#include "SLIPEncodedSerial.h" /* CONSTRUCTOR */ //instantiate with the tranmission layer //use HardwareSerial SLIPEncodedSerial::SLIPEncodedSerial(HardwareSerial &s){ serial = &s; rstate = CHAR; } static const uint8_t eot = 0300; static const uint8_t slipesc = 0333; static const uint8_t slipescend = 0334; static const uint8_t slipescesc = 0335; /* SERIAL METHODS */ bool SLIPEncodedSerial::endofPacket() { if(rstate == SECONDEOT) { rstate = CHAR; return true; } if (rstate==FIRSTEOT) { if(serial->available()) { uint8_t c =serial->peek(); if(c==eot) { serial->read(); // throw it on the floor } } rstate = CHAR; return true; } return false; } int SLIPEncodedSerial::available(){ back: int cnt = serial->available(); if(cnt==0) return 0; if(rstate==CHAR) { uint8_t c =serial->peek(); if(c==slipesc) { rstate = SLIPESC; serial->read(); // throw it on the floor goto back; } else if( c==eot) { rstate = FIRSTEOT; serial->read(); // throw it on the floor goto back; } return 1; // we may have more but this is the only sure bet } else if(rstate==SLIPESC) return 1; else if(rstate==FIRSTEOT) { if(serial->peek()==eot) { rstate = SECONDEOT; serial->read(); // throw it on the floor return 0; } rstate = CHAR; }else if (rstate==SECONDEOT) { rstate = CHAR; } return 0; } //reads a byte from the buffer int SLIPEncodedSerial::read(){ back: uint8_t c = serial->read(); if(rstate==CHAR) { if(c==slipesc) { rstate=SLIPESC; goto back; } else if(c==eot){ return -1; // xxx this is an error } return c; } else if(rstate==SLIPESC) { rstate=CHAR; if(c==slipescend) return eot; else if(c==slipescesc) return slipesc; else { // insert some error code here return -1; } } else return -1; } // as close as we can get to correct behavior int SLIPEncodedSerial::peek(){ uint8_t c = serial->peek(); if(rstate==SLIPESC) { if(c==slipescend) return eot; else if(c==slipescesc) return slipesc; } return c; } //the arduino and wiring libraries have different return types for the write function #if defined(WIRING) || defined(BOARD_DEFS_H) //encode SLIP void SLIPEncodedSerial::write(uint8_t b){ if(b == eot){ serial->write(slipesc); return serial->write(slipescend); } else if(b==slipesc) { serial->write(slipesc); return serial->write(slipescesc); } else { return serial->write(b); } } void SLIPEncodedSerial::write(const uint8_t *buffer, size_t size) { while(size--) write(*buffer++); } #else //encode SLIP size_t SLIPEncodedSerial::write(uint8_t b){ if(b == eot){ serial->write(slipesc); return serial->write(slipescend); } else if(b==slipesc) { serial->write(slipesc); return serial->write(slipescesc); } else { return serial->write(b); } } size_t SLIPEncodedSerial::write(const uint8_t *buffer, size_t size) { size_t result; while(size--) result = write(*buffer++); return result; } #endif void SLIPEncodedSerial::begin(unsigned long baudrate){ serial->begin(baudrate); } //SLIP specific method which begins a transmitted packet void SLIPEncodedSerial::beginPacket() { serial->write(eot); } //signify the end of the packet with an EOT void SLIPEncodedSerial::endPacket(){ serial->write(eot); } void SLIPEncodedSerial::flush(){ serial->flush(); }