// FALTA ENVIAR EN FORMATO OSC EL ARRANQUE DEL WIFLY // ARDUINO LEONARDO - 5V - 16MHz - ATmega32u4 // http://arduino.cc/en/Guide/ArduinoLeonardo #include "WiFlyHQ.h" #include "ArdOSCForWiFlyHQ.h" #include #define wiflyEnabled true /* const char mySSID[] = "hangar_nau3"; const char myPassword[] = "m1cr0fug4s"; const char *IP = ""; const char mySSID[] = "Mi$Red"; const char myPassword[] = "FINALFANTASY"; const char *IP = ""; */ const char mySSID[] = "gira_li"; const char myPassword[] = "wifpanspermia"; const char *IP = ""; // receiber computer ip = showservernew /* const char mySSID[] = "xarxasat"; const char myPassword[] = "connexio$a$xarxasat"; const char *IP = ""; */ // const char *IP = ""; // broadcast per a tots... const uint16_t outPort = 8000; const uint16_t localPort = 9000; #define ADDRESS 0x61 // The address of the SD21 #define bat A1 #define ledBat 18 //A0 #define ledDatos 4 #define releServos 7 #define batThreshold 136 #define SERVO1 0x3F // Address of first servo RIGHT EYE X #define SERVO2 0x40 // RIGHT EYE Y #define SERVO3 0x41 // LEFT EYE X #define SERVO4 0x42 // LEFT EYE Y #define SERVO5 0x43 // LEFT PARP #define SERVO6 0x44 // RIGHT PARP #define SERVO7 0x45 // LEFT EAR #define SERVO8 0x46 // RIGHT EAR #define SERVO9 0x47 // MOUTH #define SERVO10 0x48 // TONGUE #define VELSERVO1 0x00 // Address of first servo speed #define VELSERVO2 0x03 #define VELSERVO3 0x06 #define VELSERVO4 0x09 #define VELSERVO5 0x0C #define VELSERVO6 0x0F #define VELSERVO7 0x12 #define VELSERVO8 0x15 #define VELSERVO9 0x18 #define VELSERVO10 0x1B //Ojos #define limit1Low 10 // RIGHT EYE X IN #define limit1High 100 // OUT #define center1 50 #define limit2Low 20 // RIGHT EYE Y DOWN #define limit2High 100 // UP #define center2 60 #define limit3Low 20 // LEFT EYE X OUT #define limit3High 120 // IN #define center3 40 // #define limit4Low 14 // LEFT EYE Y UP #define limit4High 90 // DOWN #define center4 52 //Orejas y parpados #define limit5Low 7 // LEFT PARP CLOSE #define limit5High 75 // OPEN #define center5 55 #define limit6Low 12 // RIGHT PARP OPEN #define limit6High 75 // CLOSE #define center6 65 #define limit7Low 3 // RIGHT EAR CLOSE #define limit7High 90 // OPEN #define center7 10 #define limit8Low 1 // LEFT EAR CLOSE #define limit8High 90 // OPEN #define center8 5 //Lengua y boca #define limit9Low 1 // MOUTH OPEN #define limit9High 100 // CLOSE #define center9 100 // ;) #define limit10Low 6 // TONGUE OUT #define limit10High 105 // IN #define center10 40 uint32_t lastSend = 0; uint32_t lastEvent = 0; uint8_t intValue1, intValue2, intValue3, intValue4; uint8_t limitsHigh[10] = {limit1High, limit2High, limit3High, limit4Low, limit5High, limit6Low, limit7High, limit8High, limit9High, limit10High}; uint8_t limitsLow[10] = {limit1Low, limit2Low, limit3Low, limit4High, limit5Low, limit6High, limit7Low, limit8Low, limit9Low, limit10Low}; WiFly wifly; OSCClient client(&wifly); OSCServer server(&wifly); void setup() { Wire.begin(); #define TWI_FREQ 400000L //Frecuencia bus I2C TWBR = ((F_CPU / TWI_FREQ) - 16) / 2; pinMode(ledDatos, OUTPUT); // LED DATOS pinMode(releServos, OUTPUT); // RELE pinMode(ledBat, OUTPUT); // LED BATERIA Serial.begin(115200); #if