75 lines
2.5 KiB
75 lines
2.5 KiB
#pragma once
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <Wire.h>
struct dataLight {
bool ok = false; // Bolean true if everything was OK
bool commited = false;
String lines[8]; // Array of strings to save the lines received
int lineIndex = 0;
class ReadLight {
void setup();
dataLight read();
void reset();
dataLight results;
bool debugFlag = false;
uint8_t BH1730 = 0x29; // Light sensor I2C address
uint8_t TIME0 = 0xF0;
// Variables to manage sensor readings
uint32_t readyTimer = 0;
uint32_t readyPause = ((2.8/1000.0) * 964 * (float)(256 - TIME0));
uint16_t newReading = 0; // Here we store the light sensor new readings
uint16_t OldReading = 0; // Variable for saving readings between loops
uint16_t tolerance = 2; // Threshold for considering a reading the same as other
uint8_t readingRepetitions = 0; // Whit this we validate readings, we need at least MIN_REP repetitions inside the tolerance
const uint8_t MIN_REP = 3;
// Variables to manage light values (just for calibration)
float newValue = 0;
float oldValue = 0;
// Variables to manage levels (each level represents an octal char)
uint8_t levelNum = 9; // Number of different grey levels the sensor can read (the screen should use the same number)
uint16_t levels[9]; // Array for saving the sensor reading for each level during calibration
uint8_t newLevel = 0; // Stores the new detected level
uint8_t oldLevel = -1; // Variable for storing previous detected level
uint8_t lastGoodLevel = 0; // For storing last used good level
uint8_t levelRepetitions = 0; // Whit this we validate levels, we need at least MIN_REP of the same value
// String variable
String octalString = "0";
// Checksum variables
uint16_t localCheckSum = 0; // Stores the received text checksum for verification
String sum = "";
// Watchdog variables
uint32_t watchDOG = 0; // Variable for the watchdog timeout
uint32_t DOG_TIMEOUT = 2000; // If no valid char is received in this timeout we restart and calibrate again. in milliseconds
// State variables
bool calibrated = false;
bool TransmittingText = false; // This is true after receiving STX char (start text) and false after ETX char (end text)
bool EOT = false; // End of transmission, true when transmission ends or watchdog kicks in.
bool ETX = false;
bool calibrate();
bool getLight();
char getChar();
bool getLevel();
bool getRawLevel();
bool checksum();
void feedDOG();
bool dogBite();
void debugOUT(String debugText, bool newLine=true);