/** * @file SFE_CC3000_Callbacks.h * @brief Callback functions for the CC3000 library * @author Shawn Hymel (SparkFun Electronics) * * @copyright This code is public domain but you buy me a beer if you use * this and we meet someday (Beerware license). * * These functions implement the required callbacks for the provided TI CC3000 * library. The Arduino library provides the functions' addresses so the TI * library can call them. */ #ifndef SFE_CC3000_CALLBACKS_H #define SFE_CC3000_CALLBACKS_H /* Callback functions */ void cc3000AsyncCallback(long lEventType, char * data, unsigned char length); char *sendFirmwarePatch(unsigned long *Length); char *sendDriverPatch(unsigned long *Length); char *sendBootLoaderPatch(unsigned long *Length); long readWlanInterruptPin(); void enableWlanInterrupt(); void disableWlanInterrupt(); void writeWlanPin(unsigned char val); #endif