/* mcp_can.h 2012 Copyright (c) Seeed Technology Inc. All right reserved. Author:Loovee (loovee@seeed.cc) 2014-1-16 Contributor: Cory J. Fowler Latonita Woodward1 Mehtajaghvi BykeBlast TheRo0T Tsipizic ralfEdmund Nathancheek BlueAndi Adlerweb Btetz Hurvajs ttlappalainen The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2013 Seeed Technology Inc. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef _MCP2515_H_ #define _MCP2515_H_ #include "mcp_can.h" #include "mcp2515_can_dfs.h" #include "wiring_private.h" // pinPeripheral() function #define MAX_CHAR_IN_MESSAGE 8 class mcp2515_can : public MCP_CAN { public: mcp2515_can(byte _CS) : MCP_CAN(_CS), nReservedTx(0){}; /* mcp2515 driver function */ public: virtual void enableTxInterrupt(bool enable = true); // enable transmit interrupt virtual void reserveTxBuffers(byte nTxBuf = 0) { nReservedTx = (nTxBuf < MCP_N_TXBUFFERS ? nTxBuf : MCP_N_TXBUFFERS - 1); } virtual byte getLastTxBuffer() { return MCP_N_TXBUFFERS - 1; // read index of last tx buffer } virtual byte begin(byte speedset, const byte clockset = MCP_16MHz); // init can virtual byte init_Mask(byte num, byte ext, unsigned long ulData); // init Masks virtual byte init_Filt(byte num, byte ext, unsigned long ulData); // init filters virtual void setSleepWakeup(byte enable); // Enable or disable the wake up interrupt (If disabled the MCP2515 will not be woken up by CAN bus activity, making it send only) virtual byte sleep(); // Put the MCP2515 in sleep mode virtual byte wake(); // Wake MCP2515 manually from sleep virtual byte setMode(byte opMode); // Set operational mode virtual byte getMode(); // Get operational mode virtual byte sendMsgBuf(unsigned long id, byte ext, byte rtrBit, byte len, const byte *buf, bool wait_sent = true); // send buf virtual byte sendMsgBuf(unsigned long id, byte ext, byte len, const byte *buf, bool wait_sent = true); // send buf virtual byte readMsgBuf(byte *len, byte *buf); // read buf virtual byte readMsgBufID(unsigned long *ID, byte *len, byte *buf); // read buf with object ID virtual byte checkReceive(void); // if something received virtual byte checkError(void); // if something error virtual unsigned long getCanId(void); // get can id when receive virtual byte isRemoteRequest(void); // get RR flag when receive virtual byte isExtendedFrame(void); // did we recieve 29bit frame? virtual byte readMsgBufID(byte status, volatile unsigned long *id, volatile byte *ext, volatile byte *rtr, volatile byte *len, volatile byte *buf); // read buf with object ID virtual byte trySendMsgBuf(unsigned long id, byte ext, byte rtrBit, byte len, const byte *buf, byte iTxBuf = 0xff); // as sendMsgBuf, but does not have any wait for free buffer virtual byte sendMsgBuf(byte status, unsigned long id, byte ext, byte rtrBit, byte len, volatile const byte *buf); // send message buf by using parsed buffer status virtual void clearBufferTransmitIfFlags(byte flags = 0); // Clear transmit flags according to status virtual byte readRxTxStatus(void); // read has something send or received virtual byte checkClearRxStatus(byte *status); // read and clear and return first found rx status bit virtual byte checkClearTxStatus(byte *status, byte iTxBuf = 0xff); // read and clear and return first found or buffer specified tx status bit virtual bool mcpPinMode(const byte pin, const byte mode); // switch supported pins between HiZ, interrupt, output or input virtual bool mcpDigitalWrite(const byte pin, const byte mode); // write HIGH or LOW to RX0BF/RX1BF virtual byte mcpDigitalRead(const byte pin); private: void mcp2515_reset(void); // reset mcp2515 byte mcp2515_readRegister(const byte address); // read mcp2515's register void mcp2515_readRegisterS(const byte address, byte values[], const byte n); void mcp2515_setRegister(const byte address, // set mcp2515's register const byte value); void mcp2515_setRegisterS(const byte address, // set mcp2515's registers const byte values[], const byte n); void mcp2515_initCANBuffers(void); void mcp2515_modifyRegister(const byte address, // set bit of one register const byte mask, const byte data); byte mcp2515_readStatus(void); // read mcp2515's Status byte mcp2515_setCANCTRL_Mode(const byte newmode); // set mode byte mcp2515_requestNewMode(const byte newmode); // Set mode byte mcp2515_configRate(const byte canSpeed, const byte clock); // set baudrate byte mcp2515_init(const byte canSpeed, const byte clock); // mcp2515init void mcp2515_write_id(const byte mcp_addr, // write can id const byte ext, const unsigned long id); void mcp2515_read_id(const byte mcp_addr, // read can id byte *ext, unsigned long *id); void mcp2515_write_canMsg(const byte buffer_sidh_addr, unsigned long id, byte ext, byte rtr, byte len, volatile const byte *buf); // read can msg void mcp2515_read_canMsg(const byte buffer_load_addr, volatile unsigned long *id, volatile byte *ext, volatile byte *rtr, volatile byte *len, volatile byte *buf); // write can msg void mcp2515_start_transmit(const byte mcp_addr); // start transmit byte mcp2515_getNextFreeTXBuf(byte *txbuf_n); // get Next free txbuf byte mcp2515_isTXBufFree(byte *txbuf_n, byte iBuf); // is buffer by index free /* can operator function */ byte sendMsg(unsigned long id, byte ext, byte rtrBit, byte len, const byte *buf, bool wait_sent = true); // send message private: byte rtr; // rtr byte nReservedTx; // Count of tx buffers for reserved send }; #endif /********************************************************************************************************* END FILE *********************************************************************************************************/