/* FastLED_RGBW * * Hack to enable SK6812 RGBW strips to work with FastLED. * * Original code by Jim Bumgardner (http://krazydad.com). * Modified by David Madison (http://partsnotincluded.com). * */ #ifndef FastLED_RGBW_h #define FastLED_RGBW_h struct CRGBW { union { struct { union { uint8_t g; uint8_t green; }; union { uint8_t r; uint8_t red; }; union { uint8_t b; uint8_t blue; }; union { uint8_t w; uint8_t white; }; }; uint8_t raw[4]; }; CRGBW(){} CRGBW(uint8_t rd, uint8_t grn, uint8_t blu, uint8_t wht){ r = rd; g = grn; b = blu; w = wht; } inline void operator = (const CRGB c) __attribute__((always_inline)){ this->r = c.r; this->g = c.g; this->b = c.b; this->white = 0; } }; inline uint16_t getRGBWsize(uint16_t nleds){ uint16_t nbytes = nleds * 4; if(nbytes % 3 > 0) return nbytes / 3 + 1; else return nbytes / 3; } #endif