import processing.serial.*; int SerialPortNumber=2; int PortSelected=2; /* ================================================================================= Global variables =================================================================================*/ int xValue, yValue, Command; boolean Error=true; boolean UpdateGraph=true; int lineGraph; int ErrorCounter=0; int TotalRecieved=0; /* ================================================================================= Local variables =================================================================================*/ boolean DataRecieved1=false, DataRecieved2=false, DataRecieved3=false; float[] DynamicArrayTime1, DynamicArrayTime2, DynamicArrayTime3; float[] Time1, Time2, Time3; float[] Voltage1, Voltage2, Voltage3; float[] current; float[] DynamicArray1, DynamicArray2, DynamicArray3; float[] PowerArray= new float[0]; // Dynamic arrays that will use the append() float[] DynamicArrayPower = new float[0]; // function to add values float[] DynamicArrayTime= new float[0]; String portName; String[] ArrayOfPorts=new String[SerialPortNumber]; boolean DataRecieved=false, Data1Recieved=false, Data2Recieved=false; int incrament=0; int NumOfSerialBytes=8; // The size of the buffer array int[] serialInArray = new int[NumOfSerialBytes]; // Buffer array int serialCount = 0; // A count of how many bytes received int xMSB, xLSB, yMSB, yLSB; // Bytes of data Serial myPort; // The serial port object /* ================================================================================= A once off serail port setup function. In this case the selection of the speed, the serial port and clearing the serial port buffer =================================================================================*/ void SerialPortSetup() { // text(Serial.list().length,200,200); portName= Serial.list()[PortSelected]; // println( Serial.list()); ArrayOfPorts=Serial.list(); println(ArrayOfPorts); myPort = new Serial(this, portName, 115200); delay(50); myPort.clear(); myPort.buffer(20); } /* ============================================================ serialEvent will be called when something is sent to the serial port being used. ============================================================ */ void serialEvent(Serial myPort) { while (myPort.available ()>0) { /* ============================================================ Read the next byte that's waiting in the buffer. ============================================================ */ int inByte =; if (inByte==0)serialCount=0; if (inByte>255) { println(" inByte = "+inByte); exit(); } // Add the latest byte from the serial port to array: serialInArray[serialCount] = inByte; serialCount++; Error=true; if (serialCount >= NumOfSerialBytes ) { serialCount = 0; TotalRecieved++; int Checksum=0; // Checksum = (Command + yMSB + yLSB + xMSB + xLSB + zeroByte)%255; for (int x=0; x=====< combine bytes to form large integers >==================< // Command = serialInArray[1]; xValue = xMSB << 8 | xLSB; // Get xValue from yMSB & yLSB yValue = yMSB << 8 | yLSB; // Get yValue from xMSB & xLSB // println(Command+ " "+xValue+" "+ yValue+" " ); /* How that works: if xMSB = 10001001 and xLSB = 0100 0011 xMSB << 8 = 10001001 00000000 (shift xMSB left by 8 bits) xLSB = 01000011 xLSB | xMSB = 10001001 01000011 combine the 2 bytes using the logic or | xValue = 10001001 01000011 now xValue is a 2 byte number 0 -> 65536 */ /* ================================================================== Command, xValue & yValue have now been recieved from the chip ================================================================== */ switch(Command) { /* ================================================================== Recieve array1 and array2 from chip, update oscilloscope ================================================================== */ case 1: // Data is added to dynamic arrays DynamicArrayTime3=append( DynamicArrayTime3, (xValue) ); DynamicArray3=append( DynamicArray3, (yValue) ); break; case 2: // An array of unknown size is about to be recieved, empty storage arrays DynamicArrayTime3= new float[0]; DynamicArray3= new float[0]; break; case 3: // Array has finnished being recieved, update arrays being drawn Time3=DynamicArrayTime3; Voltage3=DynamicArray3; // println(Voltage3.length); DataRecieved3=true; break; /* ================================================================== Recieve array2 and array3 from chip ================================================================== */ case 4: // Data is added to dynamic arrays DynamicArrayTime2=append( DynamicArrayTime2, xValue ); DynamicArray2=append( DynamicArray2, (yValue-16000.0)/32000.0*20.0 ); break; case 5: // An array of unknown size is about to be recieved, empty storage arrays DynamicArrayTime2= new float[0]; DynamicArray2= new float[0]; break; case 6: // Array has finnished being recieved, update arrays being drawn Time2=DynamicArrayTime2; current=DynamicArray2; DataRecieved2=true; break; /* ================================================================== Recieve a value of calculated power consumption & add it to the PowerArray. ================================================================== */ case 20: PowerArray=append( PowerArray, yValue ); break; case 21: DynamicArrayTime=append( DynamicArrayTime, xValue ); DynamicArrayPower=append( DynamicArrayPower, yValue ); break; } } } redraw(); // } }