998 lines
29 KiB
998 lines
29 KiB
Supports the sensor reading and calibration functions.
- Sensors supported (sensors use on board custom peripherials):
- TEMP / HUM (DHT22 and HPP828E031)
- LIGHT (LDR and BH1730FVC)
- CO (MICS5525 and MICS4514)
- NO2 (MiCS2710 and MICS4514)
- ADXL345 (Only on some models)
#include "Constants.h"
#include "SCKAmbient.h"
#include "SCKBase.h"
#include "SCKServer.h"
#include <Wire.h>
#include <EEPROM.h>
SENSOR Contants and Defaults
#if ((decouplerComp)&&(F_CPU > 8000000 ))
#include "TemperatureDecoupler.h"
TemperatureDecoupler decoupler; // Compensate the bat .charger generated heat affecting temp values
#define USBEnabled true
#define autoUpdateWiFly true
#define debugAmbient false
SCKBase base_;
SCKServer server_;
SCKAmbient ambient_;
long value[SENSORS];
char time[TIME_BUFFER_SIZE];
boolean wait_moment;
boolean debugON = true;
#if F_CPU == 8000000
float Vcc = 3300.; //mV
float Vcc = 5000.; //mV
// MICS (Gas Sensors) Ro Default Value (Ohm)
float RoCO = 750000;
float RoNO2 = 2200;
// MICS (Gas Sensors) RS Value (Ohm)
float RsCO = 0;
float RsNO2 = 0;
#if F_CPU == 8000000
uint32_t lastHumidity;
uint32_t lastTemperature;
int accel_x=0;
int accel_y=0;
int accel_z=0;
int lastHumidity;
int lastTemperature;
void SCKAmbient::begin() {
#if ((decouplerComp)&&(F_CPU > 8000000 ))
#if F_CPU == 8000000
#if F_CPU == 8000000
writeVH(MICS_5525, 2700); // MICS5525_START
digitalWrite(IO0, HIGH); // MICS5525
writeVH(MICS_2710, 1700); // MICS2710_START
digitalWrite(IO1, HIGH); // MICS2710_HEATHER
digitalWrite(IO2, LOW); // MICS2710_HIGH_IMPEDANCE
pinMode(IO3, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(IO3, HIGH); // MICS POWER LINE
writeADXL(0x2D, 0x08);
// WriteADXL(0x31, 0x00); //2g
// WriteADXL(0x31, 0x01); //4g
writeADXL(0x31, 0x02); //8g
// WriteADXL(0x31, 0x03); //16g
writeVH(MICS_5525, 2400); // MICS5525_START
digitalWrite(IO0, HIGH); // MICS5525
writeVH(MICS_2710, 1700); // MICS2710_START
digitalWrite(IO1, HIGH); // MICS2710
digitalWrite(IO2, LOW); // MICS2710_HIGH_IMPEDANCE
writeRL(MICS_5525, 100000); // START LOADING MICS5525
writeRL(MICS_2710, 100000); // START LOADING MICS2710
boolean terminal_mode = false;
boolean usb_mode = false;
byte sensor_mode = NORMAL;
uint32_t TimeUpdate = 0; // Sensor Readings time interval in sec.
uint32_t NumUpdates = 0; // Min. number of sensor readings before publishing
uint32_t nets = 0;
boolean sleep = true;
uint32_t timetransmit = 0;
uint32_t timeMICS = 0;
void SCKAmbient::ini()
debugON = false;
/*init WiFly*/
digitalWrite(AWAKE, HIGH);
sensor_mode = sensor_mode = base_.readData(EE_ADDR_SENSOR_MODE, INTERNAL); //Normal mode
TimeUpdate = base_.readData(EE_ADDR_TIME_UPDATE, INTERNAL); //Time between transmissions in sec.
