// I2C device class (I2Cdev) demonstration Processing sketch for MPU6050 DMP output // 6/20/2012 by Jeff Rowberg // Updates should (hopefully) always be available at https://github.com/jrowberg/i2cdevlib // // Changelog: // 2012-06-20 - initial release /* ============================================ I2Cdev device library code is placed under the MIT license Copyright (c) 2012 Jeff Rowberg Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. =============================================== */ import processing.serial.*; import processing.opengl.*; import toxi.geom.*; import toxi.processing.*; // NOTE: requires ToxicLibs to be installed in order to run properly. // 1. Download from http://toxiclibs.org/downloads // 2. Extract into [userdir]/Processing/libraries // (location may be different on Mac/Linux) // 3. Run and bask in awesomeness ToxiclibsSupport gfx; Serial port; // The serial port char[] teapotPacket = new char[14]; // InvenSense Teapot packet int serialCount = 0; // current packet byte position int synced = 0; int interval = 0; float[] q = new float[4]; Quaternion quat = new Quaternion(1, 0, 0, 0); float[] gravity = new float[3]; float[] euler = new float[3]; float[] ypr = new float[3]; void setup() { // 300px square viewport using OpenGL rendering size(300, 300, OPENGL); gfx = new ToxiclibsSupport(this); // setup lights and antialiasing lights(); smooth(); // display serial port list for debugging/clarity println(Serial.list()); // get the first available port (use EITHER this OR the specific port code below) String portName = Serial.list()[0]; // get a specific serial port (use EITHER this OR the first-available code above) //String portName = "COM4"; // open the serial port port = new Serial(this, portName, 115200); // send single character to trigger DMP init/start // (expected by MPU6050_DMP6 example Arduino sketch) port.write('r'); } void draw() { if (millis() - interval > 1000) { // resend single character to trigger DMP init/start // in case the MPU is halted/reset while applet is running port.write('r'); interval = millis(); } // black background background(0); // translate everything to the middle of the viewport pushMatrix(); translate(width / 2, height / 2); // 3-step rotation from yaw/pitch/roll angles (gimbal lock!) // ...and other weirdness I haven't figured out yet //rotateY(-ypr[0]); //rotateZ(-ypr[1]); //rotateX(-ypr[2]); // toxiclibs direct angle/axis rotation from quaternion (NO gimbal lock!) // (axis order [1, 3, 2] and inversion [-1, +1, +1] is a consequence of // different coordinate system orientation assumptions between Processing // and InvenSense DMP) float[] axis = quat.toAxisAngle(); rotate(axis[0], -axis[1], axis[3], axis[2]); // draw main body in red fill(255, 0, 0, 200); box(10, 10, 200); // draw front-facing tip in blue fill(0, 0, 255, 200); pushMatrix(); translate(0, 0, -120); rotateX(PI/2); drawCylinder(0, 20, 20, 8); popMatrix(); // draw wings and tail fin in green fill(0, 255, 0, 200); beginShape(TRIANGLES); vertex(-100, 2, 30); vertex(0, 2, -80); vertex(100, 2, 30); // wing top layer vertex(-100, -2, 30); vertex(0, -2, -80); vertex(100, -2, 30); // wing bottom layer vertex(-2, 0, 98); vertex(-2, -30, 98); vertex(-2, 0, 70); // tail left layer vertex( 2, 0, 98); vertex( 2, -30, 98); vertex( 2, 0, 70); // tail right layer endShape(); beginShape(QUADS); vertex(-100, 2, 30); vertex(-100, -2, 30); vertex( 0, -2, -80); vertex( 0, 2, -80); vertex( 100, 2, 