/** * * - Photoduino * - http://code.google.com/p/photoduino/ * * This file is part of Photoduino. * * Photoduino is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Photoduino is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Photoduino. If not, see . */ // Run audio trigger mode void runAs_audioTrigger() { display_printTitle(MSG_RUN_AUDIO); keyboard_waitForNokey(); attachInterrupt(0, keyboard_interrupts, CHANGE); attachInterrupt(1, keyboard_interrupts, CHANGE); for(unsigned int ciclesCounter = 0; (cancelFlag==false && !(audioTriggerMode_numCicles>0 && ciclesCounter >= audioTriggerMode_numCicles));ciclesCounter++) { // Normal shooting mode if (audioTriggerMode_shootingMode == SHOOTINGMODE_NORMAL) { sensor_waitFor(PINS_SENSOR_MIC, SENSOR_MODE_HIGHER, audioTriggerMode_sensorLimit, 0); if(!cancelFlag) { camera_autofocusBegin(audioTriggerMode_autofocusTime); camera_shutterBegin(audioTriggerMode_shutterLagTime); if (audioTriggerMode_useFlash1) flash_shoot(audioTriggerMode_preFlash1Time, PINS_FLASH1); if (audioTriggerMode_useFlash2) flash_shoot(audioTriggerMode_preFlash2Time, PINS_FLASH2); } } // Prebulb shooting mode if (audioTriggerMode_shootingMode == SHOOTINGMODE_PREBULB) { // With prebulb camera_autofocusBegin(audioTriggerMode_autofocusTime); camera_shutterBegin(audioTriggerMode_shutterLagTime); sensor_waitFor(PINS_SENSOR_MIC, SENSOR_MODE_HIGHER, audioTriggerMode_sensorLimit, 0); if(!cancelFlag) { if (audioTriggerMode_useFlash1) flash_shoot(audioTriggerMode_preFlash1Time, PINS_FLASH1); if (audioTriggerMode_useFlash2) flash_shoot(audioTriggerMode_preFlash2Time, PINS_FLASH2); } } // Mirror lock-up shooting mode if (audioTriggerMode_shootingMode == SHOOTINGMODE_MIRRORLOCKUP) { for(boolean result = false; result == false; ){ camera_mirrorLockUp(audioTriggerMode_autofocusTime, audioTriggerMode_shutterLagTime); result = sensor_waitFor(PINS_SENSOR_MIC, SENSOR_MODE_HIGHER, audioTriggerMode_sensorLimit, DEVICES_CAMERA_MIRROR_LOCKUP_TIMELIMIT); } camera_shutterBegin(1); if(!cancelFlag) { if (audioTriggerMode_useFlash1) flash_shoot(audioTriggerMode_preFlash1Time, PINS_FLASH1); if (audioTriggerMode_useFlash2) flash_shoot(audioTriggerMode_preFlash2Time, PINS_FLASH2); } } // Common for all shooting modes camera_shutterEnd(audioTriggerMode_preCloseTime); camera_autofocusEnd(); if(!cancelFlag) delay(audioTriggerMode_interCicleTime); } display_printAborting(); keyboard_waitForNokey(); detachInterrupt(0); detachInterrupt(1); }