NumUpdates = base_.readData(EE_ADDR_NUMBER_UPDATES, INTERNAL); //Number of readings before batch update
nets = base_.readData(EE_ADDR_NUMBER_NETS, INTERNAL);
if (TimeUpdate*NumUpdates < 60) sleep = false;
else sleep = true;
if (nets==0)
sleep = false;
sensor_mode = OFFLINE; //Offline mode, no networks un memory
base_.repair(); //Repairs wifi if corruption
base_.APmode(base_.id()); //Starts as acces point
#if debugEnabled
if (!debugON) Serial.println(F("AP initialized!"));
if (base_.connect())
#if debugEnabled
if (!debugON) Serial.println(F("SCK Connected!!"));
#if autoUpdateWiFly
int report = base_.checkWiFly();
#if debugEnabled
if (!debugON)
if (report == 1) Serial.println(F("Wifly Updated."));
else if (report == 2) Serial.println(F("Update Fail."));
else if (report == 0) Serial.println(F("WiFly up to date."));
else if (report == -1) Serial.println(F("Error reading the wifi version."));
byte retry = 0;
if (base_.checkRTC())
if (server_.time(time))
while (!base_.RTCadjust(time)&&(retry<5)) retry++;
#if debugEnabled
if (!debugON) Serial.println(F("Updating RTC..."));
#if debugEnabled
else if (!debugON) Serial.println(F("Fail updating RTC!!"));
#if debugEnabled
if (!debugON) Serial.println(F("SCK Sleeping..."));
timetransmit = millis();
wait_moment = false;
timeMICS = millis();
float k= (RES*(float)R1/100)/1000; //Voltatge Constant for the Voltage reg.
SENSOR Functions
void SCKAmbient::writeVH(byte device, long voltage ) {
int data=0;
#if F_CPU == 8000000
int temp = (int)(((voltage/0.41)-1000)*k);
int temp = (int)(((voltage/1.2)-1000)*k);
if (temp>RES) data = RES;
else if (temp<0) data=0;
else data = temp;
#if F_CPU == 8000000
base_.writeMCP(MCP1, device, data);
base_.writeMCP(MCP2, device, data);
float SCKAmbient::readVH(byte device) {
int data;
#if F_CPU == 8000000
data=base_.readMCP(MCP1, device);
float voltage = (data/k + 1000)*0.41;
data=base_.readMCP(MCP2, device);
float voltage = (data/k + 1000)*1.2;
float kr1= ((float)P1*1000)/RES; // Resistance conversion Constant for the digital pot.
void SCKAmbient::writeRL(byte device, long resistor) {
int data=0x00;
data = (int)(resistor/kr1);
#if F_CPU == 8000000
base_.writeMCP(MCP1, device + 6, data);
base_.writeMCP(MCP1, device, data);
float SCKAmbient::readRL(byte device)
#if F_CPU == 8000000
return (kr1*base_.readMCP(MCP1, device + 6)); // Returns Resistance (Ohms)
return (kr1*base_.readMCP(MCP1, device)); // Returns Resistance (Ohms)
void SCKAmbient::writeRGAIN(byte device, long resistor) {
int data=0x00;
data = (int)(resistor/kr1);
base_.writeMCP(MCP2, device, data);
float SCKAmbient::readRGAIN(byte device)
return (kr1*base_.readMCP(MCP2, device)); // Returns Resistance (Ohms)
void SCKAmbient::writeGAIN(long value)
if (value == 100)
writeRGAIN(0x00, 10000);
writeRGAIN(0x01, 10000);
else if (value == 1000)
writeRGAIN(0x00, 10000);
writeRGAIN(0x01, 100000);
else if (value == 10000)
writeRGAIN(0x00, 100000);
writeRGAIN(0x01, 100000);
float SCKAmbient::readGAIN()
return (readRGAIN(0x00)/1000)*(readRGAIN(0x01)/1000);
void SCKAmbient::getVcc()
float temp = base_.average(S3);
Vcc = (float)(base_.average(S3)/temp)*reference;
void SCKAmbient::heat(byte device, int current)
float Rc=Rc0;
byte Sensor = S2;
