#include "DIL.h" #include "DynamixelSerial1.h" #include "Adafruit_NeoPixel.h" #include "IRremote.h" #include "Constants.h" #define WIFI_ENABLE false Adafruit_NeoPixel strip = Adafruit_NeoPixel(NUM_LEDS, PIN_WS2812, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800); SoftwareSerial mic(10, 11); // RX, TX // inicializa la libreria de recepcion y envio de datos por el infrarrojo IRrecv irrecv(PIN_IR); //Solo para el pin digital 3!!! decode_results results; IRsend irsend; //Solo para el pin digital 5!!! DIL DIL_; //Configuracion del wifi WiFly wifly; OSCClient client(&wifly); OSCServer server(&wifly); void morsePrint(byte PIN, byte value) { for(int i=15; i>=0; i--) {digitalWrite(PIN, (MORSE[value]>>i)&0x0001); delay(10);} digitalWrite(PIN, LOW); } void setDisplay(OSCMessage *_mes){ uint8_t Value=(byte)(_mes->getArgInt32(0)); if (Value>15) Value = 15; for (int i = 0; i<14; i++) { digitalWrite(dis[i], !codeDisplay[Value][i]); } } void setMic(OSCMessage *_mes){ uint32_t Value=_mes->getArgInt32(0); uint8_t Value_Send1 = (uint8_t)(Value>>8); uint8_t Value_Send2 = (uint8_t)(Value); mic.write(Value_Send1); mic.write(Value_Send2); mic.write((byte)0x80); mic.write((byte)0x00); } void setIRSend (OSCMessage *_mes){ uint32_t Value=_mes->getArgInt32(0); uint32_t Value1=_mes->getArgInt32(1); irsend.sendNEC((Value<<16)+Value1, 32); } void setCode (OSCMessage *_mes){ uint32_t code=_mes->getArgInt32(0); uint32_t vol=_mes->getArgInt32(1); if (vol>RES_MCP) vol = RES_MCP; DIL_.writeMCP(MCP1, 0x00, vol); morsePrint(PIN_AUD, code); } void setDYNAMIXEL(OSCMessage *_mes){ uint32_t ID=_mes->getArgInt32(0); uint32_t Position=_mes->getArgInt32(1); uint32_t Speed=_mes->getArgInt32(2); Dynamixel.moveSpeed(ID, Position, Speed); //ID – numero de identificación del servomotor //Position – posición del servo de 0 a 1023 (0 a 300 grados) //Speed – velocidad a la que se moverá el servo 0 a 1023 } void DIL::checkDYNAMIXEL(){ Dynamixel.moveSpeed(4, 500, 200); Dynamixel.moveSpeed(5, 300, 20); delay(16000); Dynamixel.moveSpeed(5, 700, 20); delay(16000); // for (int i=0; i<6; i++) Dynamixel.moveSpeed(i, 200, 200); // delay(4000); // for (int i=0; i<6; i++) Dynamixel.moveSpeed(i, 800, 200); // delay(4000); //ID – numero de identificación del servomotor //Position – posición del servo de 0 a 1023 (0 a 300 grados) //Speed – velocidad a la que se moverá el servo 0 a 1023 } void lowWait(int pin) { byte in; unsigned long start = millis(); do { in = digitalRead(pin); } while (in && millis() < start + MAX_WAIT_MILLISEC ); } void frameStartBitWait() { // finds the start of a telegram/frame unsigned long usec = 0; unsigned long start = millis(); do { usec = pulseIn(LANC_X_PIN,HIGH); } while (usec < 1450 && millis() < start + MAX_WAIT_MILLISEC); // Frame Lengths are 1200-1400 dep. on device } void writeByte(int pin, byte value, unsigned uSec /* bit width */) { delayMicroseconds(uSec); // wait for stop bit pinMode(LANC_X_PIN,OUTPUT); for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { boolean bit = value & 0x1; digitalWrite(pin,!bit); // NOT (!) pin because all data is inverted in LANC value >>= 1; delayMicroseconds(uSec); } //digitalWrite(pin,HIGH); //delayMicroseconds(uSec); pinMode(LANC_X_PIN,INPUT); } void SendCode(byte type,byte code) { /* Okay i really don't know why i have to send this twice biut it works: Sonys need 2 cannons 3 */ frameStartBitWait(); writeByte(LANC_X_PIN,type,bitMicroSeconds); lowWait(LANC_X_PIN); writeByte(LANC_X_PIN,code,bitMicroSeconds); frameStartBitWait(); writeByte(LANC_X_PIN,type,bitMicroSeconds); lowWait(LANC_X_PIN); writeByte(LANC_X_PIN,code,bitMicroSeconds); frameStartBitWait(); writeByte(LANC_X_PIN,type,bitMicroSeconds); lowWait(LANC_X_PIN); writeByte(LANC_X_PIN,code,bitMicroSeconds); } byte readByte(int pin,unsigned long uSec /* bit width*/ ) { byte result = 0; delayMicroseconds(uSec * 1.5); // skips the Start Bit and Land in the midlle of the first byte for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if (digitalRead(pin) == LOW) { // == *LOW* because bits inverted in LANC result++; } result <<= 1; delayMicroseconds(uSec); } delayMicroseconds(0.5*uSec); return result; // return happens at end of last (8ths) bit } void setLanc(OSCMessage *_mes){ TIMER_DISABLE_INTR; uint16_t Value_Send=_mes->getArgInt32(0); uint16_t repeat =_mes->getArgInt32(1); for (int i=0; i>8, Value_Send&0x00FF); delay(10); } TIMER_ENABLE_INTR; } void ledRGB(byte led, byte red, byte green, byte blue) { strip.setPixelColor(led, red, green, blue); strip.show(); //Visualiza leds RGB } void setLed(OSCMessage *_mes){ ledRGB(_mes->getArgInt32(0), _mes->getArgInt32(1), _mes->getArgInt32(2), _mes->getArgInt32(3)); } void DIL::begin() { Serial.begin(9600); //USB inicializado a 9600 Serial2.begin(9600); //WIFI inicializado a 9600 mic.begin(2400); //Control del microfono inicializado a 2400 Serial.println("Puertos serie inicializados."); //Inicializacion pulsadores for (int i = 64; i<=69; i++) { pinMode(i, INPUT); digitalWrite(i, HIGH); } Serial.println("Pulsadores inicializados."); //Inicializacion pines del encoder for (int i = 0; i<4; i++) { pinMode(enc[i], INPUT); digitalWrite(enc[i], HIGH); } Serial.println("Encoder inicializado."); //Inicializacion pines del display for (int i = 0; i<15; i++) { pinMode(dis[i], OUTPUT); digitalWrite(dis[i], HIGH); } digitalWrite(dis[14], LOW); //Indicador de encendido Serial.println("Display inicializado."); Wire.begin(); //Inicializo bus I2C TWBR = ((F_CPU / TWI_FREQ) - 16) / 2; Serial.println("Bus I2c inicializado."); pinMode(PIN_POWER_MIC, INPUT); digitalWrite(PIN_POWER_MIC, LOW); writeGAIN(10000); Serial.println("Puerto del microfono en espera."); pinMode(PIN_AUD, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(PIN_AUD, LOW); strip.begin(); //Inicializacion de leds RGB strip.show(); //Visualiza leds RGB Serial.println("Leds inicializados."); Dynamixel.begin(1000000,PIN_DYNAMIXEL); // Inicializa el servo a 1Mbps el Serial1 y con el Pin Control 4 for (int i=0; i<6; i++) { Dynamixel.setEndless(i,OFF); Dynamixel.setTempLimit(i, 80); Dynamixel.moveSpeed(i, 500, 100); // Dynamixel.setAngleLimit(1, 45, 45); } Serial.println("Motores inicializados."); irrecv.enableIRIn(); // Start the receiver IR Serial.println("Infrarrojo inicializado."); writeADXL(0x2D, 0x08); // writeADXL(0x31, 0x00); //2g // writeADXL(0x31, 0x01); //4g writeADXL(0x31, 0x02); //8g // writeADXL(0x31, 0x03); //16g Serial.println("Acelerometro inicializado."); pinMode(LANC_X_PIN, INPUT); Serial.println("LANC inicializado."); #if WIFI_ENABLE wifly.setupForUDP( &Serial2, //the serial you want to use (this can also be a software serial) 115200, // if you use a hardware serial, I would recommend the full 115200 true, // should we try some other baudrates if the currently selected one fails? mySSID, //Your Wifi Name (SSID) myPassword, //Your Wifi Password "DI&L", // Device name for identification in the