//#include #include #include #include //#include #include #include #include #define UDP_TX_PACKET_MAX_SIZE 32 #define debug 0 #define RED 6 #define GREEN 5 #define BLUE 11 #define WHITE 9 int rele[4] = { 7, 4, 3, 2}; #define midi Serial1 bool B1State, B2State, B3State, B4State; bool lastB1State, lastB2State, lastB3State, lastB4State; byte mac[] = { 0x90, 0xA2, 0xDA, 0x10, 0x58, 0x9B // scenario1 //0x90, 0xA2, 0xDA, 0x10, 0x1B, 0x07 // scenario2 }; // you can find this written on the board of some Arduino Ethernets or shields //port numbers unsigned int inPort = 10001; unsigned int destPort = 10000; // TO SET SENDING PORT //the Arduino's IP IPAddress ip(10, 100, 50, 3 ); // Scenario 1 = , scenario2 = //the Computer's IP IPAddress destIp(10, 100, 50, 1); // Scenario 1 = , scenario2 = EthernetUDP Udp; void setup() { pinMode(RED, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(RED, LOW); pinMode(GREEN, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(GREEN, LOW); pinMode(BLUE, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(BLUE, LOW); pinMode(WHITE, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(WHITE, LOW); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { pinMode(rele[i], OUTPUT); digitalWrite(rele[i], LOW); } midi.begin(31250); if (debug) { Serial.begin(115200); while (!Serial) ; } Ethernet.begin(mac, ip); Udp.begin(inPort); //FastGPIO::Pin<20>::setInputPulledUp(); //FastGPIO::Pin<21>::setInputPulledUp(); //FastGPIO::Pin<22>::setInputPulledUp(); //FastGPIO::Pin<23>::setInputPulledUp(); pinMode(A2, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(A3, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(A4, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(A5, INPUT_PULLUP); Serial.println("Ready"); } void loop() { /* rele_test(); if (Serial1.available()) Serial.write(Serial1.read()); play notes from F#-0 (0x1E) to F#-5 (0x5A): noteOn(0x90, 20, 0x45); delay(500); for (int note = 0x1E; note < 0x5A; note ++) { //Note on channel 1 (0x90), some note value (note), middle velocity (0x45): noteOn(0x90, note, 0x45); delay(100); //Note on channel 1 (0x90), some note value (note), silent velocity (0x00): noteOn(0x90, note, 0x00); delay(100); } */ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////// RUTINA TRATAMIENTO DE ENTRADAS ANALOGICAS /////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //B1State = FastGPIO::Pin<20>::isInputHigh(); //B2State = FastGPIO::Pin<21>::isInputHigh(); //B3State = FastGPIO::Pin<22>::isInputHigh(); //B4State = FastGPIO::Pin<23>::isInputHigh(); B1State = digitalRead(A2); B2State = digitalRead(A3); B3State = digitalRead(A4); B4State = digitalRead(A5); if (B1State != lastB1State) { OSCMessage msg("/b1"); if (B1State == HIGH) { if(debug) Serial.println("OSC B1=0"); msg.add(0); } else { if(debug) Serial.println("OSC B1=1"); msg.add(1); } Udp.beginPacket(destIp, destPort); msg.send(Udp); // send the bytes to the SLIP stream Udp.endPacket(); // mark the end of the OSC Packet msg.empty(); // free space occupied by message delay(20); } if (B2State != lastB2State) { OSCMessage msg("/b2"); if (B2State == HIGH) { if(debug) Serial.println("OSC B2=0"); msg.add(0); } else { if(debug) Serial.println("OSC B2=1"); msg.add(1); } Udp.beginPacket(destIp, destPort); msg.send(Udp); // send the bytes to the SLIP stream Udp.endPacket(); // mark the end of the OSC Packet msg.empty(); // free space occupied by message delay(20); } if (B3State != lastB3State) { OSCMessage msg("/b3"); if (B3State == HIGH) { if(debug) Serial.println("OSC B3=0"); msg.add(0); } else { if(debug) Serial.println("OSC B3=1"); msg.add(1); } Udp.beginPacket(destIp, destPort); msg.send(Udp); // send the bytes to the SLIP stream Udp.endPacket(); // mark the end of the OSC Packet msg.empty(); // free space occupied by message delay(20); } if (B4State != lastB4State) { OSCMessage msg("/b4"); if (B4State == HIGH) { if(debug) Serial.println("OSC B4=0"); msg.add(0); } else { if(debug) Serial.println("OSC B4=1"); msg.add(1); } Udp.beginPacket(destIp, destPort); msg.send(Udp); // send the bytes to the SLIP stream Udp.endPacket(); // mark the end of the OSC Packet msg.empty(); // free space occupied by message delay(20); } lastB1State = B1State; lastB2State = B2State; lastB3State = B3State; lastB4State = B4State; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////// RUTINA TRATAMIENTO DE STRINGS DEL ETHERNET /////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// OSCMessage msg; int size; if ( (size = Udp.parsePacket()) > 0) { //Serial.print("mensaje recibido: "); //Serial.println(size); while (size--) { //msg.fill(Udp.read()); // 6ms uint8_t packetBuffer[UDP_TX_PACKET_MAX_SIZE]; Udp.read(packetBuffer, UDP_TX_PACKET_MAX_SIZE); // 500us msg.fill(packetBuffer, UDP_TX_PACKET_MAX_SIZE); } if (!msg.hasError()) { msg.dispatch("/s1/c1", caracola1); msg.dispatch("/s1/c2", caracola2); msg.dispatch("/s1/midi", midiplay); // /s2 -> Scenario 2 , /s1 -> Scenario 1 // msg.dispatch("/s2/c1", caracola1); // msg.dispatch("/s2/c2", caracola2); // msg.dispatch("/s2/midi", midiplay); // /s2 -> Scenario 2 , /s1 -> Scenario 1 } } } void rele_test() { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { digitalWrite(rele[i], HIGH); delay(100); digitalWrite(rele[i], LOW); delay(100); } } void rele_bang(int channel, int lenght) { digitalWrite(rele[channel], HIGH); delay(lenght); digitalWrite(rele[channel], LOW); delay(lenght); } void rele_midi(int channel, int state) { if (state) digitalWrite(rele[channel], HIGH); else digitalWrite(rele[channel], LOW); } // plays a MIDI note. Doesn't check to see that // cmd is greater than 127, or that data values are less than 127: void noteOn(int cmd, int pitch, int velocity) { midi.write(cmd); midi.write(pitch); midi.write(velocity); } void caracola1(OSCMessage &msg) { int vel = msg.getInt(0); bool state = msg.getInt(1); if (debug) { Serial.print("C1 Vel: "); Serial.print(vel); Serial.print(" "); Serial.print("C1 Note: "); Serial.println(state); } rele_midi(0, state); } void caracola2(OSCMessage &msg) { int vel = msg.getInt(0); bool state = msg.getInt(1); if (debug) { Serial.print("C2 Vel: "); Serial.print(vel); Serial.print(" "); Serial.print("C2 Note: "); Serial.println(state); } rele_midi(1, state); } void midiplay(OSCMessage &msg) { }