if (device == MICS_2710) { Rc=Rc1; Sensor = S3;}
float Vc = (float)base_.average(Sensor)*Vcc/1023; //mV
float current_measure = Vc/Rc; //mA
float Rh = (readVH(device)- Vc)/current_measure;
float Vh = (Rh + Rc)*current;
writeVH(device, Vh);
#if debugAmbient
if (device == MICS_2710) Serial.print("MICS2710 current: ");
else Serial.print("MICS5525 current: ");
Serial.println(" mA");
if (device == MICS_2710) Serial.print("MICS2710 correction VH: ");
else Serial.print("MICS5525 correction VH: ");
Serial.println(" mV");
Vc = (float)base_.average(Sensor)*Vcc/1023; //mV
current_measure = Vc/Rc; //mA
if (device == MICS_2710) Serial.print("MICS2710 current adjusted: ");
else Serial.print("MICS5525 current adjusted: ");
Serial.println(" mA");
float SCKAmbient::readRs(byte device)
byte Sensor = S0;
float VMICS = VMIC0;
if (device == MICS_2710) {Sensor = S1; VMICS = VMIC1;}
float RL = readRL(device); //Ohm
float VL = ((float)base_.average(Sensor)*Vcc)/1023; //mV
float Rs = ((VMICS-VL)/VL)*RL; //Ohm
#if debugAmbient
if (device == MICS_5525) Serial.print("MICS5525 Rs: ");
else Serial.print("MICS2710 Rs: ");
Serial.print(" mV, ");
Serial.println(" Ohm");
return Rs;
float SCKAmbient::readMICS(byte device)
float Rs = readRs(device);
float RL = readRL(device); //Ohm
// Charging impedance correction
if ((Rs <= (RL - 1000))||(Rs >= (RL + 1000)))
if (Rs < 2000) writeRL(device, 2000);
else writeRL(device, Rs);
Rs = readRs(device);
return Rs;
void SCKAmbient::GasSensor(boolean active)
if (active)
#if F_CPU == 8000000
digitalWrite(IO0, HIGH); // MICS5525
digitalWrite(IO1, HIGH); // MICS2710_HEATHER
digitalWrite(IO2, LOW); // MICS2710_HIGH_IMPEDANCE
digitalWrite(IO3, HIGH); // MICS POWER LINE
digitalWrite(IO0, HIGH); // MICS5525
digitalWrite(IO1, HIGH); // MICS2710
digitalWrite(IO2, LOW); // MICS2710_HIGH_IMPEDANCE
#if F_CPU == 8000000
digitalWrite(IO0, LOW); // MICS5525
digitalWrite(IO1, LOW); // MICS2710_HEATHER
digitalWrite(IO2, LOW); // MICS2710_HIGH_IMPEDANCE
digitalWrite(IO3, LOW); // MICS POWER LINE
digitalWrite(IO0, LOW); // MICS5525
digitalWrite(IO1, HIGH); // MICS2710
digitalWrite(IO2, LOW); // MICS2710_HIGH_IMPEDANCE
void SCKAmbient::getMICS(){
// Charging tension heaters
heat(MICS_5525, 32); //Corriente en mA
heat(MICS_2710, 26); //Corriente en mA
RsCO = readMICS(MICS_5525);
RsNO2 = readMICS(MICS_2710);
#if F_CPU == 8000000
uint16_t SCKAmbient::readSHT21(uint8_t type){
uint16_t DATA = 0;
unsigned long time = millis();
while (!Wire.available()) if ((millis() - time)>500) return 0x00;
DATA = Wire.read()<<8;
while (!Wire.available());
DATA = (DATA|Wire.read());
DATA &= ~0x0003;
return DATA;
void SCKAmbient::getSHT21()
lastTemperature = readSHT21(0xE3); // RAW DATA for calibration in platform
lastHumidity = readSHT21(0xE5); // RAW DATA for calibration in platform
#if debugAmbient
Serial.print("SHT21: ");
Serial.print("Temperature: ");
Serial.print((-46.85 + 175.72 / 65536.0 * (float)lastTemperature));
Serial.print(" C, Humidity: ");
Serial.print(-6.0 + 125.0 / 65536.0 * (float)lastHumidity);
Serial.println(" %");
void SCKAmbient::writeADXL(byte address, byte val) {
Wire.beginTransmission(ADXL); // Start transmission to device
Wire.write(address); // Write register address
