void txSD() { Serial.println("*** txSD ***"); // if the file opened okay, write to it: if (myFile = SD.open("post.csv", FILE_WRITE)) { #if debuggEnabled Serial.println(F("Writing...")); #endif myFile.print(SENSORvalue[0]); myFile.print(","); myFile.print(sckRTCtime()); myFile.println(); // close the file: myFile.close(); #if debuggEnabled Serial.println(F("Closing...")); #endif } } char* SENSOR[10]={ "Temperature", "Humidity", "Light", "Battery", "Solar Panel", "Carbon Monxide", "Nitrogen Dioxide", "Noise", "Wifi Spots", "UTC" }; char* UNITS[10]={ #if F_CPU == 8000000 #if DataRaw " C RAW", " % RAW", #else " C", " %", #endif #else " C", " %", #endif #if F_CPU == 8000000 " lx", #else " %", #endif " %", " V", " kOhm", " kOhm", #if DataRaw " mV", #else " dB", #endif "", "" }; void updateSensorsSD() { SENSORvalue[0] = average(S0)*Vcc/1023.*3; } void txDebugSD() { Serial.println("*** txDebugSD ***"); Serial.print(SENSORvalue[0]); Serial.println(" mV"); Serial.println(sckRTCtime()); Serial.println(F("*******************")); }