// Marc Miller, Oct 2017 #include "FastLED.h" #define NUM_LEDS 32 //CRGB leds[NUM_LEDS]; // Not using this. Using CRGBArray instead. CRGBArray leds; CRGBSet partA(leds(0,NUM_LEDS/2-1)); // First half of strip. CRGBSet partB(leds(NUM_LEDS/2,NUM_LEDS-1)); // Second half of strip. //--------------------------------------------------------------- void setup() { delay(500); FastLED.addLeds(leds, NUM_LEDS); FastLED.setBrightness(255); } //--------------------------------------------------------------- void loop() { //Fill first half of strip with moving rainbow fill_rainbow( partA, NUM_LEDS/2, millis()/20); /*Three different ways to copy the data. * The second two mirror the data. * Uncomment one at a time to test out. */ //partB = partA; //creates dupicate copy in second half of strip leds(NUM_LEDS-1,NUM_LEDS/2) = partA; //creates mirrored copy in second half of strip //partB = leds(NUM_LEDS/2-1,0); //creates mirrored copy in second half of strip FastLED.show(); delay(2); }