Wiring Project - Open Source Electronics Prototyping Platform Created 2003 by Hernando Barragán. http://wiring.co/ Wiring Head Developers ---------------------- Hernando Barragán - Lead IDE Software Development - Firmware Development - Hardware Development - Library Development - http://barraganstudio.com/ - w@wiring.org.co Brett Hagman - Lead Firmware Development - Lead Hardware Development - Library Development - IDE Software Development - http://roguerobotics.com/ - bhagman@wiring.org.co Alexander Brevig - Lead Library Development - Firmware Development - IDE Software Development - http://alexanderbrevig.com/ - abrevig@wiring.org.co Firmware Contributions ---------------------- Atmel AVR 8 Bit --------------- Pascal Stang - Plenty of inspiration from his AVRlib libraries/code - http://www.mil.ufl.edu/~chrisarnold/components/microcontrollerBoard/AVR/avrlib/ Nicholas Zambetti - Plenty of early abstraction and realizations of Hernando's thesis. - http://zambetti.com/ Paul Stroffregen - Plenty of optimizations for AVR 8 Bit. - single instruction macro expansions for digitalWrite, etc. - http://www.pjrc.com/ Mikal Hart - NewSoftSerial - FlashString which became WConstantTypes - http://arduiniana.org/ Adrian Brzezinski Adrian McEwen Bernhard Benum Bjoern Hartmann Christoph Wartmann David A. Mellis Etienne Ribeiro Hans-Christoph Steiner John Raines Maarten Lamers Mark Stanley Michael Margolis Nameet Kumar Noah Shibley Pierre Perret Scott Klemmer Sebastian Gassner Sibylle Hauert Thomas Ouellet Fredericks Tom Igoe Processing IDE - http://processing.org/ --------------------------------------- Ben Fry - http://benfry.com/ Casey Reas - http://reas.com/ $Id$