#include void setup(){ Dynamixel.begin(1000000,2); // Inicialize the servo at 1Mbps and Pin Control 2 delay(1000); } void loop(){ Dynamixel.ledStatus(1,OFF); Dynamixel.move(1,random(200,800)); // Move the Servo radomly from 200 to 800 delay(1000); Dynamixel.setTempLimit(1,80); // Set Max Temperature to 80 Celcius Dynamixel.setVoltageLimit(1,65,160); // Set Operating Voltage from 6.5v to 16v Dynamixel.setMaxTorque(1,512); // 50% of Torque Dynamixel.setSRL(1,2); // Set the SRL to Return All Dynamixel.ledStatus(1,ON); // Turn ON the LED delay(1000); }