network 0, // IP Adress of the Wifly. if 0 (without quotes), it will use dhcp to get an ip localPort, // WiFly receive port IP, // Where to send outgoing Osc messages. "" will send to all hosts in the subnet outPort, // outgoing port false // show debug information on Serial ); wifly.printStatusInfo(); //print some debug information #endif static char STRING_DISPLAY[14] = { '/', 'D', 'I', 'L' , readEncoder() , '/', 'D', 'I', 'S', 'P', 'L', 'A' , 'Y' , 0x00 }; server.addCallback(STRING_DISPLAY,&setDisplay); static char STRING_MIC[13] = { '/', 'D', 'I', 'L' , readEncoder() , '/', 'M', 'I', 'C', 'C', 'M', 'D' , 0x00 }; server.addCallback(STRING_MIC,&setMic); static char STRING_LANC[14] = { '/', 'D', 'I', 'L' , readEncoder() , '/', 'L', 'A', 'N', 'C', 'C', 'M' , 'D', 0x00 }; server.addCallback(STRING_LANC,&setLanc); static char STRING_IRSEND[13] = { '/', 'D', 'I', 'L' , readEncoder() , '/', 'I', 'R', 'S', 'E', 'N', 'D', 0x00 }; server.addCallback(STRING_IRSEND,&setIRSend); static char STRING_LED[10] = { '/', 'D', 'I', 'L', readEncoder(), '/', 'L', 'E', 'D', 0x00 }; server.addCallback(STRING_LED,&setLed); static char STRING_DYNAMIXEL[11] = { '/', 'D', 'I', 'L' , readEncoder() , '/', 'D', 'Y', 'N', 'A', 0x00 }; server.addCallback(STRING_DYNAMIXEL,&setDYNAMIXEL); static char STRING_CODE[11] = { '/', 'D', 'I', 'L' , readEncoder() , '/', 'C', 'O', 'D', 'E', 0x00 }; server.addCallback(STRING_CODE,&setCode); } void DIL::writeDisplay(byte character) { if (character>15) character = 15; for (int i = 0; i<14; i++) { digitalWrite(dis[i], !codeDisplay[character][i]); } } boolean DIL::readButton(byte button) { if (button<6) return !digitalRead(69 - button); else return false; } char DIL::readEncoder() { char value = 0; for (int i = 0; i<4; i++) { value = value + !digitalRead(enc[i])*encval[i]; } if (value<10) value=value+48; else value=value+55; return value; } void DIL::checkOSC() { #if WIFI_ENABLE server.availableCheck(2); #endif } boolean state[6] = {0,0,0,0,0,0}; void DIL::checkButton() { for (int i = 0; i<6; i++) { if ((readButton(i))!=(state[i])) { char STRING_BUTTON[13] = { // Message template '/', 'D', 'I', 'L' , readEncoder() , '/', 'B', 'U', 'T', 'T', 'O', 'N' , B0 }; state[i] = readButton(i); #if WIFI_ENABLE OSCMessage loacal_mes; loacal_mes.beginMessage(STRING_BUTTON); loacal_mes.addArgInt32(i); loacal_mes.addArgInt32(state[i]); client.send(&loacal_mes); #endif } } } void DIL::writeADXL(byte address, byte val) { Wire.beginTransmission(ADXL345); //start transmission to device Wire.write(address); // write register address Wire.write(val); // write value to write Wire.endTransmission(); //end transmission } //reads num bytes starting from address register on device in to buff array void DIL::readADXL(byte address, int num, byte buff[]) { Wire.beginTransmission(ADXL345); //start transmission to device Wire.write(address); //writes address to read from Wire.endTransmission(); //end transmission Wire.beginTransmission(ADXL345); //start transmission to device Wire.requestFrom(ADXL345, num); // request 6 bytes from device int i = 0; unsigned long time = millis(); while (!Wire.available()) { if ((millis() - time)>500) { for(int i=0; i=accel_ant[i] + RES_ADXL)||(accel[i]<=accel_ant[i] - RES_ADXL)) { accel_ant[i] = accel[i]; send_osc = true; // client.sendInt(accel[i], STRING_ACCEL); } } if (send_osc) { char STRING_ACCEL[12] = { // Message template '/', 'D', 'I', 'L' , readEncoder() , '/', 'A', 'C', 'C', 'E', 'L', B0 }; #if WIFI_ENABLE OSCMessage loacal_mes; loacal_mes.beginMessage(STRING_ACCEL); loacal_mes.addArgInt32(accel[0]); loacal_mes.addArgInt32(accel[1]); loacal_mes.addArgInt32(accel[2]); client.send(&loacal_mes); #endif } } void DIL::checkIR() { if (irrecv.decode(&results)) { char STRING_IR[10] = { // Message template '/', 'D', 'I', 'L' , readEncoder() , '/', 'I', 'R', B0 , B0 }; if (results.value!