68 lines
6.1 KiB
68 lines
6.1 KiB
#ifndef _MCP_CAN_H_
#define _MCP_CAN_H_
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <SPI.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#define CAN_OK (0)
#define CAN_FAILINIT (1)
#define CAN_FAILTX (2)
#define CAN_MSGAVAIL (3)
class MCP_CAN
virtual void enableTxInterrupt(bool enable = true) = 0; // enable transmit interrupt
virtual void reserveTxBuffers(byte nTxBuf = 0) = 0;
virtual byte getLastTxBuffer() = 0;
virtual byte begin(byte speedset, const byte clockset) = 0; // init can
virtual byte init_Mask(byte num, byte ext, unsigned long ulData) = 0; // init Masks
virtual byte init_Filt(byte num, byte ext, unsigned long ulData) = 0; // init filters
virtual void setSleepWakeup(byte enable) = 0; // Enable or disable the wake up interrupt (If disabled the MCP2515 will not be woken up by CAN bus activity, making it send only)
virtual byte sleep() = 0; // Put the MCP2515 in sleep mode
virtual byte wake() = 0; // Wake MCP2515 manually from sleep
virtual byte setMode(byte opMode) = 0; // Set operational mode
virtual byte getMode() = 0; // Get operational mode
virtual byte sendMsgBuf(unsigned long id, byte ext, byte rtrBit, byte len, const byte *buf, bool wait_sent = true) = 0; // send buf
virtual byte sendMsgBuf(unsigned long id, byte ext, byte len, const byte *buf, bool wait_sent = true) = 0; // send buf
virtual byte readMsgBuf(byte *len, byte *buf) = 0; // read buf
virtual byte readMsgBufID(unsigned long *ID, byte *len, byte *buf) = 0; // read buf with object ID
virtual byte checkReceive(void) = 0; // if something received
virtual byte checkError(void) = 0; // if something error
virtual unsigned long getCanId(void) = 0; // get can id when receive
virtual byte isRemoteRequest(void) = 0; // get RR flag when receive
virtual byte isExtendedFrame(void) = 0; // did we recieve 29bit frame?
virtual byte readMsgBufID(byte status, volatile unsigned long *id, volatile byte *ext, volatile byte *rtr, volatile byte *len, volatile byte *buf) = 0; // read buf with object ID
virtual byte trySendMsgBuf(unsigned long id, byte ext, byte rtrBit, byte len, const byte *buf, byte iTxBuf = 0xff) = 0; // as sendMsgBuf, but does not have any wait for free buffer
virtual byte sendMsgBuf(byte status, unsigned long id, byte ext, byte rtrBit, byte len, volatile const byte *buf) = 0; // send message buf by using parsed buffer status
virtual void clearBufferTransmitIfFlags(byte flags = 0) = 0; // Clear transmit flags according to status
virtual byte readRxTxStatus(void) = 0; // read has something send or received
virtual byte checkClearRxStatus(byte *status) = 0; // read and clear and return first found rx status bit
virtual byte checkClearTxStatus(byte *status, byte iTxBuf = 0xff) = 0; // read and clear and return first found or buffer specified tx status bit
virtual bool mcpPinMode(const byte pin, const byte mode) = 0; // switch supported pins between HiZ, interrupt, output or input
virtual bool mcpDigitalWrite(const byte pin, const byte mode) = 0; // write HIGH or LOW to RX0BF/RX1BF
virtual byte mcpDigitalRead(const byte pin) = 0; // read HIGH or LOW from supported pins
MCP_CAN(byte _CS);
void init_CS(byte _CS); // define CS after construction before begin()
void setSPI(SPIClass *_pSPI);
inline byte trySendExtMsgBuf(unsigned long id, byte len, const byte *buf, byte iTxBuf = 0xff);
inline byte sendExtMsgBuf(byte status, unsigned long id, byte len, volatile const byte *buf);
byte ext_flg; // identifier xxxID
// either extended (the 29 LSB) or standard (the 11 LSB)
unsigned long can_id; // can id
byte SPICS;
SPIClass *pSPI;
byte mcpMode; // Current controller mode