#ifndef NOISE16_PAL_H #define NOISE16_PAL_H // noise16 variables ----------------------------------------------------------------------- uint32_t x,hue_time; // x & hue_time values uint8_t octaves=2; //2 // how many octaves to use for the brightness uint8_t hue_octaves=3; //3 // how many octaves to use for the hue int xscale=57771; //57771 // the 'distance' between points on the x axis uint32_t hxy = 43213; //43213 // not sure about this int hue_scale=20; //1 // the 'distance' between points for the hue noise int hue_speed = 1; //31 // how fast we move through hue noise uint8_t x_speed = 0; //331 // adjust this value to move along the x axis between frames int8_t hxyinc = 3; //3 void noise16_pal() { fill_noise16(leds, NUM_LEDS, octaves, x, xscale, hue_octaves, hxy, hue_scale, hue_time); if (thisdir == 0) {hxy+=hxyinc; x += x_speed; hue_time+= hue_speed;} else { hxy-=hxyinc; x -= x_speed; hue_time -= hue_speed;} // for (int i=0; i