Wire.write(val); // Write value to write
Wire.endTransmission(); // End transmission
//reads num bytes starting from address register on device in to buff array
void SCKAmbient::readADXL(byte address, int num, byte buff[]) {
Wire.beginTransmission(ADXL); //start transmission to device
Wire.write(address); //writes address to read from
Wire.endTransmission(); //end transmission
Wire.beginTransmission(ADXL); //start transmission to device
Wire.requestFrom(ADXL, num); // request 6 bytes from device
int i = 0;
unsigned long time = millis();
while (!Wire.available())
if ((millis() - time)>500)
for(int i=0; i<num; i++) buff[i]=0x00;
while(Wire.available()) //device may write less than requested (abnormal)
buff[i] = Wire.read(); // read a byte
Wire.endTransmission(); //end transmission
void SCKAmbient::averageADXL()
#define lim 512
int temp_x=0;
int temp_y=0;
int temp_z=0;
int lecturas=10;
byte buffADXL[6] ; //6 bytes buffer for saving data read from the device
for(int i=0; i<lecturas; i++)
readADXL(0x32, 6, buffADXL); //read the acceleration data from the ADXL345
temp_x = (((int)buffADXL[1]) << 8) | buffADXL[0];
temp_x = map(temp_x,-lim,lim,0,1023);
temp_y = (((int)buffADXL[3])<< 8) | buffADXL[2];
temp_y = map(temp_y,-lim,lim,0,1023);
temp_z = (((int)buffADXL[5]) << 8) | buffADXL[4];
temp_z = map(temp_z,-lim,lim,0,1023);
accel_x = (int)(temp_x + accel_x);
accel_y = (int)(temp_y + accel_y);
accel_z = (int)(temp_z + accel_z);
accel_x = (int)(accel_x / lecturas);
accel_y = (int)(accel_y / lecturas);
accel_z = (int)(accel_z / lecturas);
#if debugAmbient
Serial.print("x_axis= ");
Serial.print(", ");
Serial.print("y_axis= ");
Serial.print(", ");
Serial.print("z_axis= ");
uint8_t bits[5]; // buffer to receive data
#define TIMEOUT 10000
boolean SCKAmbient::getDHT22()
// Read Values
int rv = DhtRead(IO3);
if (rv != true)
lastHumidity = DHTLIB_INVALID_VALUE; // invalid value, or is NaN prefered?
lastTemperature = DHTLIB_INVALID_VALUE; // invalid value
return rv;
// Convert and Store
lastHumidity = word(bits[0], bits[1]);
if (bits[2] & 0x80) // negative temperature
lastTemperature = word(bits[2]&0x7F, bits[3]);
lastTemperature *= -1.0;
lastTemperature = word(bits[2], bits[3]);
// Test Checksum
uint8_t sum = bits[0] + bits[1] + bits[2] + bits[3];
if (bits[4] != sum) return false;
if ((lastTemperature == 0)&&(lastHumidity == 0))return false;
return true;
boolean SCKAmbient::DhtRead(uint8_t pin)
// init Buffer to receive data
uint8_t cnt = 7;
uint8_t idx = 0;
// empty the buffer
for (int i=0; i< 5; i++) bits[i] = 0;
// request the sensor
pinMode(pin, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(pin, LOW);
digitalWrite(pin, HIGH);
pinMode(pin, INPUT);
// get ACK or timeout
unsigned int loopCnt = TIMEOUT;
while(digitalRead(pin) == LOW)
if (loopCnt-- == 0) return false;
loopCnt = TIMEOUT;
while(digitalRead(pin) == HIGH)
if (loopCnt-- == 0) return false;
// read Ouput - 40 bits => 5 bytes
for (int i=0; i<40; i++)
loopCnt = TIMEOUT;
while(digitalRead(pin) == LOW)
if (loopCnt-- == 0) return false;
unsigned long t = micros();
loopCnt = TIMEOUT;
while(digitalRead(pin) == HIGH)
if (loopCnt-- == 0) return false;
if ((micros() - t) > 40) bits[idx] |= (1 << cnt);
if (cnt == 0) // next byte?