=0xFFFFFFFF) { #if WIFI_ENABLE OSCMessage loacal_mes; loacal_mes.beginMessage(STRING_IR); loacal_mes.addArgInt32(results.value>>16); loacal_mes.addArgInt32(results.value&0x0000FFFF); client.send(&loacal_mes); #endif } irrecv.resume(); // Receive the next value } } int bat_ant = 0; void DIL::checkBattery() { int bat = analogRead(PIN_BAT)*(VCC/1023.); if ((bat>(bat_ant + 20))||(bat<(bat_ant - 20))) { char STRING_BAT[10] = { // Message template '/', 'D', 'I', 'L' , readEncoder() , '/', 'B', 'A', 'T', B0 }; #if WIFI_ENABLE client.sendInt(bat, STRING_BAT); bat_ant = bat; #endif Serial.print("Bat: "); Serial.println(bat); } } boolean connect_mic = false; boolean DIL::checkMic() { int cont=50; if ((digitalRead(PIN_POWER_MIC))&&(!connect_mic)) { while(cont>0) //Repetimos el proceso 50 veces para asegurarnos que la sesion se inicia { mic.write(byte(0x00)); //El mando mandas 0s hasta que la gravadora responde con 0x80 //delay(100); if (mic.available()) { if(mic.read()==0x80) { mic.write(byte(0xA1));// Sersion iniciada connect_mic = true; return connect_mic; } else { connect_mic = false; } } cont--; } } else if(!digitalRead(PIN_POWER_MIC)) { connect_mic = false; } return connect_mic; } void DIL::writeMCP(byte deviceaddress, byte address, int data ) { if (data>RES_MCP) data=RES_MCP; byte cmd_byte=((address<<4)&B11110000)|bitRead(data, 8); Wire.beginTransmission(deviceaddress); Wire.write(cmd_byte); Wire.write(lowByte(data)); Wire.endTransmission(); Wire.flush(); delay(4); } uint16_t DIL::readMCP(int deviceaddress, uint16_t address ) { byte rdata = 0xFF; uint16_t data = 0x0000; byte cmd_byte =(address<<4)|B00001100; Wire.beginTransmission(deviceaddress); Wire.write(cmd_byte); Wire.endTransmission(); Wire.requestFrom(deviceaddress,2); Wire.endTransmission(); // stop transmitting unsigned long time = millis(); while (!Wire.available()) if ((millis() - time)>500) return 0x00; rdata = Wire.read(); data=rdata<<8; while (!Wire.available()); rdata = Wire.read(); Wire.flush(); data=data|rdata; return data; } float kr1= ((float)P1*1000)/RES_MCP; // Resistance conversion Constant for the digital pot. void DIL::writeRGAIN(byte device, long resistor) { int data=0x00; data = (int)(resistor/kr1); writeMCP(MCP2, device, data); } float DIL::readRGAIN(byte device) { return (kr1*readMCP(MCP2, device)); // Returns Resistance (Ohms) } void DIL::writeGAIN(long value) { if (value == 100) { writeRGAIN(0x00, 10000); writeRGAIN(0x01, 10000); } else if (value == 1000) { writeRGAIN(0x00, 10000); writeRGAIN(0x01, 100000); } else if (value == 10000) { writeRGAIN(0x00, 100000); writeRGAIN(0x01, 100000); } delay(100); } float DIL::readGAIN() { return (readRGAIN(0x00)/1000)*(readRGAIN(0x01)/1000); } int vol_ant = 0; void DIL::checkAUDIO() { int vol = analogRead(PIN_VOL)*(VCC/1023.); if ((vol>(vol_ant + 20))||(vol<(vol_ant - 20))) { char STRING_AUDIO[12] = { // Message template '/', 'D', 'I', 'L' , readEncoder() , '/', 'A', 'U', 'D', 'I', 'O',B0 }; #if WIFI_ENABLE client.sendInt(vol, STRING_AUDIO); vol_ant = vol; #endif } }