import sck import yaml import json import os import sys import traceback from pathlib import Path do_test = False def blockPrint(): sys.stdout = open(os.devnull, 'w') def oneLine(msg): enablePrint() sys.stdout.write(msg) sys.stdout.flush() if not verbose: blockPrint() def enablePrint(): sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__ # Smart Citizen Kit kit = sck.sck() kit.begin(get_sensors=True) try: sensors_enabled = kit.sensor_enabled do_test = True except: print('There are no enabled sensors') verbose = False blockPrint() if '-v' in sys.argv: verbose = True enablePrint() if '-h' in sys.argv: print ('Help coming - TODO') # Data files if do_test: # Sensor ID given manually by running this script # for example: python3 001292129 if '--kit_id' not in sys.argv: do_test = False print('An ID must be provided') else : kit_id = sys.argv[sys.argv.index('--kit_id')+1] print('Kit ID: ' + str(kit_id)) update_cal = True if '--dry_run' in sys.argv: update_cal = False if 'DATA_PATH' in os.environ: folder_data = os.environ['DATA_PATH'] else: print ('DATA_PATH variable not defined in environment'); exit() # folder_data = Path('../smartcitizen-data/') file_hardware = os.path.join(folder_data,f'hardware/{kit_id}.json') file_calibrations = os.path.join(folder_data, 'calibrations/calibrations.json') try: with open(file_hardware, 'r') as file: data_hardware = json.load(file) except: print('Hardware file not found. Expected location: ' + str(file_hardware)) do_test = False try: with open(file_calibrations, 'r') as file: data_calibrations = json.load(file) except: print('Calibrations file not found. Expected location: ' + str(file_calibrations)) do_test = False if do_test: # Sensors basics this_sensor = 'ADS1x15 ADC' these_sensors = [] this_kit = {} for sensor in sensors_enabled: if this_sensor in sensor: these_sensors.append(sensor) # Getting metrics these_sensors_metrics = kit.readSensors( sensors=these_sensors, iter_num=2, delay=0.1, unit='V', method='avg') # Kit update this_kit[kit_id] = these_sensors_metrics # Text formatting (Ch0) new_keys = [] for item in this_kit[kit_id]: item_formatted = item[-8:] new_keys.append(item_formatted) this_kit_formatted = {} this_kit_formatted[kit_id] = dict( zip(new_keys, list(this_kit[kit_id].values()))) # From V to mV, rounded for item in this_kit_formatted[kit_id]: this_kit_formatted[kit_id][item] = round( this_kit_formatted[kit_id][item] * 1000, 2) # Getting ID's from hardware.json hardware_ids = data_hardware['1']['ids'] # Getting values from calibrations.yaml and update it calibrations_values = {} data_index = 0 for i in hardware_ids.keys(): try: wen = f"0x{i.strip('AS_')[:i.index('_')]} Ch{i.strip('AS_')[i.index('_')+1]}" aen = f"0x{i.strip('AS_')[:i.index('_')]} Ch{i.strip('AS_')[i.index('_')+2]}" calibrations_values[hardware_ids[i]] = data_calibrations[hardware_ids[i]] except KeyError: print('Sensor #' + str(hardware_ids[i]) + ' does not exist in ' + str(file_calibrations)) except: print ('Unknow error occurred') exit() else: calibrations_values[hardware_ids[i]]['we_electronic_zero_mv'] = str(this_kit_formatted[kit_id][wen]) calibrations_values[hardware_ids[i]]['ae_electronic_zero_mv'] = str(this_kit_formatted[kit_id][aen]) # Update the calibrations file print ('Collected calibration values') if update_cal: for item in calibrations_values: print (item) for value in calibrations_values[item]: print (f'\t{value}: {calibrations_values[item][value]}') print ('----------------') while True: what_to_do = input('Like what you see? [y/n]: ') if what_to_do == 'y' or what_to_do == 'n': break else: print ('Please input [y/n]') if what_to_do == 'y': data_calibrations.update(calibrations_values) with open(file_calibrations, 'w') as file: json.dump(data_calibrations, file, indent=2) print('Calibrations file updated (' + str(file_calibrations) + ')') else: print ('Nothing updated. Thank you for nothing sir') else: for item in calibrations_values: print (item) for value in calibrations_values[item]: print (f'\t{value}: {calibrations_values[item][value]}') print ('----------------')