30); vertex( 100, -2, 30); vertex( 0, -2, -80); vertex( 0, 2, -80); vertex(-100, 2, 30); vertex(-100, -2, 30); vertex(100, -2, 30); vertex(100, 2, 30); vertex(-2, 0, 98); vertex(2, 0, 98); vertex(2, -30, 98); vertex(-2, -30, 98); vertex(-2, 0, 98); vertex(2, 0, 98); vertex(2, 0, 70); vertex(-2, 0, 70); vertex(-2, -30, 98); vertex(2, -30, 98); vertex(2, 0, 70); vertex(-2, 0, 70); endShape(); popMatrix(); } void serialEvent(Serial port) { interval = millis(); while (port.available() > 0) { int ch = port.read(); if (synced == 0 && ch != '$') return; // initial synchronization - also used to resync/realign if needed synced = 1; print ((char)ch); if ((serialCount == 1 && ch != 2) || (serialCount == 12 && ch != '\r') || (serialCount == 13 && ch != '\n')) { serialCount = 0; synced = 0; return; } if (serialCount > 0 || ch == '$') { teapotPacket[serialCount++] = (char)ch; if (serialCount == 14) { serialCount = 0; // restart packet byte position // get quaternion from data packet q[0] = ((teapotPacket[2] << 8) | teapotPacket[3]) / 16384.0f; q[1] = ((teapotPacket[4] << 8) | teapotPacket[5]) / 16384.0f; q[2] = ((teapotPacket[6] << 8) | teapotPacket[7]) / 16384.0f; q[3] = ((teapotPacket[8] << 8) | teapotPacket[9]) / 16384.0f; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) if (q[i] >= 2) q[i] = -4 + q[i]; // set our toxilibs quaternion to new data quat.set(q[0], q[1], q[2], q[3]); /* // below calculations unnecessary for orientation only using toxilibs // calculate gravity vector gravity[0] = 2 * (q[1]*q[3] - q[0]*q[2]); gravity[1] = 2 * (q[0]*q[1] + q[2]*q[3]); gravity[2] = q[0]*q[0] - q[1]*q[1] - q[2]*q[2] + q[3]*q[3]; // calculate Euler angles euler[0] = atan2(2*q[1]*q[2] - 2*q[0]*q[3], 2*q[0]*q[0] + 2*q[1]*q[1] - 1); euler[1] = -asin(2*q[1]*q[3] + 2*q[0]*q[2]); euler[2] = atan2(2*q[2]*q[3] - 2*q[0]*q[1], 2*q[0]*q[0] + 2*q[3]*q[3] - 1); // calculate yaw/pitch/roll angles ypr[0] = atan2(2*q[1]*q[2] - 2*q[0]*q[3], 2*q[0]*q[0] + 2*q[1]*q[1] - 1); ypr[1] = atan(gravity[0] / sqrt(gravity[1]*gravity[1] + gravity[2]*gravity[2])); ypr[2] = atan(gravity[1] / sqrt(gravity[0]*gravity[0] + gravity[2]*gravity[2])); // output various components for debugging //println("q:\t" + round(q[0]*100.0f)/100.0f + "\t" + round(q[1]*100.0f)/100.0f + "\t" + round(q[2]*100.0f)/100.0f + "\t" + round(q[3]*100.0f)/100.0f); //println("euler:\t" + euler[0]*180.0f/PI + "\t" + euler[1]*180.0f/PI + "\t" + euler[2]*180.0f/PI); //println("ypr:\t" + ypr[0]*180.0f/PI + "\t" + ypr[1]*180.0f/PI + "\t" + ypr[2]*180.0f/PI); */ } } } } void drawCylinder(float topRadius, float bottomRadius, float tall, int sides) { float angle = 0; float angleIncrement = TWO_PI / sides; beginShape(QUAD_STRIP); for (int i = 0; i < sides + 1; ++i) { vertex(topRadius*cos(angle), 0, topRadius*sin(angle)); vertex(bottomRadius*cos(angle), tall, bottomRadius*sin(angle)); angle += angleIncrement; } endShape(); // If it is not a cone, draw the circular top cap if (topRadius != 0) { angle = 0; beginShape(TRIANGLE_FAN); // Center point vertex(0, 0, 0); for (int i = 0; i < sides + 1; i++) { vertex(topRadius * cos(angle), 0, topRadius * sin(angle)); angle += angleIncrement; } endShape(); } // If it is not a cone, draw the circular bottom cap if (bottomRadius != 0) { angle = 0; beginShape(TRIANGLE_FAN); // Center point vertex(0, tall, 0); for (int i = 0; i < sides + 1; i++) { vertex(bottomRadius * cos(angle), tall, bottomRadius * sin(angle)); angle += angleIncrement; } endShape(); } }