cnt = 7;
else cnt--;
return true;
uint16_t SCKAmbient::getLight(){
#if F_CPU == 8000000
uint8_t TIME0 = 0xDA;
uint8_t GAIN0 = 0x00;
uint8_t DATA [8] = {0x03, TIME0, 0x00 ,0x00, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF ,GAIN0} ;
uint16_t DATA0 = 0;
uint16_t DATA1 = 0;
for(int i= 0; i<8; i++) Wire.write(DATA[i]);
Wire.requestFrom(bh1730, 4);
DATA0 = Wire.read();
DATA1 = Wire.read();
uint8_t Gain = 0x00;
if (GAIN0 == 0x00) Gain = 1;
else if (GAIN0 == 0x01) Gain = 2;
else if (GAIN0 == 0x02) Gain = 64;
else if (GAIN0 == 0x03) Gain = 128;
float ITIME = (256- TIME0)*2.7;
float Lx = 0;
float cons = (Gain * 100) / ITIME;
float comp = (float)DATA1/DATA0;
if (comp<0.26) Lx = ( 1.290*DATA0 - 2.733*DATA1 ) / cons;
else if (comp < 0.55) Lx = ( 0.795*DATA0 - 0.859*DATA1 ) / cons;
else if (comp < 1.09) Lx = ( 0.510*DATA0 - 0.345*DATA1 ) / cons;
else if (comp < 2.13) Lx = ( 0.276*DATA0 - 0.130*DATA1 ) / cons;
else Lx=0;
#if debugAmbient
Serial.print("BH1730: ");
Serial.println(" Lx");
return Lx*10;
int temp = map(base_.average(S5), 0, 1023, 0, 1000);
if (temp>1000) temp=1000;
if (temp<0) temp=0;
return temp;
unsigned int SCKAmbient::getNoise() {
#if F_CPU == 8000000
#define GAIN 10000
float mVRaw = (float)((base_.average(S4))/1023.)*Vcc;
float dB = 0;
return mVRaw;
unsigned long SCKAmbient::getCO()
return RsCO;
unsigned long SCKAmbient::getNO2()
return RsNO2;
#if F_CPU == 8000000
uint32_t SCKAmbient::getTemperature()
return lastTemperature;
uint32_t SCKAmbient::getHumidity()
return lastHumidity;
int SCKAmbient::getTemperature()
return lastTemperature;
int SCKAmbient::getHumidity()
return lastHumidity;
void SCKAmbient::updateSensors(byte mode)
boolean ok_read = false;
byte retry = 0;
#if F_CPU == 8000000
ok_read = true;
while ((!ok_read)&&(retry<5))
ok_read = getDHT22();
if (!ok_read)delay(3000);
if (((millis()-timeMICS)<=6*minute)||(mode!=ECONOMIC)) //6 minutes
#if F_CPU == 8000000
value[5] = getCO(); //ppm
value[6] = getNO2(); //ppm
else if((millis()-timeMICS)>=60*minute)
timeMICS = millis();
if (ok_read )
#if ((decouplerComp)&&(F_CPU > 8000000 ))
uint16_t battery = base_.getBattery(Vcc);
value[0] = getTemperature() - (int) decoupler.getCompensation();
value[0] = getTemperature();
value[1] = getHumidity();
value[0] = 0; // ºC
value[1] = 0; // %
value[2] = getLight(); //mV
value[3] = base_.getBattery(Vcc); //%
value[4] = base_.getPanel(Vcc); // %
value[7] = getNoise(); //mV
if (mode == NOWIFI)
value[8] = 0; //Wifi Nets
else if (mode == OFFLINE)
value[8] = base_.scan(); //Wifi Nets
boolean SCKAmbient::debug_state()
return debugON;
void SCKAmbient::execute()
if (terminal_mode) // Telnet (#data + *OPEN* detectado )
sleep = false;
digitalWrite(AWAKE, HIGH);
server_.json_update(0, value, time, true);
usb_mode = false;
terminal_mode = false;
if ((millis()-timetransmit) >= (unsigned long)TimeUpdate*second)
timetransmit = millis();
TimeUpdate = base_.readData(EE_ADDR_TIME_UPDATE, INTERNAL); // Time between transmissions in sec.