wiflyEnabled wifly.setupForUDP( &Serial1, // the serial you want to use (this can also be a software serial) 115200, // if you use a hardware serial, I would recommend the full 115200 true, // should we try some other baudrates if the currently selected one fails? mySSID, // Your Wifi Name (SSID) myPassword, // Your Wifi Password "CAP", // Device name for identification in the network 0, // IP Adress of the Wifly. if 0 (without quotes), it will use dhcp to get an ip "" localPort, // WiFly receive port IP, // Where to send outgoing Osc messages. "" will send to all hosts in the subnet outPort, // outgoing port false // show debug information on Serial ); // * Flush the incoming data from the WiFly. // * @param timeout - the number of milliseconds to wait for additional data to flush. Default is 500msecs. // wifly.flushRx(1); wifly.printStatusInfo(); //print some debug information server.addCallback("/m1",&setMotor1); server.addCallback("/m2",&setMotor2); server.addCallback("/m3",&setMotor3); server.addCallback("/v1",&setVel1); server.addCallback("/v2",&setVel2); server.addCallback("/v3",&setVel3); server.addCallback("/r", &sReset); server.addCallback("/s",&setStop); server.addCallback("/t",&test); server.addCallback("/kp/ullxDRE",&setULLdreX); server.addCallback("/kp/ullxESQ",&setULLesqX); server.addCallback("/kp/ullyDRE",&setULLdreY); server.addCallback("/kp/ullyESQ",&setULLesqY); server.addCallback("/kp/orelDRE",&setOREdre); server.addCallback("/kp/orelESQ",&setOREesq); server.addCallback("/kp/parpDRE",&setPARdre); server.addCallback("/kp/parpESQ",&setPAResq); server.addCallback("/kp/boca",&setBoca); server.addCallback("/kp/lleng",&setLleng); #endif digitalWrite(releServos, HIGH); // ARRANCA LA PLACA DE SERVOS (RELE ON) delay(100); servoReset(); // RESETEAMOS SERVOS A POSICION CENTRAL // SD21(SERVO5, limit5Low); // SD21(SERVO9, limit9Low); } void loop() { //if (Serial.available()) SD21(SERVO10, Serial.read()); //Busqueda de limites //if (Serial.available()) moveServo(SERVO9, Serial.read()); //Busqueda de centros #if wiflyEnabled if ((millis() - lastSend) > 30000) { // interrupccion cada 30s para enviar estado de bateria y actualizacion de led digitalWrite(ledDatos, LOW); uint32_t bateria = (int)(analogRead(bat)/4); if( bateria < batThreshold) // Bat MAX 16V = 203 digitalWrite(ledBat, HIGH); // Bat 11V = 136 else // Bat min 10V = 125 digitalWrite(ledBat, LOW); bateria = map(bateria, 130, 210, 0, 100); if( bateria > 100 ) bateria = 100; else if( bateria < 0 ) bateria = 0; client.sendInt(bateria,"/bt"); //Serial.println(bateria); lastSend = millis(); digitalWrite(ledDatos, HIGH); } if ((millis() - lastEvent) > 60000) { // INTERRUPCION PARA PONER EN REPOSO LOS SERVOS TRAS 60 SEG DE INACTIVIDAD digitalWrite(releServos, LOW); } /* if ((millis() - lastEvent) < 2) { // ELIMINA BUFFER SI LLEGAN MENSAJES A MAS X VECES POR SEGUNDO //wifly.flushRx(); //Serial1.read(); } */ if(server.availableCheck(2)>0) { lastEvent = millis(); // inicializo contador de actividad! //digitalWrite(releServos, HIGH); // Activamos la placa de motores digitalWrite(ledDatos, LOW); // led de datos ON } digitalWrite(ledDatos, HIGH); // led de datos OFF #endif }