292 lines
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292 lines
8.8 KiB
* Esta libreria esta basada en varias librerias, estas son:
* Las librerias para el modulo wifi, Arduino-wifly de furius-luke y WIFLYHQ de harlequin-tech
* La libreria para el sensor DHT22 http://playground.arduino.cc/Main/DHTLib
* La libreria para el RTC basadas en el codigo de JeeLabs
* La libreria para el timer1 de arduino
* I2C library Copyright (c) 2011-2012 Wayne Truchsess. All right reserved.
* Busca la ultima version en https://github.com/fablabbcn/Smart-Citizen-Kit
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
#define debuggSCK false
#define DEFAULT_TIME_UPDATE "60" //Tiempo entre actualizacion y actualizacion
#define POST_MAX 20 //Maximo numero de posteos a la vez
#define MIN_UPDATES 1 //Minimo numero de actualizaciones antes de postear
#define fast true //Frecuencia del bus i2c, false 100KHz, true 400 kHz
#define SensorModel 1 //0 DHT22, 1 SHT21, 2 SI7005
#define buffer_length 32
//Direcciones I2C
#if F_CPU == 8000000
#define RTC_ADDRESS 0x6F // Direcion de la RTC
#define RTC_ADDRESS 0x68 // Direcion de la RTC
#define E2PROM 0x50 // Direcion de la EEPROM
#if F_CPU == 8000000
#define MCP1 0x2E // Direcion del mcp1 Potenciometros que controlan los MICS
#define MCP2 0x2F // Direcion del mcp2 Potenciometros que controlan la ganancia del microfono
#define MCP3 0x2D // Direcion del mcp3 Ajuste carga bateria
#define bh1730 0x29 // Direcion del sensor de luz
#define Temperature 0x40 // Direcion del si7005
#define MCP1 0x2F // Direcion del mcp1 MICS
#define MCP2 0x2E // Direcion del mcp2 REGULADORES
//Espacio reservado para los parametros de configuracion del SCK
#define EE_ADDR_APIKEY 68 //32BYTES
//Espacio reservado para los SSID y PASS
//Espacio reservado para los datos no posteados a la web
#define MICS_5525 0x00
#define MICS_2710 0x01
#define Rc0 10. //Ohm Resistencia medica de corriente en el sensor MICS_5525/MICS_5524
#if F_CPU == 8000000
#define Rc1 39. //Ohm Resistencia medica de corriente en el sensor MICS_2714
#define Rc1 10. //Ohm Resistencia medica de corriente en el sensor MICS_2710
#if F_CPU == 8000000
#define Vcc 3000. //mV
#define VMIC0 2734.
#define VMIC1 2734.
#define Vcc 5000. //mV
#define VMIC0 5000.
#define VMIC1 2500.
#define VAL_MAX_BATTERY 4200
#define VAL_MIN_BATTERY 3000
#define IO0 5 //MICS5525_HEATHER
#define IO1 13 //MICS2710_HEATHER
#define IO3 10 //MICS2710_ALTAIMPEDANCIA
#define FACTORY 7 //factory RESET/AP RN131
#define S0 A4 //MICS_5525
#define S1 A5 //MICS_2710
#define S2 A2 //SENS_5525
#define S3 A3 //SENS_2710
#define S4 A0 //MICRO
#if F_CPU == 8000000
#define IO4 A1 //LDR
#define S5 A1 //LDR
#define AWAKE 4 //Despertar WIFI
#define PANEL A8 //Entrada panel
#define BAT A7 //Entrada bateria
#define OPEN "0"
#define WEP "1"
#define WPA1 "2"
#define WPA2 "4"
#define WEP64 "8"
#define EXT_ANT "1" // antena externa
#define INT_ANT "0" // antena interna
class SmartCitizen {
void begin();
void config();
float readCharge();
void writeCharge(int current);
boolean RTCadjust(char *time);
char* RTCtime();
void writeEEPROM(uint16_t eeaddress, uint8_t data );
void writeintEEPROM(uint16_t eeaddress, uint16_t data );
byte readEEPROM(uint16_t eeaddress );
uint16_t readintEEPROM(uint16_t eeaddress);
char* readData(uint16_t eeaddress, uint16_t pos, uint8_t dec );
void writeData(uint16_t eeaddress, uint16_t pos, char* text );
boolean compareDate(char* text, char* text1);
boolean checkText(byte inByte, char* text, byte *check);
boolean checkRTC();
void checkData();
boolean DHT22(uint8_t pin);
int getTemperatureC();
int getHumidity();
unsigned long getNO2();
unsigned long getCO();
