// Marc Miller, Jan 2016 #include "FastLED.h" #define NUM_LEDS 32 //CRGB leds[NUM_LEDS]; // Not using this. Using CRGBArray instead. CRGBArray leds; CRGBSet partA(leds(6,9)); // Define custom pixel range with a name. CRGBSet partB(leds(22,25)); // Define custom pixel range with a name. CHSV colorOne(0,222,255); // Define a custom color. CHSV colorTwo(82,222,255); // Define a custom color. //--------------------------------------------------------------- void setup() { FastLED.addLeds(leds, NUM_LEDS); FastLED.setBrightness(255); } //--------------------------------------------------------------- void loop() { fill_rainbow(leds, NUM_LEDS, millis()/10); // fill strip with moving rainbow. leds.fadeToBlackBy(230); // fade the whole strip down some. partA = colorOne; // set partA pixel color. partB = colorTwo; // set partB pixel color. FastLED.show(); EVERY_N_SECONDS(4){ // Swaps the two custom colors every four seconds. CHSV temp = colorOne; colorOne = colorTwo; colorTwo = temp; } }