/* MinIMU-9-Arduino-AHRS Pololu MinIMU-9 + Arduino AHRS (Attitude and Heading Reference System) Copyright (c) 2011 Pololu Corporation. http://www.pololu.com/ MinIMU-9-Arduino-AHRS is based on sf9domahrs by Doug Weibel and Jose Julio: http://code.google.com/p/sf9domahrs/ sf9domahrs is based on ArduIMU v1.5 by Jordi Munoz and William Premerlani, Jose Julio and Doug Weibel: http://code.google.com/p/ardu-imu/ MinIMU-9-Arduino-AHRS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. MinIMU-9-Arduino-AHRS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with MinIMU-9-Arduino-AHRS. If not, see . */ #include #include L3G gyro; LSM303 compass; void I2C_Init() { Wire.begin(); } void Gyro_Init() { gyro.init(); gyro.enableDefault(); gyro.writeReg(L3G::CTRL_REG4, 0x20); // 2000 dps full scale gyro.writeReg(L3G::CTRL_REG1, 0x0F); // normal power mode, all axes enabled, 100 Hz } void Read_Gyro() { gyro.read(); AN[0] = gyro.g.x; AN[1] = gyro.g.y; AN[2] = gyro.g.z; gyro_x = SENSOR_SIGN[0] * (AN[0] - AN_OFFSET[0]); gyro_y = SENSOR_SIGN[1] * (AN[1] - AN_OFFSET[1]); gyro_z = SENSOR_SIGN[2] * (AN[2] - AN_OFFSET[2]); } void Accel_Init() { compass.init(); compass.enableDefault(); switch (compass.getDeviceType()) { case LSM303::device_D: compass.writeReg(LSM303::CTRL2, 0x18); // 8 g full scale: AFS = 011 break; case LSM303::device_DLHC: compass.writeReg(LSM303::CTRL_REG4_A, 0x28); // 8 g full scale: FS = 10; high resolution output mode break; default: // DLM, DLH compass.writeReg(LSM303::CTRL_REG4_A, 0x30); // 8 g full scale: FS = 11 } } // Reads x,y and z accelerometer registers void Read_Accel() { compass.readAcc(); AN[3] = compass.a.x >> 4; // shift left 4 bits to use 12-bit representation (1 g = 256) AN[4] = compass.a.y >> 4; AN[5] = compass.a.z >> 4; accel_x = SENSOR_SIGN[3] * (AN[3] - AN_OFFSET[3]); accel_y = SENSOR_SIGN[4] * (AN[4] - AN_OFFSET[4]); accel_z = SENSOR_SIGN[5] * (AN[5] - AN_OFFSET[5]); } void Compass_Init() { // doesn't need to do anything because Accel_Init() should have already called compass.enableDefault() } void Read_Compass() { compass.readMag(); magnetom_x = SENSOR_SIGN[6] * compass.m.x; magnetom_y = SENSOR_SIGN[7] * compass.m.y; magnetom_z = SENSOR_SIGN[8] * compass.m.z; }