NumUpdates = base_.readData(EE_ADDR_NUMBER_UPDATES, INTERNAL); // Number of readings before batch update
if (!debugON) // CMD Mode False
if ((sensor_mode)>NOWIFI) server_.send(sleep, &wait_moment, value, time);
#if USBEnabled
void SCKAmbient::txDebug() {
if (debugON== false) {
float dec = 0;
for(int i=0; i<9; i++)
#if F_CPU == 8000000
if (i<2) dec = 1;
else if (i<4) dec = 10;
else if (i<5) dec = 1;
else if (i<7) dec = 1000;
else if (i<8) dec = 1;
if (i<4) dec = 10;
else if (i<5) dec = 1;
else if (i<7) dec = 1000;
else if (i<8) dec = 1;
else dec = 1;
if (dec>1) Serial.print((float)(value[i]/dec));
else Serial.print((uint16_t)value[i]);
static char buffer_int[buffer_length];
byte count_char = 0;
boolean SCKAmbient::addData(byte inByte)
if (inByte == '\r')
buffer_int[count_char] = inByte;
buffer_int[count_char + 1] = 0x00;
count_char = 0;
return true;
else if((inByte != '\n')&&(inByte != '#')&&(inByte != '$'))
buffer_int[count_char] = inByte;
count_char = count_char + 1;
return false;
else if ((inByte == '#')||(inByte == '$'))
buffer_int[count_char] = inByte;
count_char = count_char + 1;
if (count_char == 3)
buffer_int[count_char] = 0x00;
count_char = 0;
return true;
return false;
boolean SCKAmbient::printNetWorks(unsigned int address_eeprom)
int nets_temp = base_.readData(EE_ADDR_NUMBER_NETS, INTERNAL);
if (nets_temp>0){
for (int i = 0; i<nets_temp; i++)
Serial.print(base_.readData(address_eeprom, i, INTERNAL));
if (i<(nets_temp - 1)) Serial.print(' ');
void SCKAmbient::addNetWork(unsigned int address_eeprom, char* text)
int pos = 0;
int nets_temp = base_.readData(EE_ADDR_NUMBER_NETS, INTERNAL);
if (address_eeprom < DEFAULT_ADDR_PASS)
nets_temp = nets_temp + 1;
if (nets_temp<=5) base_.writeData(EE_ADDR_NUMBER_NETS, nets_temp , INTERNAL);
if (nets_temp<=5)
if (nets_temp == 0) pos = 0;
else pos = nets_temp - 1;
base_.writeData(address_eeprom, pos, text, INTERNAL);
boolean serial_bridge = false;
boolean eeprom_write_ok = false;
boolean text_write = true;
unsigned int address_eeprom = 0;
int temp_mode = NORMAL;
void SCKAmbient::serialRequests()
#if F_CPU == 8000000
if (!digitalRead(CONTROL))
digitalWrite(AWAKE, HIGH);
digitalWrite(FACTORY, HIGH);
sleep = false;
sensor_mode = OFFLINE; //Offline mode or acces point mode
else digitalWrite(AWAKE, LOW);
if (Serial.available())
byte inByte = Serial.read();
if (addData(inByte))
if (base_.checkText("###", buffer_int)) { debugON= true; temp_mode = sensor_mode; sensor_mode = OFFLINE; } //Serial.println(F("AOK"));} //Terminal SCK ON
else if (base_.checkText("exit", buffer_int)) {
serial_bridge = false;
sensor_mode = temp_mode;
debugON= false;
else if (base_.checkText("$$$", buffer_int)) //Terminal WIFI ON
digitalWrite(AWAKE, HIGH);
digitalWrite(AWAKE, LOW);
temp_mode = sensor_mode;
