#ifndef TWO_SIN_H #define TWO_SIN_H /* Usage - two_sin(); * * Loads of variables to play with * */ // two_sin_pal variables------------------------------------------------------------------------- uint8_t thathue = 140; // You can change the starting hue for other wave. uint8_t thatrot = 0; // You can change how quickly the hue rotates for the other wave. Currently 0. int8_t thatspeed = 4; // You can change the speed, and use negative values. int thatphase = 0; // Phase change value gets calculated. uint8_t thatcutoff = 192; // You can change the cutoff value to display that wave. Lower value = longer wave. void two_sin() { // This is the heart of this program. Sure is short. if (thisdir == 0) {thisphase += thisspeed; thatphase += thatspeed;} else {thisphase -= thisspeed; thatphase -= thatspeed;} thishue = thishue + thisrot; // Hue rotation is fun for thiswave. thathue = thathue + thatrot; // It's also fun for thatwave. for (int k=0; k