uint16_t getPanel();
uint16_t getBattery();
uint16_t getLight();
void getSi7005();
void getSHT21();
uint16_t getNoise();
void getMICS(unsigned long time0, unsigned long time1);
void updateSensors(byte mode);
boolean connect();
void APmode(char* ssid);
boolean ready();
char* mac();
char* id();
char* scan();
char* WIFItime();
boolean server_connect();
boolean server_reconnect();
void json_update(uint16_t initial);
boolean sleep();
boolean reset();
boolean open(const char *addr, int port=80);
boolean close();
boolean enterCommandMode();
boolean exitCommandMode();
boolean isConnected();
void writeVH(byte device, long voltage );
float readVH(byte device);
void writeRL(byte device, long resistor);
float readRL(byte device);
uint16_t readSHT21(uint8_t type);
uint8_t bits[5]; // buffer to receive data
uint16_t readSi7005(uint8_t type);
int _lastHumidity;
int _lastTemperature;
boolean dhtRead(uint8_t pin);
float average(int anaPin);
char* itoa(uint32_t number);
void writeMCP(byte deviceaddress, byte address, int data );
int readMCP(int deviceaddress, uint16_t address );
void writeRGAIN(byte device, long resistor);
float readRGAIN(byte device);
void writeGAIN(long value);
float readGAIN();
void heat(byte device, int current);
float readMICS(byte device, unsigned long time);
boolean connected;
boolean findInResponse(const char *toMatch, unsigned int timeOut);
void skipRemainderOfResponse(unsigned int timeOut);
boolean sendCommand(const char *command,
boolean isMultipartCommand, // Has default value
const char *expectedResponse); // Has default value
boolean sendCommand(const __FlashStringHelper *command,
boolean isMultipartCommand, // Has default value
const char *expectedResponse); // Has default value
#define RESOLUTION 65536 // Timer1 is 16 bit
class TimerOne
/*Timer 1*/
void initialize(long microseconds=1000000);
void start();
void stop();
void resume();
void setPeriod(long microseconds);
unsigned int pwmPeriod;
unsigned char clockSelectBits;
char oldSREG; // To hold Status Register while ints disabled
void attachInterrupt(void (*isr)(), long microseconds=-1);
void (*isrCallback)();
extern TimerOne Timer1;
#define START 0x08
#define REPEATED_START 0x10
#define MT_SLA_ACK 0x18
#define MT_SLA_NACK 0x20
#define MT_DATA_ACK 0x28
#define MT_DATA_NACK 0x30
#define MR_SLA_ACK 0x40
#define MR_SLA_NACK 0x48
#define MR_DATA_ACK 0x50
#define MR_DATA_NACK 0x58
#define LOST_ARBTRTN 0x38
#define TWI_STATUS (TWSR & 0xF8)
#define SLA_W(address) (address << 1)
#define SLA_R(address) ((address << 1) + 0x01)
#define cbi(sfr, bit) (_SFR_BYTE(sfr) &= ~_BV(bit))
#define sbi(sfr, bit) (_SFR_BYTE(sfr) |= _BV(bit))
#define MAX_BUFFER_SIZE 32
class I2C
void begin();
void end();
void timeOut(uint16_t);
void setSpeed(uint8_t);
uint8_t available();
uint8_t receive();
uint8_t write(uint8_t, uint8_t);
uint8_t write(int, int);
uint8_t write(uint8_t, uint16_t, uint8_t, boolean);
uint8_t write(int, int, int);
uint8_t write(uint8_t, uint8_t, char*);
uint8_t write(uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t*, uint8_t);
uint8_t read(uint8_t, uint8_t);
uint8_t read(int, int);
uint8_t read(uint8_t, uint16_t, uint8_t, boolean);
uint8_t read(int, int, int);
uint8_t read(uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t*);
uint8_t read(uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t*);
uint8_t start();
uint8_t sendAddress(uint8_t);
uint8_t sendByte(uint8_t);
uint8_t receiveByte(uint8_t);
uint8_t stop();
void lockUp();
uint8_t returnStatus;
uint8_t nack;
uint8_t data[MAX_BUFFER_SIZE];
static uint8_t bytesAvailable;
static uint8_t bufferIndex;
static uint8_t totalBytes;
static uint16_t timeOutDelay;
extern I2C I2c;