#define debuggSCK false #define decouplerComp true #define DataRaw true #define TWI_FREQ 400000L //Frecuencia bus I2C /* ARDUINO ports definitions - GPIOS and ADCs */ #define AWAKE 4 // WIFLY AWAKE #define PANEL A8 // PANEL LEVEL #define LEVEL A7 // BAT LEVEL #define IO0 5 // CO SENSOR_HEATHER #define IO1 13 // NO2 SENSOR_HEATHER #define IO2 9 #define IO3 10 #define FACTORY 7 // WIFLY - Factory RESET/AP RN131 #define CONTROL 12 // WIFLY - CONTROL #define CS_MMC 11 // MMC - CONTROL #define S0 A4 //CO_SENSOR #define S1 A5 //NO2_SENSOR #define S2 A2 //SENS_CO CURRENT #define S3 A3 //SENS_NO2 CURRENT #define S4 A0 //MICRO #define S5 A1 #define TIME_UPDATE 30 //Tiempo entre actualizacion y actualizacion /* i2c ADDRESSES */ #define RTC_ADDRESS 0x68 // Address of the RTC #define E2PROM 0x50 // Address of the EEPROM #define ACCEL 0x53 // Address of the ADXL345 #define POT1 0x2D // Address of the Potenciometer 1 for battery charger #define POT2 0x2E // Address of the Potenciometer 2 for MICS #define POT3 0x2F // Address of the Potenciometer 3 for audio sensor #define BH1730 0x29 // Direction of the light sensor #define Temperature 0x40 // Direction of the sht25 //Espacio reservado para los parametros de configuracion del SCK #define EE_ADDR_TIME_VERSION 0 //32BYTES #define CO_SENSOR 0x04 #define NO2_SENSOR 0x05 #define Rc0 10. //Ohm Resistencia medida de corriente en el sensor CO sensor #define Rc1 39. //Ohm Resistencia medida de corriente en el sensor NO2 sensor #define R2 12000. //Ohm Resistencia de los reguladores #define kr 390.625 //Constante de conversion a resistencia de potenciometrosen ohmios //#define VCC 3300. //mV #define VMICS 2734. #define VAL_MAX_BATTERY 4200 #define VAL_MIN_BATTERY 3000