#pragma once /* ------------------------------- | SCK Baseboard Pinout | ------------------------------- */ // ESP8266 Management #define CH_PD 31 // PB23 #define POWER_WIFI 30 // PB22 #define GPIO0 11 // PA16 #define CS_ESP 13 // PA17 // RGB Led #define PIN_LED_RED 6 // PA20 #define PIN_LED_GREEN 12 // PA19 #define PIN_LED_BLUE 10 // PA18 // Button #define PIN_BUTTON 7 // PA21 // Serial USB leds #define SERIAL_TX_LED 26 // PA27 #define SERIAL_RX_LED 25 // PB3 // Sensor Board Conector #define IO0 9 // PA7 -- CO Sensor Heather #define IO1 8 // PA6 -- NO2 Sensor Heater #define IO2 3 // PA9 -- Unused #define IO3 4 // PA8 -- Unused #define S0 A3 // PA4 -- CO Sensor #define S1 A4 // PA5 -- NO2 Sensor #define S2 A1 // PB8 -- CO Current Sensor #define S3 A2 // PB9 -- NO2 Current Sensor #define S4 A5 // PB2 -- Sound Sensor #define S5 A0 // PA2 -- Unused // SPI Configuration #define CS_SDCARD 2 // PA14 -- SPI Select SDcard // Power Management #define VCC 3300. // mV #define PS 38 // PA13 -- TPS63001 PS/SYNC // I2C address #define SHT21_I2C_DIR 0x40 // SHT21 Temperature and Humidity sensor #define BH1730_I2C_DIR 0x29 // BH1730 Light sensor #define ADC_DIR 0x48 // Direction of the ADC #define POT1 0x50 #define POT2 0x51 // I2C Direction of the Potenciometer 2 for MICS heather resistor (Rh) (channel_0 > CO) y (channel_1 > NO2) #define POT3 0x52 // I2C Direction of the Potenciometer 3 for MICS sensor resistor (Rs) #define POT4 0x53 #define RESOLUTION_ANALOG 4095. //Resolucion de las entradas analogicas #define ohmsPerStep 392.1568 //Constante de conversion a resistencia de potenciometrosen ohmios