sensor_mode = NOWIFI;
if (!wait_moment) serial_bridge = true;
else Serial.println(F("Please, wait wifly sleep"));
debugON= true;
/*Reading commands*/
else if (base_.checkText("get sck info\r", buffer_int)) Serial.println(FirmWare);
else if (base_.checkText("get wifi info\r", buffer_int)) Serial.println(base_.getWiFlyVersion());
else if (base_.checkText("get mac\r", buffer_int)) Serial.println(base_.readData(EE_ADDR_MAC, 0, INTERNAL));
else if (base_.checkText("get wlan ssid\r", buffer_int)) printNetWorks(DEFAULT_ADDR_SSID);
else if (base_.checkText("get wlan phrase\r", buffer_int)) printNetWorks(DEFAULT_ADDR_PASS);
else if (base_.checkText("get wlan auth\r", buffer_int)) printNetWorks(DEFAULT_ADDR_AUTH);
else if (base_.checkText("get wlan ext_antenna\r", buffer_int)) printNetWorks(DEFAULT_ADDR_ANTENNA);
else if (base_.checkText("get mode sensor\r", buffer_int)) Serial.println(base_.readData(EE_ADDR_SENSOR_MODE, INTERNAL));
else if (base_.checkText("get time update\r", buffer_int)) Serial.println(base_.readData(EE_ADDR_TIME_UPDATE, INTERNAL));
else if (base_.checkText("get number updates\r", buffer_int)) Serial.println(base_.readData(EE_ADDR_NUMBER_UPDATES, INTERNAL));
else if (base_.checkText("get apikey\r", buffer_int)) Serial.println(base_.readData(EE_ADDR_APIKEY, 0, INTERNAL));
/*Write commands*/
else if (base_.checkText("set wlan ssid ", buffer_int))
addNetWork(DEFAULT_ADDR_SSID, buffer_int);
sensor_mode = base_.readData(EE_ADDR_SENSOR_MODE, INTERNAL);
if (TimeUpdate < 60) sleep = false;
else sleep = true;
else if (base_.checkText("set wlan phrase ", buffer_int)) addNetWork(DEFAULT_ADDR_PASS, buffer_int);
else if (base_.checkText("set wlan key ", buffer_int)) addNetWork(EE_ADDR_NUMBER_NETS, buffer_int);
else if (base_.checkText("set wlan ext_antenna ", buffer_int)) addNetWork(DEFAULT_ADDR_ANTENNA, buffer_int);
else if (base_.checkText("set wlan auth ", buffer_int)) addNetWork(DEFAULT_ADDR_AUTH, buffer_int);
else if (base_.checkText("clear nets\r", buffer_int)) base_.writeData(EE_ADDR_NUMBER_NETS, 0x0000, INTERNAL);
else if (base_.checkText("set mode sensor ", buffer_int)) base_.writeData(EE_ADDR_SENSOR_MODE, atol(buffer_int), INTERNAL);
else if (base_.checkText("set time update ", buffer_int)) base_.writeData(EE_ADDR_TIME_UPDATE, atol(buffer_int), INTERNAL);
else if (base_.checkText("set number updates ", buffer_int)) base_.writeData(EE_ADDR_NUMBER_UPDATES, atol(buffer_int), INTERNAL);
else if (base_.checkText("set apikey ", buffer_int)){
eeprom_write_ok = true;
address_eeprom = EE_ADDR_APIKEY;
if (serial_bridge) Serial1.write(inByte);
else if (serial_bridge)
if (Serial1.available())
byte inByte = Serial1.read();
base_.timer1Initialize(); // set a timer of length 1000000 microseconds (or 1 sec - or 1Hz)