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194 lines
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* @file midi_Defs.h
* Project Arduino MIDI Library
* @brief MIDI Library for the Arduino - Definitions
* @version 4.2
* @author Francois Best
* @date 24/02/11
* @license GPL v3.0 - Copyright Forty Seven Effects 2014
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#pragma once
#include "midi_Namespace.h"
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
typedef uint8_t byte;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#define MIDI_CHANNEL_OFF 17 // and over
#define MIDI_PITCHBEND_MIN -8192
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Type definitions
typedef byte StatusByte;
typedef byte DataByte;
typedef byte Channel;
typedef byte FilterMode;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/*! Enumeration of MIDI types */
enum MidiType
InvalidType = 0x00, ///< For notifying errors
NoteOff = 0x80, ///< Note Off
NoteOn = 0x90, ///< Note On
AfterTouchPoly = 0xA0, ///< Polyphonic AfterTouch
ControlChange = 0xB0, ///< Control Change / Channel Mode
ProgramChange = 0xC0, ///< Program Change
AfterTouchChannel = 0xD0, ///< Channel (monophonic) AfterTouch
PitchBend = 0xE0, ///< Pitch Bend
SystemExclusive = 0xF0, ///< System Exclusive
TimeCodeQuarterFrame = 0xF1, ///< System Common - MIDI Time Code Quarter Frame
SongPosition = 0xF2, ///< System Common - Song Position Pointer
SongSelect = 0xF3, ///< System Common - Song Select
TuneRequest = 0xF6, ///< System Common - Tune Request
Clock = 0xF8, ///< System Real Time - Timing Clock
Start = 0xFA, ///< System Real Time - Start
Continue = 0xFB, ///< System Real Time - Continue
Stop = 0xFC, ///< System Real Time - Stop
ActiveSensing = 0xFE, ///< System Real Time - Active Sensing
SystemReset = 0xFF, ///< System Real Time - System Reset
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/*! Enumeration of Thru filter modes */
enum MidiFilterMode
Off = 0, ///< Thru disabled (nothing passes through).
Full = 1, ///< Fully enabled Thru (every incoming message is sent back).
SameChannel = 2, ///< Only the messages on the Input Channel will be sent back.
DifferentChannel = 3, ///< All the messages but the ones on the Input Channel will be sent back.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/*! \brief Enumeration of Control Change command numbers.
See the detailed controllers numbers & description here:
enum MidiControlChangeNumber
// High resolution Continuous Controllers MSB (+32 for LSB) ----------------
BankSelect = 0,
ModulationWheel = 1,
BreathController = 2,
// CC3 undefined
FootController = 4,
PortamentoTime = 5,
DataEntry = 6,
ChannelVolume = 7,
Balance = 8,
// CC9 undefined
Pan = 10,
ExpressionController = 11,
EffectControl1 = 12,
EffectControl2 = 13,
// CC14 undefined
// CC15 undefined
GeneralPurposeController1 = 16,
GeneralPurposeController2 = 17,
GeneralPurposeController3 = 18,
GeneralPurposeController4 = 19,
// Switches ----------------------------------------------------------------
Sustain = 64,
Portamento = 65,
Sostenuto = 66,
SoftPedal = 67,
Legato = 68,
Hold = 69,
// Low resolution continuous controllers -----------------------------------
SoundController1 = 70, ///< Synth: Sound Variation FX: Exciter On/Off
SoundController2 = 71, ///< Synth: Harmonic Content FX: Compressor On/Off
SoundController3 = 72, ///< Synth: Release Time FX: Distortion On/Off
SoundController4 = 73, ///< Synth: Attack Time FX: EQ On/Off
SoundController5 = 74, ///< Synth: Brightness FX: Expander On/Off
SoundController6 = 75, ///< Synth: Decay Time FX: Reverb On/Off
SoundController7 = 76, ///< Synth: Vibrato Rate FX: Delay On/Off
SoundController8 = 77, ///< Synth: Vibrato Depth FX: Pitch Transpose On/Off
SoundController9 = 78, ///< Synth: Vibrato Delay FX: Flange/Chorus On/Off
SoundController10 = 79, ///< Synth: Undefined FX: Special Effects On/Off
GeneralPurposeController5 = 80,
GeneralPurposeController6 = 81,
GeneralPurposeController7 = 82,
GeneralPurposeController8 = 83,
PortamentoControl = 84,
// CC85 to CC90 undefined
Effects1 = 91, ///< Reverb send level
Effects2 = 92, ///< Tremolo depth
Effects3 = 93, ///< Chorus send level
Effects4 = 94, ///< Celeste depth
Effects5 = 95, ///< Phaser depth
// Channel Mode messages ---------------------------------------------------
AllSoundOff = 120,
ResetAllControllers = 121,
LocalControl = 122,
AllNotesOff = 123,
OmniModeOff = 124,
OmniModeOn = 125,
MonoModeOn = 126,
PolyModeOn = 127
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/*! \brief Create an instance of the library attached to a serial port.
You can use HardwareSerial or SoftwareSerial for the serial port.
Example: MIDI_CREATE_INSTANCE(HardwareSerial, Serial2, midi2);
Then call midi2.begin(), midi2.read() etc..
#define MIDI_CREATE_INSTANCE(Type, SerialPort, Name) \
midi::MidiInterface<Type> Name((Type&)SerialPort);
#if defined(ARDUINO_SAM_DUE) || defined(USBCON)
// Leonardo, Due and other USB boards use Serial1 by default.
MIDI_CREATE_INSTANCE(HardwareSerial, Serial1, MIDI);
/*! \brief Create an instance of the library with default name, serial port
and settings, for compatibility with sketches written with pre-v4.2 MIDI Lib,
or if you don't bother using custom names, serial port or settings.
MIDI_CREATE_INSTANCE(HardwareSerial, Serial, MIDI);
/*! \brief Create an instance of the library attached to a serial port with
custom settings.
@see DefaultSettings
#define MIDI_CREATE_CUSTOM_INSTANCE(Type, SerialPort, Name, Settings) \
midi::MidiInterface<Type, Settings> Name((Type&)SerialPort);