *str) {
if (strlen(str) > 14) { str[13] = 0; }
uint8_t args[17] = {(uint8_t)strlen(str), (uint8_t)(strlen(str)-1), (uint8_t)((y & 0xF) | ((x & 0x3) << 4))};
for (uint8_t i=0; i<strlen(str); i++) {
char c = str[i];
if ((c >= '0') && (c <= '9')) {
str[i] -= '0';
} else if ((c >= 'A') && (c <= 'Z')) {
str[i] -= 'A';
str[i] += 10;
} else if ((c >= 'a') && (c <= 'z')) {
str[i] -= 'a';
str[i] += 36;
args[3+i] = str[i];
runCommand(VC0706_OSD_ADD_CHAR, args, strlen(str)+3, 5);
boolean Adafruit_VC0706::setCompression(uint8_t c) {
uint8_t args[] = {0x5, 0x1, 0x1, 0x12, 0x04, c};
return runCommand(VC0706_WRITE_DATA, args, sizeof(args), 5);
uint8_t Adafruit_VC0706::getCompression(void) {
uint8_t args[] = {0x4, 0x1, 0x1, 0x12, 0x04};
runCommand(VC0706_READ_DATA, args, sizeof(args), 6);
return camerabuff[5];
boolean Adafruit_VC0706::setPTZ(uint16_t wz, uint16_t hz, uint16_t pan, uint16_t tilt) {
uint8_t args[] = {0x08, (uint8_t)(wz >> 8), (uint8_t)wz,
(uint8_t)(hz >> 8), (uint8_t)wz,
(uint8_t)(pan>>8), (uint8_t)pan,
(uint8_t)(tilt>>8), (uint8_t)tilt};
return (! runCommand(VC0706_SET_ZOOM, args, sizeof(args), 5));
boolean Adafruit_VC0706::getPTZ(uint16_t &w, uint16_t &h, uint16_t &wz, uint16_t &hz, uint16_t &pan, uint16_t &tilt) {
uint8_t args[] = {0x0};
if (! runCommand(VC0706_GET_ZOOM, args, sizeof(args), 16))
return false;
w = camerabuff[5];
w <<= 8;
w |= camerabuff[6];
h = camerabuff[7];
h <<= 8;
h |= camerabuff[8];
wz = camerabuff[9];
wz <<= 8;
wz |= camerabuff[10];
hz = camerabuff[11];
hz <<= 8;
hz |= camerabuff[12];
pan = camerabuff[13];
pan <<= 8;
pan |= camerabuff[14];
tilt = camerabuff[15];
tilt <<= 8;
tilt |= camerabuff[16];
return true;
boolean Adafruit_VC0706::takePicture() {
frameptr = 0;
return cameraFrameBuffCtrl(VC0706_STOPCURRENTFRAME);
boolean Adafruit_VC0706::resumeVideo() {
return cameraFrameBuffCtrl(VC0706_RESUMEFRAME);
boolean Adafruit_VC0706::TVon() {
uint8_t args[] = {0x1, 0x1};
return runCommand(VC0706_TVOUT_CTRL, args, sizeof(args), 5);
boolean Adafruit_VC0706::TVoff() {
uint8_t args[] = {0x1, 0x0};
return runCommand(VC0706_TVOUT_CTRL, args, sizeof(args), 5);
boolean Adafruit_VC0706::cameraFrameBuffCtrl(uint8_t command) {
uint8_t args[] = {0x1, command};
return runCommand(VC0706_FBUF_CTRL, args, sizeof(args), 5);
uint32_t Adafruit_VC0706::frameLength(void) {
uint8_t args[] = {0x01, 0x00};
if (!runCommand(VC0706_GET_FBUF_LEN, args, sizeof(args), 9))
return 0;
uint32_t len;
len = camerabuff[5];
len <<= 8;
len |= camerabuff[6];
len <<= 8;
len |= camerabuff[7];
len <<= 8;
len |= camerabuff[8];
return len;
uint8_t Adafruit_VC0706::available(void) {
return bufferLen;
uint8_t * Adafruit_VC0706::readPicture(uint8_t n) {
uint8_t args[] = {0x0C, 0x0, 0x0A,
0, 0, (uint8_t)(frameptr >> 8), (uint8_t)(frameptr & 0xFF),
0, 0, 0, n,
(uint8_t)(CAMERADELAY >> 8), (uint8_t)(CAMERADELAY & 0xFF)};
if (! runCommand(VC0706_READ_FBUF, args, sizeof(args), 5, false))
return 0;
// read into the buffer PACKETLEN!
if (readResponse(n+5, CAMERADELAY) == 0)
return 0;
frameptr += n;
return camerabuff;
/**************** low level commands */
boolean Adafruit_VC0706::runCommand(uint8_t cmd, uint8_t *args, uint8_t argn,
uint8_t resplen, boolean flushflag) {
// flush out anything in the buffer?
if (flushflag) {
readResponse(100, 10);
sendCommand(cmd, args, argn);
if (readResponse(resplen, 200) != resplen)
return false;
if (! verifyResponse(cmd))
return false;
return true;
void Adafruit_VC0706::sendCommand(uint8_t cmd, uint8_t args[] = 0, uint8_t argn = 0) {
#if ARDUINO >= 100
for (uint8_t i=0; i<argn; i++) {
Serial.print(" 0x");
Serial.print(args[i], HEX);
hwSerial->print(0x56, BYTE);
hwSerial->print(serialNum, BYTE);
hwSerial->print(cmd, BYTE);
for (uint8_t i=0; i<argn; i++) {
hwSerial->print(args[i], BYTE);
Serial.print(" 0x");
Serial.print(args[i], HEX);
uint8_t Adafruit_VC0706::readResponse(uint8_t numbytes, uint8_t timeout) {
uint8_t counter = 0;
bufferLen = 0;
int avail;
while ((timeout != counter) && (bufferLen != numbytes)){
avail = hwSerial->available();
if (avail <= 0) {
counter = 0;
// there's a byte!
camerabuff[bufferLen++] = hwSerial->read();
//camerabuff[bufferLen] = 0;
return bufferLen;
boolean Adafruit_VC0706::verifyResponse(uint8_t command) {
if ((camerabuff[0] != 0x76) ||
(camerabuff[1] != serialNum) ||
(camerabuff[2] != command) ||
(camerabuff[3] != 0x0))
return false;
return true;
void Adafruit_VC0706::printBuff() {
for (uint8_t i = 0; i< bufferLen; i++) {
Serial.print(" 0x");
Serial.print(camerabuff[i], HEX);